Elite: Odyssey

19 Aug 2021, 11:26pm
KurakilWhat weapon mods do people use for 2x Karma L-6? I can only really think of Faster Handling, Stowed Reload, Magazine Size.

Those are the important ones. I have this but it came with longer range which to be honest I haven't needed and would replace it with faster reloading if I could.

If you die in a CZ the faster handling and magazine size mods disappears because... yeah, beta release still.

Having 24 missiles is great fun, certainly recommend the build.
20 Aug 2021, 4:19am
Karma L-6 dual setup:
Stowed reload - for reloading while using the other one
Magazine size - +1 rocket before reload
Faster reload - this is essential as this is slowest reloading weapon and stowed reload is using reload speed
Fast handling - optional
Scope - optional

The first 3 allows you to spam rockets. Once magazine is empty switch to stowed weapon which will be reloaded at that time.
20 Aug 2021, 5:15am
EpisparhKarma L-6 dual setup:
Stowed reload - for reloading while using the other one
Magazine size - +1 rocket before reload
Faster reload - this is essential as this is slowest reloading weapon and stowed reload is using reload speed
Fast handling - optional
Scope - optional

The first 3 allows you to spam rockets. Once magazine is empty switch to stowed weapon which will be reloaded at that time.

Okay I wasn't sure if Reload Speed affected Stowed Reload or not. That clears things up a bit.
20 Aug 2021, 9:07am
OMFG. How hard is it to compare the Horizons lighting to what they're fixing in Odyssey? Why ask anyone's input for this? They don't have someone on payroll capable of comparing before and after images? Unbelievable.

QA? Never heard of it. Let's hire more community managers )))
20 Aug 2021, 9:37am
FDev is like a cook with no sense of taste and smell.
20 Aug 2021, 9:56am
EpisparhKarma L-6 dual setup:
Stowed reload - for reloading while using the other one
Magazine size - +1 rocket before reload
Faster reload - this is essential as this is slowest reloading weapon and stowed reload is using reload speed
Fast handling - optional
Scope - optional

The first 3 allows you to spam rockets. Once magazine is empty switch to stowed weapon which will be reloaded at that time.

I would put Fast Handling as essential. On my first life in a CZ I can run around with my L-6, after dying it's sooo slow I have to keep switching to pistol to get around the base. I'm putting that down to losing the Fast Handling mod.

I don't have an L-6 without Fast Handling to test so I could be wrong.

As for fast reload, I very rarely reload the L-6 manually in a fight so I wouldn't call it essential. Certainly desirable. Fire 3 missiles, switch weapon, fire 3 missiles, switch weapon. Rinse and repeat. You can run out at this point but if that many are shooting at me and are still alive it's time to take cover to get my shields back anyway.

I'd go with this...

Stowed reload
Magazine size
Faster reload
Fast handling
20 Aug 2021, 12:01pm
Aunty Sledge

I'd go with this...

Stowed reload
Magazine size
Faster reload
Fast handling

I'm with you with this one. I'm grinding my way to get all my CZ weapons with this configuration (2 out of 3 so far). It need to hurt and kill quickly and unto the next one. Nothing personal. All professional.
20 Aug 2021, 2:08pm
RapisThere are almost only iron found on the EDO planets

I know .. has been noticed and I voted up but I will tell you here too so that the information will spread

Last edit: 20 Aug 2021, 2:22pm
22 Aug 2021, 1:13pm
I'm having another bash at Exobiology, but it's still really hard going. Anyone got any tips on getting decent finds?

People talk about 800K per find, but I'm only getting 60K - 120K.

Flying at 60 really low seems the best way of finding stuff, they really need a ship or SRV scanner to add some sort of gameplay. The hand scanner seems pointless. I can see the plants when they are 10 feet away. Anyway, grumbling aside, all tips appreciated.
22 Aug 2021, 2:03pm
Aunty SledgeI'm having another bash at Exobiology, but it's still really hard going. Anyone got any tips on getting decent finds?

People talk about 800K per find, but I'm only getting 60K - 120K.

Flying at 60 really low seems the best way of finding stuff, they really need a ship or SRV scanner to add some sort of gameplay. The hand scanner seems pointless. I can see the plants when they are 10 feet away. Anyway, grumbling aside, all tips appreciated.

Water atmospheres is the short answer. Unfortunately they are very rare so you should look up the highest value Flora, determine their environmental requirements and look for those. Generally, look for planets with >6 life forms. I find those usually have good conditions for high value flora in addition to there being more to find.

