Lost Souls II - Misc. Log EntrySomewhere in the cargo hold of my ship I found a bottle of Jameson Black Barrel from the year 2019... Yeah... It's been a hell of a week with all the exploring and mapping so what better way to relax than with a thousand year old bottle of Irish Whiskey....
Lost Souls II Day 4 - So Far So GoodI've gone off the beaten path for the last few days in order to put my mark on the universe. I've discovered and mapped a few new systems with some very interesting features but nothing to really make history with. This is the farthest I've ever been...
Lost Souls II - Day 1 - A Day LateDue to a scheduling problem between my suppliers and the Federal Navy I was on the other side of the bubble Saturday when everyone got together in Hajangai for the mass launch. So when I woke up this morning I pointed my ship in the direction of Schwann...
Giorgio A. TsoukalosAfter extensive research into 21st Century science and astronomy I have discovered an individual who's contributions and research into "alien" technology was never fully appreciated during his own lifetime. Giorgio A. Tsoukalos was a famous...
Mining and StuffSo I've finally got a pretty good handle on this whole mining thing. To be honest I really didn't want to get involved in it because it seemed a little boring to me but over the last few days I've pulled in a few million credits and I gotta be honest...
Gearing Up For Lost Souls IISo for a while now I've enjoyed a pretty simple life. Trading in the bubble a few jumps into the black for some easy money on a planet scan or two, typical stuff. A few months back I joined up with a Squadron called The Fatherhood and to be completely...