Logbook entry

INRA Base - Taylor Keep

30 May 2018Robert Phillips
My final lead for locating info on INRA led me to Ain. I detected an Unregistered Comms Beacon around Ain 2 transmitting the following message at 15 mins past the hour every hour:


It carried INRA's encoded signature, and referenced a body at 12 Trianguli A 1. I laid in a course and engaged my hyperdrive to investigate further.

Upon arrival at 12 Trianguli A 1 I began a detailed scan of the planet's surface. Sure enough, I detected a signal at coords -51.5711, 130.6677.

The signal source was just on the edge of the dark side of the planet, obscuring it's source. But engaging my ship's headlights revealed it to be an abandoned base: Taylor Keep.

I deployed my SRV and began a close-up inspection. Being obscured in darkness required me to map the site by headlights alone. It was difficult to make out specific details but certain things were evident that marked this site to be different to others I had encountered up until now:

  • It was much larger than normal.
  • It was surrounded by (inactive) defence turrets.
  • It had a landing pad and control tower.

There were also 3 Comms Settlement Uplink points I was able to hack for more information:

All Our Hopes 1/3
…Bypassing security protocols…
…Secure connection established…
…Communications record 1/3…

I’ll admit I had my reservations about this Commander Jameson. I looked into his background and apparently he climbed the ranks of the Pilots Federation with unprecedented speed. He’s revered by other pilots. But that doesn’t mean he’s suited to the task.

But then it struck me – all we need is someone who can get the payload where it needs to go. The hard work – the development of the mycoid – has already been done. All Jameson has to do is push a button.

The important thing is to play up the whole ‘saving humanity’ angle. Make him feel like a hero. That should stop him asking too many questions.

And if everything goes wrong, we can just pin the blame on him.

All Our Hopes 2/3
…Bypassing security protocols…
…Secure connection established…
…Communications record 2/3…

Having received the payload from the Alnath system we’ve prepared a number of medium-range missiles loaded with the weaponised version of the mycoid.

Jameson will be here in three days to prep for the mission, which should give us more than enough time to fit his vessel. Apparently he insisted on using his own ship. I’ve also ordered that some special modifications be made to his craft.

He’ll have to get close to launch the missiles, so it’s unlikely he’ll be coming back. But if he does survive, there are contingencies in place.

All Our Hopes 3/3
…Bypassing security protocols…
…Secure connection established…
…Communications record 3/3…

To: Commander Jameson
From: Amaro Hem, Programme Coordinator

Welcome, Commander Jameson. Your reputation precedes you. We are extremely grateful you chose to accept this mission.

I understand that the purpose of the assignment has been explained to you, but allow me to reiterate: this mission, if executed successfully, could mean the end of our war with the Thargoids. Its importance cannot be overstated.

The consignment has been loaded onto your ship. We have made some minor modification to your vessel, but it should not affect the performance or functionality in any way.

This is an extremely dangerous mission, Commander. You will be heading deep into enemy territory. If anything goes wrong, you’re on your own.

Good luck, Commander. The future of the human race is in your hands. All our hopes and prayers go with you.

So, incredibly, INRA had managed to secure the services of Cmdr John Jameson - a legend, even now.  He disappeared, and no one knew what had happened to him. This could provide a clue to his last known whereabouts. Judging by the logs, INRA were prepared to remove him, even if his mission was successful.

Without any further INRA leads, I decided to return to the Squirrel's Nest Bar at Pleione 4 to review my data and see what I had missed over these past few months...
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