Elite: General talk
09 Jan 2021, 12:11pm
Post edited/moved by: Artie, 09 Jan 2021, 2:47pm
09 Jan 2021, 12:36pm
Synthya WylderI think that a higher than average age can be found playing E:D vs most other games in the genre.
Can confirm this, 53 cycles around the sun.
Post edited/moved by: Artie, 09 Jan 2021, 2:48pm
09 Jan 2021, 12:42pm
Post edited/moved by: Artie, 09 Jan 2021, 2:49pm
09 Jan 2021, 1:01pm
Post edited/moved by: Artie, 09 Jan 2021, 2:49pm
09 Jan 2021, 1:10pm
Igneel PrimeElite and EVE both have an older audience because the original Elite came out some time ago now so that audience is a bit older these days and EVE was made mainly for adults anyway and that 17 years ago now. And I think it's beautiful. Memes hate on boomers but those I have played video games with are some of the best team mates. We had an over 80 year old playing EVE in our alliance. PlanetSide2 I played with an over 75 year old Vietnam Vet (probably 80 at this point too). And Elite has a lot of 80s and 90s kids playing it because they grew up with the original.
^--see i like this guy...however im a lowsec pirate from Cruisers crew,, we fuck shit up and then we drop supers... in elite, i am the same nasty pirate, if you pick me on sensors is because im already coming for you, your cargo, and your wreck salvage. iI go out of the bubble when i get bored of killing, i go take pretty pics then i come back and murder more shit. is all the same...buncha spaceships, buncha guns and missiles and ways to make your shinny shit go boom, so I LIKE IT. and you can only stop me by staying hidden from me in your solo session or being good in open. And btw, when elite originally came out i was 5 years old i did however grew up playing frontier pc games among others.
And when people hate on boomers( specially at the gym), i show them my abs at 240 pounds 5, 11 after a 500 pound squat set and be like.... where you at young blood? Cause im at 14% body fat getting ready for contest and then i smile as they turn walk way while their friend goes, DAAAAAMMMMMM BUDDY!!! (minus 2020 of course)
Post edited/moved by: Artie, 09 Jan 2021, 2:50pm
09 Jan 2021, 1:18pm
Post edited/moved by: Artie, 09 Jan 2021, 2:50pm
09 Jan 2021, 1:26pm
Post edited/moved by: Artie, 09 Jan 2021, 2:50pm
09 Jan 2021, 1:52pm
Cephywe can try... bring some ships, and friends. i play dirty AF
To be fair, buddy, from following your character in the Off Station page, you seem to be first person I've ever seen Combat Log during Roleplay.
Post edited/moved by: Artie, 09 Jan 2021, 2:50pm
09 Jan 2021, 2:05pm
Case in point, put 2 player head to head in EVE, same ships same build setup, chances are youll have a 50 50 outcome.
Do exactly the same in ED and its down to pilot skill who wins, the big stick is less effective.
And the amount of idiots in there is intolerable, ask a question and the answer you get back will have 40 side paths, contain little about what you need to know and finish by knowing what the guy had for lunch and thats just on the help channell, the other channels getting a reply is a joke.
The players skill depends on the person in the seat, not what happens when I right click this menu up, your going to get it. EVE Isnt a sim, never was. Although the idea of building your own stuff up from scratch is appealing, it still comes down to numbers on a spread sheet, nothing more. EVE requires zero skill, just knowledge to work with numbers and have a lot of cash to throw away.
In two months ive spent more in EVE than I have playing EDH for the last 5 years, not to mention, Elite, Frontier, Horizons, ED and now EDH, Odyssey is questionable, not much into doom games. I love ED, David Braben should be knighted, 1986 to 2021 and his games still popular. EVE well they just add a few new menus and a coup0le of right clicks and call it an update.
