Logbook entry

Woohoo! I finally get the Cobra I wanted

29 Nov 2024Mark Wells
Oh... my... god! I genuinely never thought I'd get the chance. Back when, probably about eight years ago Faulcon DeLacy released the Cobra Mk IV as a limited edition ship. The Cobra has always been my favourite ship to fly. Thing is though I was tied up with a work project with a lot to do, so I got all the dates wrong. When I went to buy my own Mk IV I found that I'd missed the sale by one day... one bloody day!

Ever since I've wanted the Faulcon DeLacy to re-open sales of the ship, but they just never have. I've been gutted all this time, doubly so when I see other commanders flying them in and around starports. Imagine my surprise then when I get the news that the company is releasing a new ship and, it's the Cobra Mk V. Upgraded and improved from the previous model. I was ecstatic!

Hopefully they've fixed the power problems that plagued the Mk IV. My brother, Cmdr Travers has one and he told me years ago that unless you spent time engineering the thing you had to choose between weapons and engines. That's not much good in a fight.

Anyway I'm back in the bubble right now, been out doing some exploring for Travers, but that's in my last log entry so I won't repeat myself. It's a cool project though, if Brewer ever sort out the engine problems I've heard about. All my ships and modules are back home at Colonia though, so I've had to transfer my Mk III and a Power Distributor over from Ratraii. It's not an issue though as that last trip made me a few billion, I can afford it.

It's great that the Mk V and the Mk III are almost completely interchangeable for modules, which makes the job a lot easier. This time though they'll be no mistakes as I'll be buying my Mk V on DAY ONE, I'll be first in the queue like one of those people who queued around the block to buy that new fancy communicator thing a couple of decades ago. I never got one of those, don't like 'em.

So WOOHOO! I finally get my own Cobra. Don't get me wrong, I like the Mk III. I called mine "Missed Horizons", you know because of all those exploration horizons I'd be missing out on as the ship was just too small to take into the black for long periods. This is an exciting time. Just ten days to go now.
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︎2 Shiny!

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