Elite: General talk
26 Nov 2020, 12:58am
Do something.
Post edited/moved by: Artie, 26 Nov 2020, 11:19am
26 Nov 2020, 1:28am
Isaiah EvansonHello. I'm a ganker. An anarchist. A villain.
Do something.
I did. I don't play in open.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 26 Nov 2020, 11:19am
26 Nov 2020, 1:33am
ZentzlbGo and read:
I agree with everything on that list except number 9. I think the other suggestions would make an incentive for more people to participate in pvp without forcing players to go to open when they don't won't to.
Post edited/moved by: Artie, 26 Nov 2020, 11:19am
26 Nov 2020, 1:36am
Amata LireinIsaiah EvansonHello. I'm a ganker. An anarchist. A villain.
Do something.
I did. I don't play in open.
I have a feeling they don't realise anarchy is a system of government with no leaders in which everyone is equal and respectful; they're probably thinking of the branch of anarchy called chaoticism in which there are no rules.
Post edited/moved by: Artie, 26 Nov 2020, 11:19am
26 Nov 2020, 1:48am
XeknosRyan MurdocRenraikuThis tells you absolutely nothing about the person in real life at all. You are deluding yourself if you think this. Playing a video game is automatically not reality and therefore the same rules do not apply as the real world.
The very moment you play a game which has other people playing it alongside you it becomes Reality for everyone involved. You as well as everyone else are responsible for the things that are said and done and will be judged accordingly by others. Same as what you do or say outside of any game that involves a community of people. Trying to play it down or making it sound as if that doesn't apply to you doesn't change one bit about it being fact.
And regarding how certain types of Personalities of people are reflected in the way they play games you might want to check the Internet. It can be quite enlightening.
This type of thinking can get kind of dangerous. Reality is reality. A game is a game, even if it's a game universe most folks share.
I'd also caution against trying to extrapolate someone's personality based on actions they take in pretend environments. Roleplaying - or pretending to be something you aren't - is a thing in Elite, after all.
I 100% Agree with this Xeknos and couldn't have said it better myself - except I have removed the personal bit as that is irrelevant to me.
Post edited/moved by: Artie, 26 Nov 2020, 11:19am
26 Nov 2020, 1:52am
RenraikuXeknosRyan Murdoc
The very moment you play a game which has other people playing it alongside you it becomes Reality for everyone involved. You as well as everyone else are responsible for the things that are said and done and will be judged accordingly by others. Same as what you do or say outside of any game that involves a community of people. Trying to play it down or making it sound as if that doesn't apply to you doesn't change one bit about it being fact.
And regarding how certain types of Personalities of people are reflected in the way they play games you might want to check the Internet. It can be quite enlightening.
This type of thinking can get kind of dangerous. Reality is reality. A game is a game, even if it's a game universe most folks share.
I'd also caution against trying to extrapolate someone's personality based on actions they take in pretend environments. Roleplaying - or pretending to be something you aren't - is a thing in Elite, after all.
I 100% Agree with this Xeknos and couldn't have said it better myself - except I have removed the personal bit as that is irrelevant to me.
Understandable. The personal bit wasn't particularly important in any case, and I'm sure we can all agree that people trying to play armchair psychologist with actions done in a video game starts getting a fair bit tiresome after a while. o7
Post edited/moved by: Artie, 26 Nov 2020, 11:19am
26 Nov 2020, 2:02am
Ryan MurdocRenraikuRyan Murdoc
The very moment you play a game which has other people playing it alongside you it becomes Reality for everyone involved. You as well as everyone else are responsible for the things that are said and done and will be judged accordingly by others. Same as what you do or say outside of any game that involves a community of people. Trying to play it down or making it sound as if that doesn't apply to you doesn't change one bit about it being fact.
And regarding how certain types of Personalities of people are reflected in the way they play games you might want to check the Internet. It can be quite enlightening.
