Slinky2390 Someone please tell me this part of the game is not as unbalanced as it looks!
Here's a link to my ship build . Any advice? -
PS - Also looking for a Wing or group to do some community goals once I get this figured out
It kind of is as unbalanced as it appeared. You're basically sharing the experience of anyone playing OG ED after Horizons came out. The game is set up with 3/4 of everything engineered so vanilla ships get their butts handed to them. FDevs way of incentivizing you to buy Horizons :lul:
I took your build and tried to improve it while keeping with the spirit of your design choices.
Dun dun dunnnn.
Note that the fuel scoop is pretty much there because if you need one and don't have it you'll sing a different tune, and really is just a reminder that combat builds at this price point don't get the luxury of collector limpets

The Cargo rack is pretty much only there in case you have a mission objective that requires transporting random BS. but 64t is overkill.
I changed your weapons around. Once you're engineering the # of useful experimental effects on MC means you'll want more of them than lasers. Also, I changed them to fixed beams because you really should force yourself to learn fixed otherwise you'll be at the mercy of chaff, reducing your dps, and won't be improving minimum skills for late game things like AX combat or pvp (rails).
Edit: and you should be starting your progression in Powerplay modules. There is almost zero reason not to and it takes a year to get them all. My advice is to start with anime Princess Aisling Duval for the Primsatic shields. At which point you can swap the 6a shild and 5a bank for 5a Prismatic and 6a Bank
Last edit: 19 May 2021, 6:21pm