Post edited/moved by: Artie, 09 Jan 2021, 2:51pm
09 Jan 2021, 2:09pm
Post edited/moved by: Artie, 09 Jan 2021, 2:51pm
09 Jan 2021, 2:11pm

Edit: That was to the comment about EVE
Post edited/moved by: Artie, 09 Jan 2021, 2:51pm
09 Jan 2021, 2:19pm
Synthya WylderI think that a higher than average age can be found playing E:D vs most other games in the genre.
Game's just too "demanding". Whenever I try attracting someone closer to my age to ED, they say that they'd rather play an arcade game, not a simultion.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 09 Jan 2021, 2:51pm
09 Jan 2021, 2:24pm
Post edited/moved by: Artie, 09 Jan 2021, 2:52pm
09 Jan 2021, 2:54pm
CephyRat CatcherI do find the minority view that this game should be PvP focussed amusing...
Even sillier that open is considered something special and deserving some 'reward'!
Usually such tat is spouted by males who still believe something small is actually important
Rofl...which is why you don't play open
i don't think the game should be any specific way...i do however behave in this game as i do in any other mmo, a greedy murderous pirate. if you got cargo and no friends in open and i spot you. you are in trouble, that's HOW I PLAY...everyone is free to play however they want...including in private groups. I just Still think your private group wallet should be separate from your open play wallet. and i don't think you have anything to refute that. Also what is with the stereotyping? is that what we are doing here or do you want to adult for a second and try to make sense? What does me being a male have to do with the fact that my opinion is both wallets should be separate. Dont get me wrong you keep farming hard on private so maybe one day you can fight me in open, perhaps even win if i'm solo and you bring enough friends. but on the meantime do not try to project your insecurities on me through a video game's forum. It is impolite, WHEN THE POINT I WAS ACTUALLY TRYING TO MAKE WAS: If you are a carebear like many who buy this game just to explore or mine, then go ahead and stay in your group. but to get very rich very quick without me killing you constantly is what bothers me, if only open was all there was ah would i so make you my detail for a while . but there you are, running mouth in forum while from the safety of solo play. i see you in the dark sweetheart. if you ever got the guts to come out and play ;-)
See, that denigrating comment, putting those who've little to no interest in PvP in the "carebear" group could have been worded better... but this is a topic we've had here before ad nauseam.
Your following comments & points in later posts could have been attempted without all of the similarly denigrating barbs too. Just my opinion, ofc.
There's a WHOLE LOT more to E:D than just PvP. Some like it, others don't. I'm quite glad that there are options in E:D for progressing & earning credits without feeding the pirate players.
That PvP credits should be given some special consideration or classification is congruent with your pro-PvP Pirate presentation. But, it shows to me that you consider PvP & Open mode something superior or special, above the other 2 career paths & modes. Again, just my opinion.
Personally, I think that all of the posturing is unnecessary. But, if anyone wanted to add a name to a list of blocked/ignored players in-game, you've just made it easy.
Perhaps, you might consider adding a typical description of your pirating? Is it simply that of something akin to a berserker, wantonly attacking & destroying simply for the sake of PvP or is there any pirate-type of RP included? That might make a difference.
All this is coming from a RL 61 year old female, born without an overdose of testosterone. Thankfully.
I can't imagine that anyone would be impressed with a pair of hairy DD-cup b(o )( o)bz.

09 Jan 2021, 3:29pm
Synthya Wylder
See, that denigrating comment, putting those who've little to no interest in PvP in the "carebear" group could have been worded better... but this is a topic we've had here before ad nauseam.
Your following comments & points in later posts could have been attempted without all of the similarly denigrating barbs too. Just my opinion, ofc.
Anyone a "fan" or have interest in professional wrestling, sports entertainment? If so, you are aware of the terms heel and face and the purpose served. A heel is the bad guy and his purpose is to generate "heat" from the audience to get them more interested in the drama put forward.
I am beginning to believe that all of the guys coming on and talking trash on the forums is just another manifestation of that, they are purposefully trying to generate heat in order to gin up interest in people engaging in PvP. And I am kicking myself for having allowed myself to be played by trying to counter what I suspect now is simply manipulative behavior.