Elite: Game talk

08 Jun 2017, 12:53pm
Ozmundo Vasqualez
GiyariNOSE ART! On my god I would adore that.

That's only ever going to be shown in HoloMe or to other multi-crew members though. Some of us have bigger canvases for more extravagant designs.

I'm not sure you understand the definition of nose art?
As in art/decals on the nose of planes? Historically on Bombers during WWII

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Oh, I understood.
08 Jun 2017, 2:02pm

I'd never even thought of it being the nose on a person's face! Brilliant! Thanks for that, although I got a raised eyebrow from my colleague.
08 Jun 2017, 2:37pm
Marra Morgan

they probably will make that a thing soon they did it for canonn why not everyone else?

Because Canonn have played a major part in driving Elite's main story arc. Can everyone else claim the same?

Does that mean Hairy Pooter gets the same recognition?
08 Jun 2017, 3:03pm
James Hussar

Does that mean Hairy Pooter gets the same recognition?

Sure, give him a badge!
08 Jun 2017, 6:39pm
Marra Morgan
James Hussar

Does that mean Hairy Pooter gets the same recognition?

Sure, give him a badge!

And a balloon. It seems wrong to have a badge without a balloon.
08 Jun 2017, 6:43pm
I have thought a lot about the nose art thing in the past. Take submissions from players with the understanding that those submissions become the property of Frontier once submitted, then have the submissions screened and a certain number every month become official release decals, with the submitting person getting theirs for free. It would be a HUGE cash grab on their part, but I think the community overall would go for it. They would quickly be swamped with entries, so they would probably have to dedicate a person to the task of screening alone, but the revenue stream it would generate would probably pay for the investment fairly quickly in the end. I would hope they would do a better job with placement than they did on the ship names, though...the name placement for the FAS is HORRIBLE!
08 Jun 2017, 10:14pm
Ozmundo Vasqualez
GiyariNOSE ART! On my god I would adore that.

That's only ever going to be shown in HoloMe or to other multi-crew members though. Some of us have bigger canvases for more extravagant designs.

I'm not sure you understand the definition of nose art?
As in art/decals on the nose of planes? Historically on Bombers during WWII

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There has to be a SLF Smear design for the conda. *Cough*Phisto*Cough*
08 Jun 2017, 10:29pm
Bryan Iscariot

There has to be a SLF Smear design for the conda. *Cough*Phisto*Cough*

Yes, this!
08 Jun 2017, 10:39pm

09 Jun 2017, 1:48pm
Actual footage of the incident's aftermath:
Warning, graphic content.

09 Jun 2017, 1:54pm
GiyariActual footage of the incident's aftermath:
Warning, graphic content.
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Or did you mean...

09 Jun 2017, 1:59pm
I was not responsible for either of those incidents!

09 Jun 2017, 2:02pm
Flashback to that time Phisto hid in the bushes and threw a goose at a roller coaster.
09 Jun 2017, 3:26pm
Have the Alien ships been spotted at the barnacles in the PC world - or just on X-box so far

Been reading all of the comments but have only seem comments confirmed 100% on the X-Box
09 Jun 2017, 3:31pm
GiyariFlashback to that time Phisto hid in the bushes and threw a goose at a roller coaster.

That was hilarious-I mean, tragic.

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