Leytra's Expedition Log - 04 Attacked!Logbook Entry: Stardate: 981682.4953197733 Lundwall City, LTT 1349 The Gnosis was attacked by Thargoids, Eagle Eye had us warned of that. But the sheer amount of ships, we couldn't fight that away, while some people lured the main force away, there...
Leytra's Expedition Log - 02 a short interludeLogbook Entry: Stardate: 981665.8889900832 Various different bits of space So, with the news of these new thargoids possibly being based where the Gnosis is about to jump, I found myself a good bit concerned by that. Now this beluga is a luxurious...
Leytra's Expedition Log - 01Logbook Entry: Stardate: 981643.7462052217 The Gnosis, HD 51502 So, the great megaship has made it's first jump and I'm now a nice bit further out from troubles of 'civilised' space. Out here the megaship is the only refuge available, and it's...
Leytra's Space Log - 05Logbook Entry: Stardate 981637.8517759562 The Gnosis, 64 Orionis I've been running silent for quite a while, keeping off the radar and hoping nothing was going to fling back on me. It's worked enough that I feel safe again. So I'm going to let myself...
Leytra's Space Log - 04Logbook Entry: Stardate: 981333.3453501314 Logbook Entry, Lundwall City, LTT 1349. I'm concerned, I returned home to the loft from some.. special operations around the empire and found an interesting message, on my bedside table. This is not normal,...
Leytra's Space Log - 03Logbook Entry: Stardate: 981296.2873469442 Lundwall City, LTT 1349 A most.. curious, event occurred today, while in the process of shipping a large amount of goods in-system, I was contacted on an East India Company secure channel by a shadowy figure,...
Leytra's Space Log - 02Logbook Entry: Stardate 981282.507431441 Space. Phra Saman System, in transit to Longomontanus Dock I'm moving up in the world by quite the margin. Over an easy day I've built up a solid friendship with my sector's running crowd, the East India...
Leytra's Space Log - 01Logbook Entry: Stardate 981279.204740943 Lundwall City Station, LTT 1349 Having found my way to Imperial space following a few nova jumps. I find myself taking a berth in a station known as 'Lundwall City' I am instantly provided with a...