Inara updates, bug reports, requests
When you try to link your accounts, you may receive the http error 400 about expired tokens. It's an issue on Frontier's end that I cannot solve on Inara. Fortunately, the solution is simple - please give it a few days and it will start to work later (probably when the access token on their cAPI server expires). If the error 400 appeared later and it worked before, try to reauthenticate as said in the error message (may be just a regular reauth forced by Frontier). Alternatively, you can try to use the workaround below. If even that won't work, it's the problem described above.
Please vote for the issue on the official bug tracker:
Possible workaround: Try to connect the account while you are in the game. It may work.
Game data and imports not available for console commanders and PC players with Legacy game version
Inara supports only the Live game version (so PC Horizons 4.0 and Odyssey) since game update 14, thus all the game data on the site and the commander data imports work only for those game versions.
20 Nov 2024, 2:46pm
21 Nov 2024, 12:42am
Engineer Ram Tah: the list of "Blueprints & upgrades" does not include guardian: modules and Nanite Torpedo Pylon
Probably, forgot to put it on the list for this engineer
21 Nov 2024, 8:19am
21 Nov 2024, 10:31am
Bug: If you pledge to a power and later leave the power, the Power field on your profile in Inara is not set to "Independent".
21 Nov 2024, 11:35am
Jack'lulGuardian Nanite Torpedo is resistant to anti-guardian field by default, is it not? Why would it list to have the blueprint for it?
To be honest, I don't know why this blueprint would be there.
But it is in the general list of "Blueprints & upgrades"
21 Nov 2024, 11:54am
Engineer Ram Tah: the list of "Blueprints & upgrades" does not include guardian: modules and Nanite Torpedo Pylon
Probably, forgot to put it on the list for this engineer
Hello, that's correct as they cannot be engineered. Or something has changed and they can be a subject of engineering now? I didn't check these lately...
Hugo TaigaHello,
Bug: If you pledge to a power and later leave the power, the Power field on your profile in Inara is not set to "Independent".
Hello, thanks for the report. When you have left the power, did you changed it manually, imported the game data via button on your Commander page or the update was made via API through some app like EDMC? If the last option was the case, it looks like a problem on its end.
Last edit: 21 Nov 2024, 12:14pm
21 Nov 2024, 5:37pm
Hello, that's correct as they cannot be engineered. Or something has changed and they can be a subject of engineering now? I didn't check these lately...
Yes, in update 18.07 or earlier, added the ability to upgrade Guardian Modules
"Ram Tah has been hard at work continuing his investigations of the Anti-Guardian Zone deployed by Thargoids. His most recent breakthrough now allows all Guardian Modules to have the Anti-Guardian Zone Resistance modification applied to them, without penalty."
21 Nov 2024, 8:30pm
(I'll reference this post elsewhere and then edit this with any additions and/or updates.)
This works using the uBlock Origin plugin or add-on, so you'll need to add that plugin/add-on to your web browser. You'll then paste the code into the custom filters area of uBlock Origin (uBlock Dashboard -> My Filters).
! Removes posts containing the default INARA ignore text warning. (Remove the ### in the message text, if you want it to work. I added it here so this post doesn't disappear when you use it.)"This### post was made by a user who is currently on your ignore list."))
! Removes posts from the "Latest posts" page containing the default INARA ignore text warning."This### post was made by a user who is currently on your ignore list."))
! For the following filters, if you want to filter more than one user replace USER with (USER1|USER2).
! Removes only the blockquote containing quoted text from USER. (The ^ and $ are to ensure additional users aren't caught in the search filter.)
! Place an exclamation point at the start of the next line if you do NOT want to use this style of post correction.^USER$/))
! Removes the entire post containing quoted text from USER. (Disable this one, if you prefer the blockquote method.)
! Place an exclamation point at the start of the next line if you do NOT want to use this style of post correction.^USER$/))
! Removes the poster name and time box(es) from the Overview page if they contain contains USER.> a.postername:has-text(/^USER$/))
! Removes posts from the Latest Posts listing on the Overview page if made by USER.^USER$/))
Edit 2024-11-22 00:36:58 UTC: Added some filters for the Overview page content and also added an explanation of how to handle multiple users in filters.
Edit 2024-11-22 02:56:16 UTC: Added basic instructions and made the code easier to copy-paste.
Last edit: 22 Nov 2024, 3:09am
22 Nov 2024, 2:36am
IndyHere are some helpful uBlock Origin custom filters to supplement built-in Inara features:
(I'll reference this post elsewhere and then edit this with any additions and/or updates.)
! Removes posts containing the default INARA ignore text warning. (Remove the ### in the message text, if you want it to work. I added it here so this post doesn't disappear when you use it.)"This### post was made by a user who is currently on your ignore list."))
! Removes posts from the "Latest posts" page containing the default INARA ignore text warning."This### post was made by a user who is currently on your ignore list."))
! Removes only the blockquote containing quoted text from USER. (The ^ and $ are to ensure additional users aren't caught in the search filter. If you want to filter more than one user replace USER with (USER1|USER2).)^USER$/))
! Removes the entire post containing quoted text from USER. (Disable this one, if you prefer the blockquote method.)^USER$/))
! Removes the poster name and time box(es) from the Overview page if they contain contains USER.> a.postername:has-text(/^USER$/))
! Removes posts from the Latest Posts listing on the Overview page if made by USER.^USER$/))
Edit 2024-11-22 00:36:58 UTC: Added some filters for the Overview page content and also added an explanation of how to handle multiple users in filters.
Thanks for posting this but how does it work? Where should I paste it?
22 Nov 2024, 2:54am
Thinder Thanks for posting this but how does it work? Where should I paste it?
You'll need the uBlock Origin plugin or add-on for your web browser. You'll then paste the code into the custom filters area of uBlock Origin (uBlock Dashboard -> My Filters).
I'll also update the OP to make it easier to copy-paste all of the filters together and add these basic steps there.
22 Nov 2024, 3:16am
IndyThinder Thanks for posting this but how does it work? Where should I paste it?
You'll need the uBlock Origin plugin or add-on for your web browser. You'll then paste the code into the custom filters area of uBlock Origin (uBlock Dashboard -> My Filters).
I'll also update the OP to make it easier to copy-paste all of the filters together and add these basic steps there.
Thank you!
22 Nov 2024, 8:28am
IndyHere are some helpful uBlock Origin custom filters to supplement built-in Inara features:
(I'll reference this post elsewhere and then edit this with any additions and/or updates.)
It seems to works perfectly! I don't see that guy anymore, wonderful

