Damaged mega ship and the Thargoids7, January, 3307. First chance I've had to log an incident while on patrol with another squadron member. My friend, Shogun19533, and I were investigating a damaged mega ship (5, January, 3307) in the Delphi system orbiting the second planet. The vessel...
Imperial Navy promotion to DukeIt's been a long haul. Lots of missions, but most notably.... saving stranded passengers trapped in MACKENZIE station in the Cemiess system. It was somewhat unnerving, but I held it together to keep going back. The station is a wreck, on fire and damaged...
Kavanagh Spaceframes Ltd - Starport building tools haul19, Sept., 3306. Hauled over 18,000 tons of building fabricators to Blaauw hub in the Tenche system for Kavanagh Spaceframes Ltd. It seems many commanders participated in bringing building supplies for reconditioning starports in systems designated...