Elite: Game talk

06 Jul 2017, 1:54pm
I have seen API Key Generation in the settings ... Is there a JSON API already? If not, is it still planned?
greetings from germany and o7
06 Jul 2017, 2:43pm
vV Sir Tobi vVI have seen API Key Generation in the settings ... Is there a JSON API already? If not, is it still planned?
greetings from germany and o7

Yes, it's work in progress and one of the priorities at this moment.
06 Jul 2017, 3:39pm
still buggy and willkomen aus dem wilden südwesten
06 Jul 2017, 4:11pm
Raino Tenkstill buggy and willkomen aus dem wilden südwesten

What, Galloway?
06 Jul 2017, 4:25pm
Any idea how long lave has been in lockdown? Need some of that lavian brandy for an engineer but cant get it due to lockdown! Just my luck!

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 06 Jul 2017, 5:07pm
06 Jul 2017, 4:44pm
how can i find metal aloys some one ?? help !!

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 06 Jul 2017, 5:07pm
06 Jul 2017, 4:55pm
Gp11gp11how can i find metal aloys some one ?? help !!

go to a barnical site and shoot the large organic stucture
ChubbstheripperAny idea how long lave has been in lockdown? Need some of that lavian brandy for an engineer but cant get it due to lockdown! Just my luck!

it isnt under lockdown i have just bought 6 tons of brandy

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 06 Jul 2017, 5:07pm
06 Jul 2017, 7:37pm
Gp11gp11how can i find metal aloys some one ?? help !!

You can buy then in system Maia
06 Jul 2017, 9:22pm
Ok I've tried to reverse search the info but I just can't figure it out.... How do I tell whether or not a certain system or station has a player faction/Wing stationed there?
06 Jul 2017, 9:44pm
Ryker WyldeOk I've tried to reverse search the info but I just can't figure it out.... How do I tell whether or not a certain system or station has a player faction/Wing stationed there?

There is a list of minor factions on the star system page and if some faction is "owned" by players, it is marked as [player] like in this star system. I am trying to keep the list of player factions up to date, but it is possible that some PMF slipped my attention, so if some minor faction name sounds "suspicious" you can check its description in the game which may tell you more.
06 Jul 2017, 11:01pm
Ok I've found a decent system for my Wing HQ... Now where do I find the requirements and applications for becoming a player faction?
07 Jul 2017, 7:55am
While out on the Neutron Highway to Colonia, it's not uncommon to find unknown signal sources sitting on the edge of, or outright within, the jet cones of a Neutron Star. Some of them could be alien beacons, or some other exotic thing yet undiscovered.

But no doubt, many, perhaps most, are the only remains of those poor fools who went one boost too far. Who pushed their FSD beyond the breaking point. Who failed to get out from the wave before it pulled them apart.

A grim reminder of what could happen to any of us who ride the lanes. To all those who dive into the Neutron Fields and don't come back . . . 07
07 Jul 2017, 6:58pm
been searching for meta alloys for 2 @#$%@@#$.... days every where i go its been destroyd o ready so now what can i do to get this alloys ?? is there something else i can do to get this meta alloys so i can go to a engineer .. or is that it or is there someone that can help me im on the PS4 console if u can please help !!

psn: G_konjobomama1
07 Jul 2017, 7:08pm
Gp11gp11been searching for meta alloys for 2 @#$%@@#$.... days every where i go its been destroyd o ready so now what can i do to get this alloys ?? is there something else i can do to get this meta alloys so i can go to a engineer .. or is that it or is there someone that can help me im on the PS4 console if u can please help !!

psn: G_konjobomama1

Go to the barnacle sites, you can shoot them and they drop meta alloy

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