Elite: Game talk

10 Jun 2017, 9:43pm
Ozmundo Vasqualez
M.a.r.s.h.a.l.l.I'm in the UK, so it's slang for a ciggy.  

I'm British and I've never heard fag (cigarette) being used to describe people except in the American sense, so it's always good to have clarity.

I have screenshots of proof and could always pull data from my logs to show GL contact at the same time as the 12.5.

Are you saying that they were in the system at the same time? You made the assertion that they were summoned by Ghost Legion. I'll let the leadership comment on that if they want to, but it would be a first. We can fight our own battles when we're attacked.

Hmmmmr, you might want to chat with Doberman, as I had a PM chat with him on Discord.  He very well knows.  And what Lehman said about nobody being about.  I've been patrolling GL systems for a few days and outside of about 3 folks, I have seen nobody.  Both sides members lists on Inara are a joke.  I bet they both have around 20-30 active members max.

Sovereign Justice League is the factions name.

Collective actually. Not League. Who are you by the way? INARA doesn't affiliate you with Paladin Consortium and yet you were there in our system trying to shoot things. Seem awfully rich for you to comment on a 3rd party being involved, no
10 Jun 2017, 9:45pm
John MathurinYup. Here we are:

Sovereign Justice Collective

Was that so hard?

So, anyone wishing to support or resist Ghost Legion in their war is now free to do so.

Damn. Does that mean you won't be signing up to access our wing page now?

I knew I needed a better approach to recruitment.
10 Jun 2017, 9:47pm
Ozmundo Vasqualez
John MathurinYup. Here we are:

Sovereign Justice Collective

Was that so hard?

So, anyone wishing to support or resist Ghost Legion in their war is now free to do so.

Damn. Does that mean you won't be signing up to access our wing page now?

I knew I needed a better approach to recruitment.

What approach? You spam invites to new Inara accounts.
10 Jun 2017, 9:48pm
M. Lehman

So, in other words- even with a thousand people in your wing, you still feel the need hide to hide behind an alias?

No other BGS wing does this.

Backstory. Long history. Go look it up.

Sorry if it offends your sense of order though.
10 Jun 2017, 9:49pm
John Mathurin
What approach? You spam invites to new Inara accounts.

I've never sent an invite to anyone on Inara. Ever.
10 Jun 2017, 9:51pm
Ozmundo Vasqualez
John Mathurin
What approach? You spam invites to new Inara accounts.

I've never sent an invite to anyone on Inara. Ever.

I guess Veyder's taking a break?
10 Jun 2017, 9:51pm
M. Lehman
M. Lehman
Ozmundo Vasqualez
M. Lehman
Ozmundo Vasqualez
M. Lehman
But this is most curious. Ghost Legion has publicly declared war and yet doesn't seem to have a presence in the game itself.

If only our player-owned faction was clearly listed on the wing page in Inara.

Your player faction, sure. But not your location in-game. You do have a private group in the game, right?


And where, praytell, can those wishing to aid your group find it? You do call yourselves Ghost Legion in the game, right?

we have a in game faction which we don't really advertise as we like to keep to our selves
and avoid UA bombing and petty douchery that inter player group interaction occurs. to aide us you just need to start hitting PC owned systems, smuggle illegal goods, hit their faction ships and their commanders if you PvP if you wish to get more involved message our command team

So, in other words- even with a thousand people in your wing, you still feel the need hide to hide behind an alias?

No other BGS wing does this.

Nobody's hiding. That's just how the group was created way back when. Nobody felt the need to change it because it's never been a cause to get salty about. We aren't an aggressive group, we just do our own thing. That's kinda why we have so many allies affiliated with us here on INARA.
10 Jun 2017, 9:52pm
John Mathurin
Ozmundo Vasqualez
John Mathurin
What approach? You spam invites to new Inara accounts.

I've never sent an invite to anyone on Inara. Ever.

I guess Veyder's taking a break?

I can't help feeling some animosity coming from you John. What's up?
10 Jun 2017, 9:54pm
Ronin Vakris
John Mathurin
Ozmundo Vasqualez
John Mathurin
What approach? You spam invites to new Inara accounts.

I've never sent an invite to anyone on Inara. Ever.

I guess Veyder's taking a break?

I can't help feeling some animosity coming from you John. What's up?

I get super frustrated when I want to support a BGS faction but they won't tell me who to pledge to.

Could be my abandonment issues.
10 Jun 2017, 9:55pm
John Mathurin
Ozmundo Vasqualez
John Mathurin
What approach? You spam invites to new Inara accounts.

I've never sent an invite to anyone on Inara. Ever.

I guess Veyder's taking a break?

Is this one of those spy recognition phrases?

Deborah has gone to the hairdresser.
10 Jun 2017, 9:56pm
John Mathurin
Ronin Vakris
John Mathurin
Ozmundo Vasqualez
John Mathurin
What approach? You spam invites to new Inara accounts.

I've never sent an invite to anyone on Inara. Ever.

I guess Veyder's taking a break?

I can't help feeling some animosity coming from you John. What's up?

I get super frustrated when I want to support a BGS faction but they won't tell me who to pledge to.

Could be my abandonment issues.


No worries. The Sovereign Justice Collective is your port of call if you want to help out GL.
10 Jun 2017, 9:57pm
Thank you! That's all I wanted to know!
10 Jun 2017, 10:22pm
Now that Ghost Legion is finally being open with the name of their in-game faction (which I thank you for doing), can we expect an update to your wing page with this information?

This conversation will soon be buried, after all.
10 Jun 2017, 10:35pm
I... suppose we could just... keep linking it whenever it comes up.
10 Jun 2017, 10:37pm
M. LehmanNow that Ghost Legion is finally being open with the name of their in-game faction (which I thank you for doing), can we expect an update to your wing page with this information?

This conversation will soon be buried, after all.

And it's like it should be. Faction supported by us is OUR business and it is/should be OUR call whether we want have it openly published. How Ghost Legion handles support to 'our' minor faction is internal affair only, there is not any rule which disallow it for us. Ppl may dislike this, but it's simply not theirs business! Artie would have final word in such matters ofc, but wings in the end don't need to have any minor faction at all.

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