Elite: Odyssey

12 Jun 2021, 1:53pm
EpisparhIf someone needs a good location to hunt for opinion polls - check https://inara.cz/starsystem/108133/

thx for this tip, the first tourist center I landed on was powered down, feels better to farm it this way then to kill hundred of peoples for a movie or opinion poll.
12 Jun 2021, 2:04pm
Anat Shani
EpisparhIf someone needs a good location to hunt for opinion polls - check https://inara.cz/starsystem/108133/

thx for this tip, the first tourist center I landed on was powered down, feels better to farm it this way then to kill hundred of peoples for a movie or opinion poll.

You can get powerup missions from Rebuy Prospect but murdering a powered settlement is faster. And you can score also 1-2 power regulators if you need them. At the end I was doing a full run with reset in 7-8min.
12 Jun 2021, 2:42pm
I don't like to murder everyone, my char is far from redemption thx to the mechanics but well.

Any idea if noise suppressor lowers the dps in this game?
12 Jun 2021, 2:50pm
Anat ShaniI don't like to murder everyone, my char is far from redemption thx to the mechanics but well.

Any idea if noise suppressor lowers the dps in this game?

No but it is useful only indoors. Audio masking is for outdoors regardless if atmosphere or not.
12 Jun 2021, 3:41pm
Anat ShaniI don't like to murder everyone, my char is far from redemption thx to the mechanics but well.

Any idea if noise suppressor lowers the dps in this game?

No but it is useful only indoors. Audio masking is for outdoors regardless if atmosphere or not.

I need it only for indoors
13 Jun 2021, 4:56am
Just completed my first settlement power-up mission. Killed all the scavengers and mercs with my SRV.

But the payment was lousy...
13 Jun 2021, 6:02am
SakashiroJust completed my first settlement power-up mission. Killed all the scavengers and mercs with my SRV.

But the payment was lousy...

When faction reputation and mercenary rank rise you have a chance for better paid missions but CR reward is joke compared to ship missions.
The only reason to do on foot missions are materials, loot and reward. Maybe, fun too, but they become boring and repetitive very fast.
13 Jun 2021, 7:50am
Artie , take a look at this screenshot: Damage resistance. The values for Thermal is lower than 10% and for Kinetic it is higher.

Edit: Added two more screenshots of G5/no mods and G5/modified dominator suits as I see them in loadout. There is some inconsistency of resistance values for kinetic resistance from engineer screen. Probably rounding or display bug.

Edit: I was confused, the mod shows damage resistance while suit stats are for armor resistance. Everything is right.

Last edit: 13 Jun 2021, 10:04am
13 Jun 2021, 8:06am
EpisparhArtie , take a look at this screenshot: Damage resistance. The values for Thermal is lower than 10% and for Kinetic it is higher.

Edit: Added two more screenshots of G5/no mods and G5/modified dominator suits as I see them in loadout. There is some inconsistency of resistance values for kinetic resistance from engineer screen. Probably rounding or display bug.

Looks like the diminishing returns profile of ship mods.
13 Jun 2021, 8:11am
Aunty Sledge

Looks like the diminishing returns profile of ship mods.

Maybe, but still kinetic is like 30% while thermal is like 2%. I do not have G2 suits to try.
13 Jun 2021, 9:35am
OK, I was pointed to my error. The mod changes the damage taken, so in this regard it is 10% less damage on all stats. However, resistance types are affected by different %.
13 Jun 2021, 10:31am
Thanks, yeah, I discovered it a few days ago (after another report) and I will put some note about it into the mod description. What is does is that it will take a difference between max (100%) resistance and the actual resistance and adds 10% of it. So, for Kinetic damage resist in the screenshot: (100 - 25) * 0.1 + 25 = 33 (rounded up). It's clever from FDev, but a little bit problematic to represent with a single value.

Last edit: 13 Jun 2021, 10:38am
13 Jun 2021, 11:15am
ArtieThanks, yeah, I discovered it a few days ago (after another report) and I will put some note about it into the mod description. What is does is that it will take a difference between max (100%) resistance and the actual resistance and adds 10% of it. So, for Kinetic damage resist in the screenshot: (100 - 25) * 0.1 + 25 = 33 (rounded up). It's clever from FDev, but a little bit problematic to represent with a single value.

Yes, it is confusing. In addition I do not see base value for suit armor HP. Someone on official forum said 30 for all suits but from what I have seen so far, Maverick and Dominator do not have same HP.
13 Jun 2021, 12:48pm
Yes, it is confusing. In addition I do not see base value for suit armor HP. Someone on official forum said 30 for all suits but from what I have seen so far, Maverick and Dominator do not have same HP.

Yep, I will probably simply rename the mod properties to damage reduction on Inara - although it won't be entirely on par with the in-game names, it will provide a better idea what it actually does. No idea about the base health of suits, but it may be possible those are same for all suits, as the different base resistances are sufficient to differentiate them.

Last edit: 13 Jun 2021, 12:55pm
13 Jun 2021, 6:02pm
Scope modification of Manticore Executioner for sniper fellows.

Stock Scope

Scope Modification

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Anything about the Elite:Odyssey release version.