Logbook entry

Personal log record - 28.03.3310

29 May 2024Kasumi Goto
Private log
Location tag hidden

Where to... where to start. I don't know.

I'm so tired. And bored.

It is so boring. Travelling through deep space on a carrier, just waiting for jump, after jump, after jump... and then, so many hours doing nothing, so they are not stressed. Urgh. I would always just be in the bed, but then they always want you to sit when it jumps. Stupid. Annoying.

And when I am bored, I get distracted by 'myself' too easily. But that is not good too. There is only so much, I can do here. On the ship. I would leave it, to explore the area around, but then...

There are those days, which I hate the most. Where just... where just nothing works. Where I can only lie in bed, or... something... and my brain barely does anything. All because of that... stupid Thargoid thing in my head. I know it made me like I am now, which I like, but I still would like to not have it, in my head. Their stupid voices, they are always there, even so far away. And people continuing to bother the Titans, like they have nothing better to do than blow aliens up, not figuring out a solution, it does not help.

Today is like this, too, and the only thing I can do is write this.

I hate it so much. And I am not even in the mood to explore. I tried, sending the carrier ahead one jump while I stayed behind, to catch up. Except, after two jumps of my own, I already wanted to be back on it, and felt bored out of my mind. It was not helped by trying to find some "bacteria" on a frozen planet, and it was horrible. The vehicle wanted to slip everywhere, instead of driving forward, it was hard to see the stupid things, and looking on foot was even worse. The only thing I did was nearly land on my chest, or 'rear bumper' a few times. I will not be looking for it again, except from the air, and if it is not the same color as the ground. Stupid stuff.

And they barely pay you anything for it, too. Because I asked the representative on my carrier. Five million for the first discovery. Yet you get nearly a hundred for a thing that is so easy to find, you would have to be blind to miss it. And I spent more than an hour getting very frustrated on that planet. I would have liked to throw the sample out into an atmosphere, from orbit, but it is only data once you have it.

This log is not helping. I only get more annoyed, writing it. Maybe I will just stop writing again here, and sleep more. It would probably help with the dumb headache.

I hope this last site I am going to look into will tell me more about this dumb project. Or I will be annoyed at wasting so much time, too.

[End of log. Saving to private journal.]
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