25 Aug 2021, 4:13pm
Aleksander MajjamPrepare for a barrage of insane content.
so far its pretty good. seeing people around is weird but i like the fighting style its not that different. what upsets me is that if you exceed a range the enemies regain all health and run back to where they were.
25 Aug 2021, 5:36pm
DirnivirAleksander MajjamPrepare for a barrage of insane content.
so far its pretty good. seeing people around is weird but i like the fighting style its not that different. what upsets me is that if you exceed a range the enemies regain all health and run back to where they were.
I always found "the leash" to be an odd mechanic in MMO's, but they're there to give just enough nuisance for players that don't want to engage a certain enemy but are still close enough to be detected. Gotta' fight them within their "leash and patrol" area. If you get one out of that area, if you hit them once, they will reset.
A tip. If you feel like power leveling, go to the Alik'r Desert and do the dolmens (The instance where the chains drop from the sky). There's one on the east side of the map, one in the center of the map, and one on the north side of the map. Unless they changed the order they drop in that order so people will finish one in less than a minute and run like hell to catch the next one and so forth.
25 Aug 2021, 6:02pm
Aleksander MajjamDirnivirAleksander MajjamPrepare for a barrage of insane content.
so far its pretty good. seeing people around is weird but i like the fighting style its not that different. what upsets me is that if you exceed a range the enemies regain all health and run back to where they were.
I always found "the leash" to be an odd mechanic in MMO's, but they're there to give just enough nuisance for players that don't want to engage a certain enemy but are still close enough to be detected. Gotta' fight them within their "leash and patrol" area. If you get one out of that area, if you hit them once, they will reset.
A tip. If you feel like power leveling, go to the Alik'r Desert and do the dolmens (The instance where the chains drop from the sky). There's one on the east side of the map, one in the center of the map, and one on the north side of the map. Unless they changed the order they drop in that order so people will finish one in less than a minute and run like hell to catch the next one and so forth.
huh cool i am currently in western skyrim fighting vampires and stuff.
29 Aug 2021, 10:12pm
(And before you ask: I loved it.

01 Sep 2021, 6:10pm

01 Sep 2021, 6:28pm
01 Sep 2021, 7:29pm
SakashiroBtw, if you consider buying NMS during this sale, buy it on Steam, not on GOG, because then you'll have more freedom to choose your player name in the game if you play online. The GOG version of NMS uses the GOG account name. In Steam however you can choose a display name that is different from your account name, and NMS will use that instead.
Hmm. Well, that's dumb.
02 Sep 2021, 7:46am
02 Sep 2021, 7:59am
02 Sep 2021, 8:12am
Amata LireinOne of the few scenes on which those who loved AND those who hated this movie could agree on that it was pure awesomesauce...
(And before you ask: I loved it. )
Im not the most honest guys speaking about Star Trek because im really Trekkers inside, but i always asked why so much hate against the reboot (and Discovery too)
Really why people waste so much time and energy hating something?