22 Nov 2024, 12:45pm
Post edited/moved by: Artie, 22 Nov 2024, 2:01pm
22 Nov 2024, 1:14pm
Black AdderFiltering out scripts resemble "Don't Look UP" film.
Filtering out scripts resemble a shut window so that annoying strangers cannot shout into your face while you want to enjoy yourself. There, fixed it

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 22 Nov 2024, 2:01pm
22 Nov 2024, 1:51pm
Post edited/moved by: Artie, 22 Nov 2024, 2:01pm
22 Nov 2024, 2:11pm
What? I was only asking for help!
I was asking for an actual game mod/enhancement, to make it more RL like and pleasant for me, my self and I.
As you know, I was told by a completely irrelevant stranger, on the internets btw, that I suck at this game. So I took its advice and now I need to mod the game a bit. It should work in Odyssey (PC).
Oh wait, you thought I was making fun of some characters? Triggerpuff and Fridg-Raider? U-Tubby? Nooo, c'mon man, that was not my intention at all.
Filtering out scripts resemble a shut window so that annoying strangers cannot shout into your face while you want to enjoy yourself. There, fixed it
Maybe you left some kind of text to speech application running? You should check that first. If not, but text on the screen is still screaming at you, you have much more serious issues than some guy poking fun at nonsense people sometimes write in here.
On more serious note, above street level apartments usually do not have those problems you described.
22 Nov 2024, 2:26pm
Black Adder"A painful truth does more good that a soothing lie. The truth that you refuse to face holds the keys to liberation you seek" Some Sage from Facebook
Careful there, young lad. Banter gets them all huffing and puffing. They may end up blow off their longhouse roof like that.
22 Nov 2024, 2:51pm
22 Nov 2024, 7:08pm
But, I'm now the happy owner of a F-4 Phantom II.
23 Nov 2024, 6:12am
Rebecca HailAh, the good old ME: Andromeda discussion again? I see, I see.
Don't worry, Aleks, noone blames you for not enjoying Andromeda.
It happens every once in a blue moon, Becca. It's a must.
Much like your very rare sightings these days. I hope you're behaving and making good decisions in life.

23 Nov 2024, 6:19am
ThinderJust reinstalled DCS, I admit I have EVERYTHING to relearn, my binding is not even done...
But, I'm now the happy owner of a F-4 Phantom II.
It's been a LONG time since I fired up DCS. Not sure if I'll ever get back into it, but I LOVED flight simming. Started way back with Falcon 4.0, BMS, and then DCS. Ran a wing (1st VFW) for years and years and years before really become an adult. Pretty sure if you seached youtube for 1st VFW you'll find a lot of our guys recording flights back in the day. Wish I could get back into it but I rarely have the time these days.
23 Nov 2024, 6:21am
Emily ValeforAleksander MajjamEmily ValeforHey I'd like to ask fellow elite dangerous fans about a game suggestion. We are eager to check out jumpship coming out soon (which if you've not seen please look it up I imagine many will enjoy it.) But at present we are trying to avoid complete elite dangerous burnout while looking for a co op scifi or fantasy experience. I'm looking for something more chill since I'm knee deep in a heavy development cycle, and brain power is at a low bar. Are there games around that might be worth our while?
Further info:
- We already played monhun to death (thousands of hours since mhfu)
- We're not keen on Baulders gate 3 and the divinity series
- We are looking for a game we can have repeat progression on per session.
- Right now the game team is doing Sea Of Thieves night and we do a tall tale, so we're looking for a game that's more for the two of us to peel away from being social for a bit.
- If it's on ps5 so much the better, my pc is my work station so getting to get up from my office would be sweet but sometimes pc is the only way
Thank you for reading, have fun out in the black
Give No Man's Sky a go. It's been quite a long while since I've played it, but MP back then was a bit of a chore to link up with others, but it might be much easier these days to find each other. Just need to get past the tutorial section I believe.
Ah we did! I forgot that one though it was a good suggestion. We got to the point where we both had fully completed s rank freighters and a pantheon of cool sentinel fighters and kinda hit a limit. I don't know if the expeditions are worth doing but I do see those pop up from time to time
Lol! You stopped EXACTLY the way I did. I got about 100 hours in and my stopping point was S-Classing all the freighters. Now, if I ever fire it up, it's just to help newbies by using the item duplication cheat and giving them expensive items to sell.

23 Nov 2024, 6:31am
Kasumi GotoWell, in any case, if the next ME turns out as being not so good or distinctly average, maybe we can look at this instead which is said to be made by the original Bioware Mass Effect team (or something of the sort, I haven't looked closely) -
... this is also the same person I referenced above in my post/text wall somewhere. Just forgot to include this and a general channel link... probably because I should be asleep for a good few hours already.
I have high hopes for this, Kas! So much so that I'm currently reading a novel based on Exodus called the Archimedes Engine.
However, these days my expectations are very tempered when it comes to new games coming out, and especially new IPs.
23 Nov 2024, 6:44am
Aleksander MajjamThinderJust reinstalled DCS, I admit I have EVERYTHING to relearn, my binding is not even done...
But, I'm now the happy owner of a F-4 Phantom II.
It's been a LONG time since I fired up DCS. Not sure if I'll ever get back into it, but I LOVED flight simming. Started way back with Falcon 4.0, BMS, and then DCS. Ran a wing (1st VFW) for years and years and years before really become an adult. Pretty sure if you seached youtube for 1st VFW you'll find a lot of our guys recording flights back in the day. Wish I could get back into it but I rarely have the time these days.
It refuses to start in VR now and messes up VR for ED as well, this new release is screwed up.
23 Nov 2024, 8:45am
ThinderAleksander MajjamThinderJust reinstalled DCS, I admit I have EVERYTHING to relearn, my binding is not even done...
But, I'm now the happy owner of a F-4 Phantom II.
It's been a LONG time since I fired up DCS. Not sure if I'll ever get back into it, but I LOVED flight simming. Started way back with Falcon 4.0, BMS, and then DCS. Ran a wing (1st VFW) for years and years and years before really become an adult. Pretty sure if you seached youtube for 1st VFW you'll find a lot of our guys recording flights back in the day. Wish I could get back into it but I rarely have the time these days.
It refuses to start in VR now and messes up VR for ED as well, this new release is screwed up.
I can't remember if true, but there were always two releases, right? Stable and beta?