Last edit: 22 Aug 2021, 2:31pm
22 Aug 2021, 8:07pm
BurstarWater atmospheres is the short answer. Unfortunately they are very rare so you should look up the highest value Flora, determine their environmental requirements and look for those. Generally, look for planets with >6 life forms. I find those usually have good conditions for high value flora in addition to there being more to find.

Thanks for the tip. I looked at those pages, and followed them till I found the Canonn Biosheets which are proving very useful.

You must have done a hell of a lot of scanning. Looks like 600 planets will be required.
22 Aug 2021, 8:07pm
Aunty Sledge
EpisparhKarma L-6 dual setup:
Stowed reload - for reloading while using the other one
Magazine size - +1 rocket before reload
Faster reload - this is essential as this is slowest reloading weapon and stowed reload is using reload speed
Fast handling - optional
Scope - optional

The first 3 allows you to spam rockets. Once magazine is empty switch to stowed weapon which will be reloaded at that time.

I would put Fast Handling as essential. On my first life in a CZ I can run around with my L-6, after dying it's sooo slow I have to keep switching to pistol to get around the base. I'm putting that down to losing the Fast Handling mod.

I don't have an L-6 without Fast Handling to test so I could be wrong.

As for fast reload, I very rarely reload the L-6 manually in a fight so I wouldn't call it essential. Certainly desirable. Fire 3 missiles, switch weapon, fire 3 missiles, switch weapon. Rinse and repeat. You can run out at this point but if that many are shooting at me and are still alive it's time to take cover to get my shields back anyway.

I'd go with this...

Stowed reload
Magazine size
Faster reload
Fast handling

Is this doable without Magazine Size or is it needed to buy you that extra time for Stowed Reload to work? Just curious.
22 Aug 2021, 10:16pm
Aunty Sledge
BurstarWater atmospheres is the short answer. Unfortunately they are very rare so you should look up the highest value Flora, determine their environmental requirements and look for those. Generally, look for planets with >6 life forms. I find those usually have good conditions for high value flora in addition to there being more to find.

Thanks for the tip. I looked at those pages, and followed them till I found the Canonn Biosheets which are proving very useful.

You must have done a hell of a lot of scanning. Looks like 600 planets will be required.


Just turned in today so yay me?
24 Aug 2021, 2:57pm
Okay, now that I've hit Elite I'll share what I know about Exo-mightiness so that anyone here that decides to do it won't waste nearly as much time as I did in the beginning when nobody really knew how it worked.

First, a break down of the numbers:

'First discovery' doubles your pay-out but does not count towards your rank boost. Elite requires around 215million in turn ins based on my screenshot. Water Atmospheres pay the best and average around 2.3 million per. This means you're looking at visiting close to 100 planets, and scanning for about a half hour on each one. That is less than 5 million per hour (not including exploration) so you're not doing this to get rich quick. Also, that's what almost 50 hours of pure walking around clicking a button looking at the same dozen or so textures.

Water worlds are exceedingly rare. As I recall 1 in 35 CO2 worlds (the next highest average payout at maybe 1.8mill BUT much more work and aggravation) so you should be using datamined third party resources to find them. Spansh's body search is my recommendation.

Those are ideal numbers. You are absolutely going to waste MUCH more time than 50 hours doing this. Some water atmo worlds don't have any life on them, others only 5 instead of the ideal 8 or 9. All of them require you fly to the system and do an FSS just to find out.

Bottom line I cannot stress enough how not worth it this gameplay is. It is the epitome of bolted on waste of time just because. It takes everything even remotely worthwhile about exploration and throws it out the window and seems tailor made to bring focus to all the issues with the new planetary tech. It's not relaxing, it's tedious or frustrating. That's it. There is no sense of accomplishment. Only shame. I now have a Scarlet E on my account that clearly displays to anyone that looks at it how low my standards are.

I predict the new meme to replace 'you must be fun at parties' will be 'you seem like you do Elite Exobiology for fun'.

Last edit: 24 Aug 2021, 3:06pm
24 Aug 2021, 3:46pm
Using Canonn data and route planners I've made a list of 250 systems with known high rewards plants.

It's a 38K light-year trip, and I'm predicting a months effort. I agree, the gameplay sucks, at the moment you just fly around in the dark hoping things pop up.

The fact that I'm willing to spend a month doing something that's not fun might be why I don't get invited to those parties.

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Anything about the Elite:Odyssey release version.