07 Aug 2024, 4:02am
It probably says a lot about me or my brain that I still enjoy two idiots destroying giant water balloons by jumping on them as much as I did when I first saw it, years ago.
"We can't have that!"... a moment/incident which, later, was repeated but under different circumstances.
The full balloon madness playlist, which also serves as great entertainment when your body says you should sleep at 3 AM but after half an hour wakes you up again and then you're awake until 6... > - best watched in reverse order from oldest to newest.
09 Aug 2024, 11:21am
- Lance
09 Aug 2024, 3:19pm
22 Aug 2024, 5:28pm
Aleksander MajjamRebecca HailMeowersI randomly stumbled upon this and, while it's an old video from 2016, I want to post it here to let more people see it.
Probably my favourite E:D video.
I can't believe you're still alive.
Why wouldn't I be alive?
I've not burned out (yet)

23 Aug 2024, 3:27am
Rebecca HailAleksander MajjamRebecca Hail
Probably my favourite E:D video.
I can't believe you're still alive.
Why wouldn't I be alive?
I've not burned out (yet)
Becccccccccccccccca. I'm glad to hear it! Seems you only pop in once a year, but it's all good.

29 Aug 2024, 3:01pm
F1 Safety Car in Bizarre Crash During High-speed Monza Test
08 Sep 2024, 12:40pm

It's amusing to see Ballistics Data and Topographical Surveys as range upgrade requirements on a toy gun with an effective range of a pistol which also sprays rounds all over the place...

08 Sep 2024, 3:43pm
Strangely, I have found in-game that my AR-50 with extended range eliminates unshielded targets much faster at its extreme range than it does up close.
So yeah, game mechanics.
08 Sep 2024, 4:42pm
Vasil Vasilescu
Strangely, I have found in-game that my AR-50 with extended range eliminates unshielded targets much faster at its extreme range than it does up close.
So yeah, game mechanics.
It is bolter secretly
08 Sep 2024, 5:30pm
Aleksander Majjam
Becccccccccccccccca. I'm glad to hear it! Seems you only pop in once a year, but it's all good.Hope you're well!
I'm good, no worries. I hope you too

Well, I kinda lost interest in Elite completely so activity on Inara declined naturally as well

I'm not even active on the discord anymore. Well, the discord as a whole is pretty dead tbf.
08 Sep 2024, 7:16pm
Vasil VasilescuSo yeah, game mechanics.Even without penetrating the armour, a half of a magazine of... What is it... Let's pretend it's some kind of intermediate cartridge too, should deliver enough kinetic energy to turn bones and insides into mush. In Elite, it doesn't. And, with everyone wearing armour, why did the weapons used in those 'conflict zones' not catch up in performance? Rhetorical. It's not a firearm, it's a gamey rifle-shaped object used to deplete red bars better than blue bars, created by someone who thinks that a gun is a magic box projectiles come out of.
08 Sep 2024, 9:47pm
It's game balance and extremely poor one at that. I tried using the Oppressor at level 3 in a low intensity conflict zone once and it was so terrifically bad that I just have not bothered trying to make it work again. It's like they took the worst aspects of an Executioner, tried to make an assault rifle, machine gun or... whatever, out of it, with none of the positives like high shot damage. Even from a game design standpoint it is just... total dogshit and makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.
But people claim that it should be left untouched because it is "skillful and rewarding" to land shots with those weapons. Because requiring your opponent to remain completely stationary during 5+ seconds or never change direction has so much skill in it (and the aim "assist" feature that devs love to keep overtuning so scrubs will never miss a shot also makes it even harder to lead because it will drag the shot toward the target, which then results in it going behind where you tried to aim).
09 Sep 2024, 1:40pm
Vasil VasilescuF1, where even the safety car drives fast enough to lose it in a turn.
F1 Safety Car in Bizarre Crash During High-speed Monza Test
It was brake failure, not speed issue. Rear brakes were glowing red, while front not (it should be opposite). But Bernd Maylander saved it slightly-he throw car into slide and that slowed him down quite lot so impact was not so hard