Elite: Odyssey

16 Sep 2021, 12:18am
-Knight-If Odyssey had been mostly bug free upon release, would it change your mind about liking it or no?
Screwed up, technically backward renderer isn't exactly a 'bug', but it still sucks.
16 Sep 2021, 7:35am
The technical things they may fix over time, but what is so annoying is that the game play won't get fixed or expanded. It'll be another classic FDev "done that, what other shiney thing can we make" rather than keeping at it and making a feature good.

Powerplay, multi-crew, CQC, Fleet Carriers, VR are just some of the features they dropped and walked away.

Engineering and mining got a second pass and are a lot better for it, so credit to them on those. BGS gets a few changes but most of the recent faction states are just things that happen and not something you can control or do much about.

There is a lot to like about Odyssey, but it's a minimal viable (questionable) product. The weapons need to be balanced, missions expanded upon, non-fatal take-downs would be really useful. All those data types need to do something, the schematics we get that do nothing (just why?). Exobiology needs an SRV and ship scanner to make it more fun. The current "walk around a planet looking for stuff" is a terrible mechanic.

The recent notoriety changes have also crippled a lot of game play. When most missions involve killing people, don't punish the players for then killing people. I got my weapons upgraded before the change and it was a hell of a grind, trying to do that now whilst limiting the body count, oof, too much effort.

They need a feature roadmap. The game needs installation missions to provide a dungeon type experience to give squads something interesting to do together where you need a mix of suits to cut, scan, and shoot. Or a rescue missions, exterminate, anything to expand on what we've got so far.
16 Sep 2021, 9:46am
Aunty SledgeThe weapons need to be balanced, missions expanded upon, non-fatal take-downs would be really useful.

For me to really engage with Odyssey the non-fatal option is key. I find the whole idea of individual Cmdrs (or groups) dropping into surface installations and slaughtering all the inhabitants for a handful of goods and data rewards is daft. What a vision of the future! Makes the spaghetti western view of American history look tame by comparison!

On the other hand, stealth based missions for hostage recovery or data/goods thefts would be more acceptable (to my view anyhoo) and a non lethal takedown would be a critical part of that.
I once completed Deus Ex Human Evolution start to finish without taking a single life (barring boss fights that give no option) and that was one hell of a difficult but satisfying achievement. That is an example of my game preference which I suspect others may share.
16 Sep 2021, 10:11am
If they made the Energylink a non-fatal stun attack and added body dragging, we'd have a really fun game.

It would allow a station to be quietly taken out and looted. People can go murder-death-kill and farm faster (and gain notoriety) if they wanted to.
16 Sep 2021, 10:26am
Containers to store bodies out of sight would be nice, too. Cyberpunk 2077 has them.
16 Sep 2021, 12:13pm
Aunty SledgeThe recent notoriety changes have also crippled a lot of game play. When most missions involve killing people, don't punish the players for then killing people. I got my weapons upgraded before the change and it was a hell of a grind, trying to do that now whilst limiting the body count, oof, too much effort.

The notoriety doesn't go up if you are killing targets - at least that's how it worked for the last two years on Xbox. Was that changed on Odyssey?
16 Sep 2021, 12:34pm
No, they're talking about body kills not ship. Prior to this last change body kills didn't accrue notoriety regardless of their legality. That is no longer the case. You kill someone and accrue a bounty in a non anarchy system and you now gain notoriety. Like how it has been for ships for years now.
16 Sep 2021, 2:50pm
On-foot jurisdiction is different than system jurisdiction. If you are in non-anarchy settlement in anarchy system, you will get bounty on your head for illegal activities and notoriety for murders.
16 Sep 2021, 3:00pm
EpisparhOn-foot jurisdiction is different than system jurisdiction. If you are in non-anarchy settlement in anarchy system, you will get bounty on your head for illegal activities and notoriety for murders.

Really? Good to know. It makes sense in that you'd be in their local jurisdiction. It kinda bugs me it doesn't work this way for ships too. Just because you're in an anarchy system doesn't mean your victim's faction wouldn't want to put a bounty on you...
16 Sep 2021, 5:26pm
massacring an anarchy settlement is fun. but hard.
16 Sep 2021, 10:12pm
Really? Good to know. It makes sense in that you'd be in their local jurisdiction. It kinda bugs me it doesn't work this way for ships too. Just because you're in an anarchy system doesn't mean your victim's faction wouldn't want to put a bounty on you...

Yes, these are my observations. Once I went to do a mission in corporate settlement in anarchy system and I got fined. But then I go full murder hobo in in Lal's Armament in Ep Eridani and I am clean as a tear

Same rule apply for Orbital stations, I think. Non-anarchy Orbis in anarchy system will not sell you e-breaches nor the barman will buy your push and Lazarus. They will even fine you if you bump in someone while speeding.

Last edit: 16 Sep 2021, 10:24pm
16 Sep 2021, 11:02pm
Really? Good to know. It makes sense in that you'd be in their local jurisdiction. It kinda bugs me it doesn't work this way for ships too. Just because you're in an anarchy system doesn't mean your victim's faction wouldn't want to put a bounty on you...

Yes, these are my observations. Once I went to do a mission in corporate settlement in anarchy system and I got fined. But then I go full murder hobo in in Lal's Armament in Ep Eridani and I am clean as a tear

Same rule apply for Orbital stations, I think. Non-anarchy Orbis in anarchy system will not sell you e-breaches nor the barman will buy your push and Lazarus. They will even fine you if you bump in someone while speeding.

I have not seem such consistency but I thought that is how it worked also.
17 Sep 2021, 10:32am
My simplified view on the jurisdiction.
Two types of instances:
1. Instance with MF's asset. Such as station, settlement, instalation. Those have the type of jurisdiction of the asset controlling faction.
2. Instances without MF's asset. Such as, RES, Super Cruise, generic instance ( like those where you just drop in normal space intentionally or after interdiction). Those have same type of jurisdiction as system controlling faction.

Last edit: 17 Sep 2021, 11:09am
17 Sep 2021, 1:32pm
Can I have my money back please?
17 Sep 2021, 5:10pm
Wrong place to ask. Try with support ticket.

Unfortunately, that boat left the port few months ago.

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Anything about the Elite:Odyssey release version.