No. it is still make believe, the internet affords a significant amount of anonymity and as long as you are playing by the rules of the game you can ignore the rules of the world except those that overlap or your own moral code if you so choose and do what you like.
How I play in game is not how I am in real life. This is true and different for each and every game I play. You can spend your entire time in E:D not communicating with anyone else ever. My actions in game says nothing about me in real life and never will. I make a decision in game based on the games rules and not real life rules.
The variables are way too numerous to conclude that what you are saying is correct.
Studies are generally performed in controlled environments, it is not always easy to find the specific control group criteria a study used, depending on the subjects tested and the questions asked of that data, the result may not be accurate from other points of reference.
You are correct with the Anonymity, but in my book how you condone yourself towards others especially when being Incognito shows me what to expect. Are you willing and able to be social or will you exploit being untouchable (to a point)? That is my "Moral Code" if you like, and for me there is no ignoring the rules of the world in a game where there are other living, breathing people. To even begin to think that is a literal Oxymoron in my eyes, or make believe as you put it.
I guess we've reached a point where "Agree to disagree" would be the thing to do. You won't change my PoV on this nor will I change yours.
You are assuming a lot, I am obviously not incognito in E:D, my Commander name there is the same as here. I have nothing to hide about what I do and to who. even the minor factions i support are vissible to all and always have been. You cannot expect other people to hold up to your own moral code, nobody else knows it, nor has any obligation to adhere to it. In a game that allows all types of play, including criminal behaviour that expectation is laughable.
You need to understand that your own moral code is not a rule of the game or life, it is a self imposed set of rules and nobody ever has to adhere to it other than you.
I have met a fair few people who seem to have very limited morals in real life (I am not one of them), some of these have been involved in criminal activity. If I want to play a character in a game that advertises lawful and unlawful game play in a dystopian futuristic environment that has little to no morals and that game has no rules forbidding it, why can't I play that role?
Post edited/moved by: Artie, 26 Nov 2020, 11:20am
26 Nov 2020, 2:58am
Igneel PrimeKindergarden interaction 101. You don't cry to the bully that he's being an ass, you walk away and don't give him the attention he wants.
Works surprisingly well too. And they can do nothing about it either. Except try to bait you with their usual BS, but at the end of the day they've accomplished nothing.
Once you have established that mindset and laugh your rear off everytime you see them it can be quite therapeutic.
Post edited/moved by: Artie, 26 Nov 2020, 11:20am
26 Nov 2020, 3:05am
Ryan MurdocIgneel PrimeKindergarden interaction 101. You don't cry to the bully that he's being an ass, you walk away and don't give him the attention he wants.
Works surprisingly well too. And they can do nothing about it either. Except try to bait you with their usual BS, but at the end of the day they've accomplished nothing.
Once you have established that mindset and laugh your rear off everytime you see them it can be quite therapeutic.
To whom is this passive aggression aimed?
Post edited/moved by: Artie, 26 Nov 2020, 11:20am
26 Nov 2020, 3:19am
Isaiah EvansonHello. I'm a ganker. An anarchist. A villain.
Do something.
Any thoughts on my earlier question?
Post edited/moved by: Artie, 26 Nov 2020, 11:20am
26 Nov 2020, 3:34am
Isaiah EvansonHello. I'm a ganker. An anarchist. A villain.
Do something.
Post edited/moved by: Artie, 26 Nov 2020, 11:20am
26 Nov 2020, 3:59am
RenraikuRyan MurdocIgneel PrimeKindergarden interaction 101. You don't cry to the bully that he's being an ass, you walk away and don't give him the attention he wants.
Works surprisingly well too. And they can do nothing about it either. Except try to bait you with their usual BS, but at the end of the day they've accomplished nothing.
Once you have established that mindset and laugh your rear off everytime you see them it can be quite therapeutic.
To whom is this passive aggression aimed?
I wouldn't worry too much about it. He's... got a lot of axes to grind with certain groups of people. There's a lot of "they won't accept me, so now I must pretend to be better than them" type of stuff going on, I suspect.
