Elite: Game talk

09 Jun 2017, 4:44pm
Sorcor451Have the Alien ships been spotted at the barnacles in the PC world - or just on X-box so far

Been reading all of the comments but have only seem comments confirmed 100% on the X-Box

Both! Definitely both
10 Jun 2017, 3:37pm
Giyari[quote=Ozmundo Vasqualez]
I'm not sure you understand the definition of nose art?
As in art/decals on the nose of planes? Historically on Bombers during WWII

Used on all military aircraft for WWII, to present. Rotary wing also

10 Jun 2017, 7:05pm
Declaration of War

As of this moment, the Ghost Legion has declared War on the Paladin Consortium and it’s Wing Commander, Big Pappa.

For ever since that man left our Wing, we've watched. We've seen how many enemies PC made within the E:D community, for reasons that don't need to be repeated here.

We left him to his devices, his paranoia and delusions of grandeur. Feeling sorry for those who thought to have an honorable person as their leader. Only to be misled and used in the most horrible of ways.

His madness exceeded the boundaries of the acceptable as he openly threatened to kill everyone of our Wing that should be seen in the Systems belonging to the Paladin Consortium.

Without questioning.

This could not be ignored anymore, and so, a decision was made.

At 00:00 on Jun 7 3303, a detachment of Grim Reaper Squadron was dispatched to Tavgi, both as an envoy and as a show of force directed at Paladin's Consortium and their founder, Big Pappa.

Tasked with contacting CMDR Big Pappa, after 1 hour in the system, the detachment could detect no sign of Paladin Consortium. Not a single CMDR was spotted in the system.

At 0200, with no sign of Big Pappa, and not wanting to leave without first sending a message, Montrose and Makaira decided to put Operation: Kilroy into effect.

The goal of the operation was to put the names of the Grim Reaper detachment on the Systems top 5 most wanted list. This was accomplished by interdicting and killing system authority ships. This was meant to send the message that " We were here. We weren't killed. Ghost Legion will not be dictated to by a foreign power." (without good reason - if Big Pappa had said they were under attack and wanted to close their systems temporarily, that's another matter. Stay out or we'll kill you is unacceptable)

Now if it turns out that we went too far, we are prepared to donate our bounties to needy members of Paladin's Consortium.

The day after, PC members flooded into our Systems in an aggressive manner. They were dispatched by the dozens with only a few casualties on our side.

With PC being humbled, we thought this was the end of it.

But it wasn’t.

On the 8th we found that unknown forces were meddling with a War in one of our Systems. On the 9th, these people working out of the safety of PG / Solo almost wrecked us.

Almost. They were off by 1.0%

Since yesterday, we retaliated. And announced it openly that whomever does that will not win against us.

Then, they showed their faces in Open. And Big Pappa was amongst them.

Needless to say, their feeble attempts to thwart us were reversed in the most grandest of ways. Not only have they lost on the field of PvP, but are incapable in other areas as well.

But despite all this incompetence, a lesson needs to be taught. One that isn’t easily forgotten and will be forever etched in the mind of Big Pappa and those that still follow his crooked ideals.

We hereby declare the Paladin Consortium, Big Pappa and the Wing as whole as our enemies.

Since it has shown itself that they have no honor and attack from PG & Solo to undermine our Systems, it is encouraged to do the same to them.

We’re offering bounties on every confirmed (as in, filmed and put on Youtube) kill of a PC member from this moment on. The Grand Bounty will be paid on the destruction of Big Pappa himself (please speak to our Deputy Wing Commander DobermannIX for further details on this).

We didn’t want this War, but we’re not shying away from it either.

We are many, for we are Ghost Legion.

Ex Umbra
10 Jun 2017, 7:10pm
Good luck with your war and stay safe CMDR o7
10 Jun 2017, 7:17pm
Do you want to add you called in the 12.5 who used heat (heat cannons which are bugged and frowned on by the ED PvP community) and report crimes in PVP?  No honour there mate.

I would say about 6 GL members were present, the rest the heat fags (3 of which are known combat loggers).

Last edit: 10 Jun 2017, 7:33pm
10 Jun 2017, 8:02pm
M.a.r.s.h.a.l.l.Do you want to add you called in the 12.5

Prove it.

the rest the heat fags

Did you just use a homophobic term to describe the use of an unbalanced weapon in a game? Just asking for the sake of clarification.
10 Jun 2017, 8:06pm
Fag is slang for cigarrette in UK also, or maybe just Scotland, but certainly used a lot up here anyway...
10 Jun 2017, 8:08pm
Luke3107Fag is slang for cigarrette in UK also, or maybe just Scotland, but certainly used a lot up here anyway...

Almost used exclusively to refer to a cigarette, or as a slur. I'm willing to bet there's not a whiff of tobacco around here though.
10 Jun 2017, 8:28pm
Luke3107Fag is slang for cigarrette in UK also, or maybe just Scotland, but certainly used a lot up here anyway...

Yes, it's used in all of the UK.
10 Jun 2017, 8:28pm
Luke3107Fag is slang for cigarrette in UK also, or maybe just Scotland, but certainly used a lot up here anyway...

Almost used exclusively to refer to a cigarette, or as a slur. I'm willing to bet there's not a whiff of tobacco around here though.

There's certainly the whiff of something.
10 Jun 2017, 8:37pm
I'm in the UK, so it's slang for a ciggy.  Heat ciggies a running joke (blimey you guys need to get off your horses)....  I have screenshots of proof and could always pull data from my logs to show GL contact at the same time as the 12.5.  Have a look on the loggers list on reddit.

These folks:

12.5th (not complete roster): Scythya, Xenocidal Xero, Vaibhavkmcm, SSundee, matt walker, jugernaut

The first 3 are loggers.  Interestingly the Armada of Light (GPL, LOSP, BBS, KoK and several other groups are hunting them for using heat as I type this). In summary, the 12.5 as they are jokingly referred to (ie they are worse than the 13th Legion), are not a group you should be proud of being associated with.

Last edit: 10 Jun 2017, 8:54pm
10 Jun 2017, 8:52pm
If someone wanted to help Ghost Legion in this war, what faction would we take missions for? I can't find a "Ghost Legion" BGS faction anywhere in the game.
10 Jun 2017, 8:56pm
John MathurinIf someone wanted to help Ghost Legion in this war, what faction would we take missions for? I can't find a "Ghost Legion" BGS faction anywhere in the game.

You'd be better off attacking PalCons minor faction via the BGS. They are based in LFT 37 and it's surrounding systems.
10 Jun 2017, 8:56pm
John MathurinIf someone wanted to help Ghost Legion in this war, what faction would we take missions for? I can't find a "Ghost Legion" BGS faction anywhere in the game.

You'd be better off attacking PalCons minor faction via the BGS. They are based in LFT 37 and it's surrounding systems.

I understand that, but I want to take missions for Ghost Legion while I do it. How?
10 Jun 2017, 8:57pm
M.a.r.s.h.a.l.l.I'm in the UK, so it's slang for a ciggy.  

I'm British and I've never heard fag (cigarette) being used to describe people except in the American sense, so it's always good to have clarity.

I have screenshots of proof and could always pull data from my logs to show GL contact at the same time as the 12.5.

Are you saying that they were in the system at the same time? You made the assertion that they were summoned by Ghost Legion. I'll let the leadership comment on that if they want to, but it would be a first. We can fight our own battles when we're attacked.

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