Last edit: 22 Nov 2024, 8:38am
22 Nov 2024, 8:49am
ArtieHello, thanks for the report. When you have left the power, did you changed it manually, imported the game data via button on your Commander page or the update was made via API through some app like EDMC? If the last option was the case, it looks like a problem on its end.
I usually let E:D Market Connector to update the status automatically, so it's probably its fault. However, manual update on the Commander page didn't fix the issue.
22 Nov 2024, 11:59am
Hugo TaigaArtieHello, thanks for the report. When you have left the power, did you changed it manually, imported the game data via button on your Commander page or the update was made via API through some app like EDMC? If the last option was the case, it looks like a problem on its end.
I usually let E:D Market Connector to update the status automatically, so it's probably its fault. However, manual update on the Commander page didn't fix the issue.
Yep, as there is a newer Power pledged record known, the older ones aren't processed, so importing the data again won't fill the history back.

IndyHere are some helpful uBlock Origin custom filters to supplement built-in Inara features:
(I'll reference this post elsewhere and then edit this with any additions and/or updates.)
This works using the uBlock Origin plugin or add-on, so you'll need to add that plugin/add-on to your web browser. You'll then paste the code into the custom filters area of uBlock Origin (uBlock Dashboard -> My Filters).
Thanks for the tip. I generally do not recommend it as it may break something down the line (for example on broken quotes markup or won't work on name changes, etc.) and it generally suffers by the same problems I considered while thinking about the backend implementation, but as a temporal solution, why not.

Yes, in update 18.07 or earlier, added the ability to upgrade Guardian Modules
"Ram Tah has been hard at work continuing his investigations of the Anti-Guardian Zone deployed by Thargoids. His most recent breakthrough now allows all Guardian Modules to have the Anti-Guardian Zone Resistance modification applied to them, without penalty."
Ah, I somehow missed that! I will update it then, thanks.

Last edit: 22 Nov 2024, 3:34pm
22 Nov 2024, 2:13pm
Artie Thanks for the tip. I generally do not recommend it as it may break something down the line (for example on broken quotes markup or won't work on name changes, etc.) and it generally suffers by the same problems I considered why thinking about the backend implementation, but as a temporal solution, why not.
Valid and important points. If I were in your place building and managing this amazing and helpful resource, I would have made many of the same decisions about privacy settings for a variety of reasons. That's also why I do not want these alterations to be/become feature requests.
In any case, I appreciate and commend you having a stance that does not stifle user's choices for themselves with such things. (I'll add a note or sentence to the post at some point mentioning the temporary nature of these cosmetic changes.)
Link to Inara Discord: