Elite: Game talk

18 Jun 2017, 5:52pm
You don't trust ANYTHING Isaiah
18 Jun 2017, 6:19pm
ArtieI thought the real reason to install DC is to play The Blue Danube.

How many credits did it cost to get this music on my ship?
18 Jun 2017, 6:35pm
Luke3107You don't trust ANYTHING Isaiah

Accurate statement, but docking computers are... finicky, at best.
18 Jun 2017, 6:37pm
"Im sorry Dave, I'm afraid I can't dock there."
18 Jun 2017, 6:52pm
Granted, when I tried the docking computer on my anaconda, it has never worked...
18 Jun 2017, 7:11pm
With just a little practice (and quickly after the DC starts screwing up in the station a few times), DC's are soon removed from even the largest ships. Manual docking is faster, safer and easier at good speeds. The DC could find some application [..IF..] FD would implement a toggle for hold-to-activate key feature so it could not threaten your ship with station destruction when it screws up an otherwise smooth landing. There is just no way to turn the damn thing off [and keep it off] quickly.

Last edit: 18 Jun 2017, 7:30pm
18 Jun 2017, 7:25pm
Whiplash 1983There is just no way to turn the damn thing off quickly.

There is. Just throttle up ever so slightly.

The main trick about DC is to not let them approach. Enter the dock manually and leave the finding of your dock to it.
18 Jun 2017, 7:36pm
I've done the little bit-o-throttle thing, but it tends to re-engage. I don't wrestle with it but even with the most careful application it has freaked out and done some pretty surprising and amazingly dumb stuff in-station and put me closer to loosing ships than anything I have gotten into using manual.
18 Jun 2017, 8:10pm
Consider the Kobayashi Maru of DC scenarios.

You bring your kitted out Cutter (at 44 million in insurance) safely through the slot and reduce throttle which causes the DC to engage. The DC extends you landing gear, unexpectedly spins your over-sized ship out of control (presumably to evade an approaching ship or whatever) and snag's your landing gear in the station rigging which now places you in this no-win scinario.

1) You can't dis-engage the DC with the throttle because you're stuck in rigging with no ship movement.
2) You can't retract the landing gear as the DC has control of it and it won't dis-engage.
3) You can't use the "Modules" screen to turn it off because the horn keeps interrupting the screen with repeating station warnings.
4) You reach for your beer and it's empty.
18 Jun 2017, 8:23pm
R.I.P, Whiplash's beer, tho.
18 Jun 2017, 8:25pm
Sounds like you're using the DC wrong.

Or your DC doesn't like you in particular.
18 Jun 2017, 8:39pm
I think the DC just doesn't like me 'cause I don't know how you could use an auto docking computer "wrong". You either have one, or not.
18 Jun 2017, 8:49pm
The DC used to be fraught with problems, I will agree, but those were ironed out multiple patches ago. Even the speed bug has been fixed and it will keep your ship under 100 during approach and landing in the zone of control. The only issues that I have seen that has not been resolved lately is the queue loop where you will just sit there waiting to enter. I had one missed approach several months back, and the thing actually backed my ship up and repositioned in front of the slot before going in to land. I believe the DC mishap stories have been blown grossly out of proportion and become something of an Urban Myth. If they were as bad as some make them out to be, there would be countless YouTube videos of mishaps and people demanding Frontier to do something about them.
18 Jun 2017, 8:53pm
Oliver N. HardyThe DC used to be fraught with problems, I will agree, but those were ironed out multiple patches ago. Even the speed bug has been fixed and it will keep your ship under 100 during approach and landing in the zone of control. The only issues that I have seen that has not been resolved lately is the queue loop where you will just sit there waiting to enter. I had one missed approach several months back, and the thing actually backed my ship up and repositioned in front of the slot before going in to land. I believe the DC mishap stories have been blown grossly out of proportion and become something of an Urban Myth. If they were as bad as some make them out to be, there would be countless YouTube videos of mishaps and people demanding Frontier to do something about them.

As a pilot who uses a DC on my T9. My experiences have been pretty much the same. I've had maybe two issues total, neither of which caused any major issues for me. I've always found a DC to be a satisfying investment.
18 Jun 2017, 9:15pm
I wish I could make that video compilation as my amusement with DC's has a long history with multiple instances where I can't boost 'cause the gear is down, can't retract with the DC on, can't dis-engage the DC without it re-engaging instantly. Nothing works while it is in control. And it still does this stuff. Not a problem with ships too small to need it. Only on the huge ships does it perform odd high speed reckless maneuvers in-station not possible under manual control. And I am not usually running film then. But I have no problem with huge ship landings now so it's no matter. I just wish I could trust it and do other stuff with the time.

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