Amata LireinOut of curiosity: Is there anyone here who's aware of what "Hololive" is or has even fallen down that rabbit hole?
I'm aware of what it is although I've hesitated to go down that particular rabbit hole

Amata LireinOut of curiosity: Is there anyone here who's aware of what "Hololive" is or has even fallen down that rabbit hole?
Rebecca HailAmata LireinOut of curiosity: Is there anyone here who's aware of what "Hololive" is or has even fallen down that rabbit hole?
I'm aware of what it is although I've hesitated to go down that particular rabbit hole
Amata LireinRebecca HailAmata LireinOut of curiosity: Is there anyone here who's aware of what "Hololive" is or has even fallen down that rabbit hole?
I'm aware of what it is although I've hesitated to go down that particular rabbit hole
Well... I fell into it... and I don't regret it.
Unless you understand Japanese you might want to stick to the English and/or Indonesian branches, at least when it comes down to the actual streams. Sideprojects of the JP branch usually have excellent subtitles though.
I can give you a few pointers at who of them might be the "right one" to drag you down said rabbit hole depending on your interests
Rebecca HailAmata LireinRebecca Hail
I'm aware of what it is although I've hesitated to go down that particular rabbit hole
Well... I fell into it... and I don't regret it.
Unless you understand Japanese you might want to stick to the English and/or Indonesian branches, at least when it comes down to the actual streams. Sideprojects of the JP branch usually have excellent subtitles though.
I can give you a few pointers at who of them might be the "right one" to drag you down said rabbit hole depending on your interests
It sounds like fun but sadly I have next to zero time atm to do that
Amata LireinOut of curiosity: Is there anyone here who's aware of what "Hololive" is or has even fallen down that rabbit hole?
SakashiroAmata LireinOut of curiosity: Is there anyone here who's aware of what "Hololive" is or has even fallen down that rabbit hole?
It's like CodeMiko but in 2D, right?
Alex Hoffmannlove this game too and it´s a shame what they did the last months in aspect to console players.. not so much as for pc players. hope it getting better one day..
but just a hint from me: i play ed on pc, not the newest one but realy good hardware.. a few years ago it was.. and so far no problems during playing at medium / high settings.
maybe you can get a cheap playing pc from a friend, or selfbuilding one (not so hard), if you want continue playing with all feautures.. and of course bugs too
i can send you a pc config / gave you advices if you want to invest some money for pc hardware.. i think other cmd´s here too.. greetings
Gatimũ KamauI already posted this in the "Game Talk" chat, but I'd like a deeper pool of thought/response on this idea.
I'm kind of saddened by the fact that I feel as a platform gamer (PS4), I feel purposefully left behind by Elite and FD in general
BurstarThe monumental advantage we get over you guys because of this is ridiculous. "but Console can't play with PC so why does it matter"? Because of the BGS and perma marking of exploration sites.
Gatimũ KamauGoing headlong into a new PC for the sake of E:D is not only daunting because of the cost involved since I work two jobs as it is and support a household but, as you said, also because I'm not a mechanically inclined individual. Building a PC is a very...intimidating prospect. But, by all means, shoot me your proposed setup and I'll see how realistic the idea is for someone like me.
Co'hen MacBainBurstarThe monumental advantage we get over you guys because of this is ridiculous. "but Console can't play with PC so why does it matter"? Because of the BGS and perma marking of exploration sites.
I do wonder what percentage of the player base actually cares about either of those things? I'm not saying nobody does, I'm just curious. Personally, I couldn't care less, but obviously some people do. My gut feel is that it's a minority, and probably a small one, but maybe I'm wrong?
Iwao KishiroI was hyped for the new Stalker until they announced that game will have NFT (which, in a lot of cases, is used for negative purposes). I don't think I need to say why I don't really like the ideas. What's worse for the developers, a lot of players started to demand refund for the preorders. Not to mention the feedback that is... let's say that "negative" is putting it lightly.