Elite: Game talk

28 Jan 2016, 2:48pm
Sidenti TaaloI have a question.

If a team of one coder, one modeler and maybe one other person helping the other two can create a feature-complete space-sim that's offline-capable as well as multiplayer-friendly, offers planetary landing and exploration regardless of atmosphere (don't try exploring gas giants unless you know what the hell you're doing though!), city and station building/ownership, all the sandbox staples, AND does so in a package that's less than 400MB thick... why is taking David Braben, his staff of 260 employees, and a much larger pile of cash comparatively 10 seasons to offer much less functionality?

I would seriously like to know why that is.

(I'm talking about Evochron Legacy. Check it out if you haven't. It's $25 on Steam.)

Have you read and watched the kickstarter ,dev dairys and development videos of how the game is going to be developed ?
Than you know why .

As star citizen is stil in development and has a budget of over 100,000 mil and dozens of devs and is still not released.
28 Jan 2016, 2:59pm
Sidenti TaaloI have a question.

If a team of one coder, one modeler and maybe one other person helping the other two can create a feature-complete space-sim that's offline-capable as well as multiplayer-friendly, offers planetary landing and exploration regardless of atmosphere (don't try exploring gas giants unless you know what the hell you're doing though!), city and station building/ownership, all the sandbox staples, AND does so in a package that's less than 400MB thick... why is taking David Braben, his staff of 260 employees, and a much larger pile of cash comparatively 10 seasons to offer much less functionality?

I would seriously like to know why that is.

(I'm talking about Evochron Legacy. Check it out if you haven't. It's $25 on Steam.)

Evochron is not an MMO so can not be compared in the same way. Multiplayer v. MMO is a whole different ball game in terms of design, implementation, and potential issues.
Evochron Mercenary does not appear to have the fidelity of ED even though it is still pretty good. Then there is the point that FD are trying to recreate our Solar System while Evochron (like most space games) is most likely not specifically interested in the finer points of aligning with the real universe.
Also it is worth keeping mind that typically the more people you have in a given team, the less productive the team is per person normally (at least up to a point). There are things that can be done to manage and minimise the issues but it is not a simple straightforward matter normally.

Last edit: 28 Jan 2016, 3:04pm
28 Jan 2016, 6:24pm
Anny one ells experiencing crashes when jumping or engaging hyperspace?
28 Jan 2016, 6:46pm
CoragonRegarding that one Player group spreading their Minor faction to ten systems - do they completely control each and every Station in said systems or "just" one of them ? Would be interesting to find out if one needs to be in total control of a System regarding them Stations (no idea if that's the same with Planetary settlements) or just one per system to be counted towards the "reward" offered by FD (once a year a Minor faction that came to be due to Players requesting it can be chosen to be elevated to become a Power in Powerplay).

I think it works the same way as the powerplay faction controlling 1 sytem and exploiting the surrounding systems.

that is false info , or hacking of FD servers .... there is a faction wide cooldown on expantion , and since the first minor player faction was added there has been NOWHERE NEAR enough elapsed time.
28 Jan 2016, 7:08pm
Brenner SoriahPilots of Inara! Do you want to unite under a common flag? Thanks to a new player faction that was 'given' control of Kremainn, this once noob friendly territory by the LHS 3447 spawn has fallen into Anarchy! I plead to you all, support the cause to oust this player faction with absolutely NO internet presence, and seemingly no activity in this high population system. Help restore law to the territory, and make it safe(r) for the new players once more!

You can help by killing the House of Grebmo npc's, or even better, smuggle goods into Wohler terminal to undermine this outrageous and egregious crime! Please help our new players. I thank you, as do much of the rest of the Elite community


Plan to visit that place in next couple of weeks - will keep in mind. Right now I'm busy fighting with Emperor's Dawn terrorists at Ch'i Lin.
28 Jan 2016, 7:46pm
I was wondering if there was anywhere to advertise my wing?
28 Jan 2016, 7:48pm
Grounded . . . . 36 hours and counting.
had a major problem with the game yesterday. Everything kept freezing. Couldn't get out of FSD.
So I decided I had to do something.
Big mistake.
Started messing around with the computer, trying to clean things up, make it faster.
After that I couldn't get into the game at all. So I decided to do a reinstall. Searched for Hours, looking for the original installation disk.
Eventually I gave up and eventually decided to buy Elite: Horizons.
Problem solved. . . . . . .?!?!?!?
Logged on. Downloaded. Installed. Perfect!
Press PLAY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wait . . . . . . . . Wait. . . . . .
Enter COMMANDER name . . . . . Beachwalker
Sorry, that name is taken. . . . . . Choose another.

