Too Late To Help in Deciat
19 Nov 2019Scubadog
I was nearly finished engineering my newer Corvette for the trip home to Colonia when I discovered a Thargoid ship was attacking a cargo vessel. Unfortunately, The Ceti Nexiv is configured for the trip home, not bug-swatting. So, I sped back to Arexe, the home of The Silverbacks, to swap out for my Vulture, which is configured for this. Unfortunately, by the time I returned to the cargo vessel, the Thargoid was nowhere to be found and the ship was burning and covered in 'goid snot. A few rescue vessels were already arriving to answer the mayday. Upon further investigation, several large vessels were significantly damaged by Thargoid attacks. It's unknown if it was the same ship I witnessed, or multiple Thargoids in a coordinated attack. Regardless, there's no kind of help I can give them with a Vulture.
I've stored the Vulture again and I'm back in the Corvette. Shortly, I'll be lifting off to hit Stuart Retreat. There's word that some notable materials are there that I can scavenge. I'll need to stock up for my trip home.