Logbook entry

Fifth Entry 23 JUN 3306 0754

23 Jun 2020Jade Merrydown
RIght I get it, I said I was going to make this log last night, but by the time I got back to Wicca Station, and how much energy I had to put into trying to explain to Tulisan how to get more jump range out of his DBX. Gods all he had to do was drop that fucking cargo bay, but no he "had to have it, what if he found something rare?!"

Well anyway we got there, started getting some of the blueprint fragments that these engineers need to make this hybrid tech stuff. These sites are so damn creepy, they feel like driving around a tomb, I suppose they are in some respects, Hell they even have some caretakers, very shooty caretakers that are also extremely creepy, Those honking noises are going to be in my dreams for a while.

All the while we were there I could see the Witchhead Nebula in the skyline, dripping with malice. Once I'm ready I'll be back out there, and I will be hunting those bastard Thargoids down.

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