Eventually, I managed to find a name nobody else had, and started up.

I was back to square one. 1000 credits, a stock Sidewinder with only 2 ton cargo space. Stuck on a planet with little hope of ever archiving anything within the next couple of months.

Have I wasted over 150 hours of my life so far? Is it worth carrying on?
Should I just grit my teeth and carry on? Let this be one of life's little lessons?
Or just give up and have an early night?

Commander Beachwalker R.I.P.
28 Jan 2016, 8:07pm
BeachwalkerGrounded . . . . 36 hours and counting.
had a major problem with the game yesterday. Everything kept freezing. Couldn't get out of FSD.
So I decided I had to do something.
Big mistake.
Started messing around with the computer, trying to clean things up, make it faster.
After that I couldn't get into the game at all. So I decided to do a reinstall. Searched for Hours, looking for the original installation disk.
Eventually I gave up and eventually decided to buy Elite: Horizons.
Problem solved. . . . . . .?!?!?!?
Logged on. Downloaded. Installed. Perfect!
Press PLAY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wait . . . . . . . . Wait. . . . . .
Enter COMMANDER name . . . . . Beachwalker
Sorry, that name is taken. . . . . . Choose another.

Eventually, I managed to find a name nobody else had, and started up.

I was back to square one. 1000 credits, a stock Sidewinder with only 2 ton cargo space. Stuck on a planet with little hope of ever archiving anything within the next couple of months.

Have I wasted over 150 hours of my life so far? Is it worth carrying on?
Should I just grit my teeth and carry on? Let this be one of life's little lessons?
Or just give up and have an early night?

Commander Beachwalker R.I.P.

That is something for which I would submit a ticket. They'll probably restore your save if they can, and since the name still exists in their system, it's likely they still have your info. At this point, what can you lose by trying that you haven't already lost?
28 Jan 2016, 8:20pm
Srk Rabbit
Sidenti TaaloI have a question.

If a team of one coder, one modeler and maybe one other person helping the other two can create a feature-complete space-sim that's offline-capable as well as multiplayer-friendly, offers planetary landing and exploration regardless of atmosphere (don't try exploring gas giants unless you know what the hell you're doing though!), city and station building/ownership, all the sandbox staples, AND does so in a package that's less than 400MB thick... why is taking David Braben, his staff of 260 employees, and a much larger pile of cash comparatively 10 seasons to offer much less functionality?

I would seriously like to know why that is.

(I'm talking about Evochron Legacy. Check it out if you haven't. It's $25 on Steam.)

Evochron is not an MMO so can not be compared in the same way. Multiplayer v. MMO is a whole different ball game in terms of design, implementation, and potential issues.
Evochron Mercenary does not appear to have the fidelity of ED even though it is still pretty good. Then there is the point that FD are trying to recreate our Solar System while Evochron (like most space games) is most likely not specifically interested in the finer points of aligning with the real universe.
Also it is worth keeping mind that typically the more people you have in a given team, the less productive the team is per person normally (at least up to a point). There are things that can be done to manage and minimise the issues but it is not a simple straightforward matter normally.

In all of Elite Dangerous, only ONE system is realistically modeled - Sol. The graphics can look sharp all day long, but beyond Sol the ED universe is just as made-up as Evochron's or the X series.

Also, if ED is an MMO, so is Counterstrike. There's only 32 players per instance. It's not like SWTOR or WoW where you actually see a hundred people in one place, or GW2 where you have massive WvW battles. The most a player's ever going to get under the current structure is 16v16. EL can host up to 35 on a multiplayer server, and I'm not dependent on Frontier's servers (or, more accurately, Amazon's) staying online in order to play.