Post edited/moved by: Artie, 26 Nov 2020, 11:20am
26 Nov 2020, 5:03am
ArtifactHunter_Amata LireinIsaiah EvansonHello. I'm a ganker. An anarchist. A villain.
Do something.
I did. I don't play in open.
I have a feeling they don't realise anarchy is a system of government with no leaders in which everyone is equal and respectful; they're probably thinking of the branch of anarchy called chaoticism in which there are no rules.
You're correct re: Anarchy - it does literally mean, 'no king', no ruler, no over-arching authority figure.
There are rules, & mutual respect too. I often have this discussion in my RL political circles.
As you say, chaotic-ism is a dog-eat dog system, & contrary to what some might believe, the E:D game isn't that.
There are rules... review the lore, for instance. It may be regarded as rather dystopian, & some locations & areas have more or less application of what rules there are depending on the location, but there are galaxy-wide rules & space is beyond big.
It's built into the framework of the game.
Post edited/moved by: Artie, 26 Nov 2020, 11:21am
26 Nov 2020, 5:33am
"“Elite: Dangerous” is the latest installment of a long series of epic space games, starting with "Elite" - one of the most successful games of the 1980s.
If you cannot use Kickstarter to pledge then visit our website to pledge via PayPal.
The £80 pledge tier and higher now also includes free expansions for Elite: Dangerous! For more information on likely expansions check the Development Plan video further down the page.
We have announced a stretch goal for a Mac version of the game. If we reach the stretch goal of £1.4 million through the Kickstarter we will release a Mac version approximately 3 months after the Windows PC release.
New stretch goal announced, if we reach £1.5 million then we'll add another 10 playable ships to the game.
Our galaxy. Its an awe inspiring, beautiful, vast place; with billions of star systems, planets, moons and asteroid fields just waiting to be explored, and exploited. The triumverate superpowers of the Empire, Federation and Independents dominate their core system volumes and constantly skirmish to outmaneouver one another on their frontiers. Outside their influence, in the vast majority of the galaxy, anarchy reigns supreme and spectacular discoveries await the bold.
Its dog-eat-dog out there – you need to keep your friends close, and your enemies closer.
Whether you want to trade for profit between systems, take part in multiplayer co-op mission alliances, free-for-all group battles and team raids to bring down planetary economies, even tip the balance of power in the galaxy (for your own advantage, of course..), or simply explore the wonders of the galaxy (and who knows what you’ll find out there..) is up to you.
Your second-to-second actions could have you taking the roles of trader, pirate, bounty hunter, leader, team player, opportunistic assassin, grand schemer, and more. You are at the centre of the action any time, any place and any way you choose – each action has a consequence, and influences the galaxy around you.
Starting with a few credits and a basic starship, carve your own path through the richest, largest gaming sandbox ever created, set against a backdrop of raw anarchy, galactic powerplays and intrigue. Do whatever it takes to upgrade your ship’s hull, engines, weapons, defences, cargo hold; constantly improve your capabilities and influence on your journey towards the most coveted rank in the history of gaming - ‘Elite’."
The Anarchy status of an uninhabited system from what I understand should probably be called lawless or something to that effect, an anarchic Minor Faction is likely to be more of the Rules and Mutual respect scenario.
Post edited/moved by: Artie, 26 Nov 2020, 11:21am
26 Nov 2020, 5:46am
Laws are broken all the time, Elite's intention is to bring a realistic approach to the galaxy mimicking real life to a certain extent.
Nobody should be expecting everybody to play by the lawful rules all the time, that is naive and foolish.
The Darker side of the unlawful community will not be deterred or stamped out.
Whinging about it won't change anything other than other peoples opinions of you.
It IS dog-eat-dog out there by admission of all those complaining about gankers.
Post edited/moved by: Artie, 26 Nov 2020, 11:21am