Elite: Odyssey

30 May 2021, 7:50pm
Yeah, yeah! We have discussed this yesterday ..."blowfish eggplant" emoji
30 May 2021, 8:50pm
Jeebus, you know you f'd up when Obsidian Ant sounds angry.

Last edit: 31 May 2021, 12:37am
30 May 2021, 10:18pm
BurstarJeebus, you know you f'd up when Obsidian Ant sounds angry.

I second this. He's one of the most mature, calm, and level headed youtubers related to this game that I can think of.
30 May 2021, 10:29pm
Bruh, is he angry? I am not a native speaker but at most he is Canadian angry.
30 May 2021, 10:29pm
BurstarJeebus, you know you f'd up when Obsidian Ant sounds angry.

You accidently liked it as an image, here's the corrected version

30 May 2021, 10:36pm
MeowersYeah! That... Bug allowed me to do that 'skeptical expression' avatar photo.

Benedict SmeeeI've noticed this when in a station looking at NPC's.

If you find someone sleeping on a sofa, get up close and they have their mouth open. Back away, their mouth shuts.

Bug report filed: Holo-Me avatars look wrong in close-up view

Please confirm!
30 May 2021, 10:50pm
MeowersYeah! That... Bug allowed me to do that 'skeptical expression' avatar photo.

Benedict SmeeeI've noticed this when in a station looking at NPC's.

If you find someone sleeping on a sofa, get up close and they have their mouth open. Back away, their mouth shuts.

Bug report filed: Holo-Me avatars look wrong in close-up view

Please confirm!

I painstakingly made my avatar look witless and confused.

<<< see.

In Odyssey she has determined and purposeful look.

This is not what I was going for, and one of a handful of critical points as to why I'm sticking to Horizons for now.

30 May 2021, 11:23pm
30 May 2021, 11:25pm
Anything related to or formerly related to Holo-Me is pretty much a mess right now.
30 May 2021, 11:34pm
EpisparhBruh, is he angry? I am not a native speaker but at most he is Canadian angry.

I think this is the best description I have heard about how OA is responding to Odyssey.
30 May 2021, 11:57pm
2 Cents about the supposedly broken Stellar Forge:
I adjusted the graphics options from their default after launch, cranked everything up a little that seemed somehow connected to terrain and environment, ran a test on 2 planets, and things seem absolutely fine, maybe the server mess is cleared up, maybe the hotfix solved something, maybe I am lucky, but the planets I´ve been too are absolutely fine, even in direct comparison to Horizons:
Direct comparison, including images
31 May 2021, 12:16am
Muhahaha, watch this! It's spooky!

31 May 2021, 12:21am
This, and settlement patrol NPCs talking without opening their mouth.
31 May 2021, 12:28am
And the NPC trying to walk into the wall at 0:08.
31 May 2021, 12:32am
Hey, even a real person sometimes can have a wish to walk into the wall, so that was pretty plausible.

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Anything about the Elite:Odyssey release version.