11 Jun 2024, 5:17am
If I'm a simulation inside a simulation inside... whatever, then I have some serious questions to people who coded the damn thing. Perhaps they should occupy themselves with something else instead, something less demanding, like... those funny things where you have to put a cube into a rectangular slot, a pyramid into a triangular one, and try not to mess everything up... Something like that, but not making simulations.
Last edit: 11 Jun 2024, 5:23am
11 Jun 2024, 10:36pm
12 Jun 2024, 12:33am
12 Jun 2024, 12:41am
Not that I technically advocate for such acts... but... some people.
12 Jun 2024, 12:48am
12 Jun 2024, 1:03am
Assuming they have the necessary appendages to manipulate objects which a human could/would. If I had that kind of knowledge, I would probably also be dead the next moment.
12 Jun 2024, 1:09am
12 Jun 2024, 1:16am
... I'd be more looking at the idiots that have continued to fight each other even when there was eight Titans at the edges of the Bubble. And those who only cared so much to get involved in Titan turkey shoots to 'defend their interests'... and dipped right out as soon as they were no longer "threatened". Those are more likely to stir up trouble on the inside rather than those who look to shoot Thargoids for no reason.
Maybe I should stay outside of it (the Bubble) and wait the shitstorm out. Especially if the Thargoid one actually turns into it, instead of just simmering away not really threatening anything important besides human lives, and then the horde of power lusting grabbers gets unleashed on the aftermath.
12 Jun 2024, 1:25am
I should start packing rifle ammo... There's no such thing as too much rifle ammo... :p
12 Jun 2024, 1:41am
Nutjob called it Nemesis too so I’m sure it’s put all kinds of ridiculous ideas into his head. Maybe he’ll end up putting the blame on humans and extending his idea of “rulership” over them as well as the Thargoids. But that would imply Frontier putting in the effort to set stage for the return of the Guardian Constructs. (And unless those were gimped beyond belief because they don’t dare upset players, they would absolutely wipe the floor with humans.)
19 Jun 2024, 10:23pm
Windows magically stopped seeing my second hard drive, the one that has everything except the OS on it. The drive showed in BIOS but not in windows, device manager, disk manager, diskpart, etc. Pulled the drive out, attached it to an external usb adapter and it was seen when plugged into several other computers.
Spent another hour trying to figure out what was wrong with the laptop, or if something had jacked up windows, before it occurred to me to check recent changes and updates. There were a few minor updates yesterday, the last time I could access the drive. Optional updates listed a Western Digital driver that was not yet installed. And yes, the "bad" drive is a WD. Installed optional driver, rebooted, drive appears once more.
Weird thing is that external WD drives were unaffected. Maybe because they are external USB and not an internal drive. Oh, and that optional driver is 4 years old, which is older than the laptop. So, yeah, I'll chalk this up to the usual windows wonkiness.
24 Jun 2024, 3:21pm
Kasumi GotoI randomly saw this and had to share it.
Ok... this just made my day!

(wolverine regeneration kicks in)
Anyhow anyone seen this movie? It has a story to tell, a dumb one, but still a story. And not of an forgiveness.
Last edit: 24 Jun 2024, 4:42pm
28 Jun 2024, 10:49pm
... I'm not sure it beats the same mission type asking for [delivery of] Onionhead, but I guess the stupidity of the human mind thinks biowaste is funnier when it could also be unused bits and bobs of food. Unless you know anybody who eats egg shells or banana peels. (But I don't eat bananas, no.)
29 Jun 2024, 2:24am
A YouTube channel originally introduced me to this scene by using it as a meme for players failing spectacularly in a video game. An internet discussion led me to be reminded of it, so I decided to post it here as well.
Because it’s funny. Also comes to mind for how a wing of three or four Azimuth ships (never confirmed but we know it was them) somehow failed to catch and disable Seo’s lone unsuspecting Eagle last year.