If this is Braben's take on a space MMO, I see no point to continuing when I have a game that better suits my needs and playstyle.
28 Jan 2016, 8:22pm
Sidenti Taalo
BeachwalkerGrounded . . . . 36 hours and counting.
had a major problem with the game yesterday. Everything kept freezing. Couldn't get out of FSD.
So I decided I had to do something.
Big mistake.
Started messing around with the computer, trying to clean things up, make it faster.
After that I couldn't get into the game at all. So I decided to do a reinstall. Searched for Hours, looking for the original installation disk.
Eventually I gave up and eventually decided to buy Elite: Horizons.
Problem solved. . . . . . .?!?!?!?
Logged on. Downloaded. Installed. Perfect!
Press PLAY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wait . . . . . . . . Wait. . . . . .
Enter COMMANDER name . . . . . Beachwalker
Sorry, that name is taken. . . . . . Choose another.

Eventually, I managed to find a name nobody else had, and started up.

I was back to square one. 1000 credits, a stock Sidewinder with only 2 ton cargo space. Stuck on a planet with little hope of ever archiving anything within the next couple of months.

Have I wasted over 150 hours of my life so far? Is it worth carrying on?
Should I just grit my teeth and carry on? Let this be one of life's little lessons?
Or just give up and have an early night?

Commander Beachwalker R.I.P.

That is something for which I would submit a ticket. They'll probably restore your save if they can, and since the name still exists in their system, it's likely they still have your info. At this point, what can you lose by trying that you haven't already lost?

Thanks for the support.
I've already put in a ticket, but at the moment they are inundated with support requests for Horizons. . . . (probably all the same requests)
72 hours is what they've told me.
Talk about going 'cold turkey'.
I can't sit still.
Trawling the web sites at the moment, just reading what everyone else is up to. Just itching to get back out there.
Aaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh. The pain.
28 Jan 2016, 8:59pm
Sidenti Taalo
BeachwalkerGrounded . . . . 36 hours and counting.
had a major problem with the game yesterday. Everything kept freezing. Couldn't get out of FSD.
So I decided I had to do something.
Big mistake.
Started messing around with the computer, trying to clean things up, make it faster.
After that I couldn't get into the game at all. So I decided to do a reinstall. Searched for Hours, looking for the original installation disk.
Eventually I gave up and eventually decided to buy Elite: Horizons.
Problem solved. . . . . . .?!?!?!?
Logged on. Downloaded. Installed. Perfect!
Press PLAY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wait . . . . . . . . Wait. . . . . .
Enter COMMANDER name . . . . . Beachwalker
Sorry, that name is taken. . . . . . Choose another.

Eventually, I managed to find a name nobody else had, and started up.

I was back to square one. 1000 credits, a stock Sidewinder with only 2 ton cargo space. Stuck on a planet with little hope of ever archiving anything within the next couple of months.

Have I wasted over 150 hours of my life so far? Is it worth carrying on?
Should I just grit my teeth and carry on? Let this be one of life's little lessons?
Or just give up and have an early night?

Commander Beachwalker R.I.P.

That is something for which I would submit a ticket. They'll probably restore your save if they can, and since the name still exists in their system, it's likely they still have your info. At this point, what can you lose by trying that you haven't already lost?

Thanks for the support.
I've already put in a ticket, but at the moment they are inundated with support requests for Horizons. . . . (probably all the same requests)
72 hours is what they've told me.
Talk about going 'cold turkey'.
I can't sit still.
Trawling the web sites at the moment, just reading what everyone else is up to. Just itching to get back out there.
Aaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh. The pain.

It is likely that if you bought basic ED and horizons from 2 different locations that the account which is used on horizons is a new one which is why this happened. If you open the horizons launcher and go to the options Right below the Welcome *name* and log out then you log in with the old account you had and you are good to go.
if you do want tho I can help you a bit along so you don't have to be without gametime while waiting if this doesn't work
28 Jan 2016, 9:03pm
Sidenti TaaloIn all of Elite Dangerous, only ONE system is realistically modeled - Sol. The graphics can look sharp all day long, but beyond Sol the ED universe is just as made-up as Evochron's or the X series.

That is debatable, how many of the systems are realistically modelled is a matter of debate since we do not have enough information about our galaxy to be 100% sure on the distribution of stellar objects and planetary bodies... the developers can however make a best guess as to how to interpret known information and data (and how it might change over the intervening 1000 years or so). As for X, I love that series but it is pure fiction in the main and makes no pretences about it (in addition the games cover only a fraction of the volume of space that Elite Dangerous does). Evochron on the other hand - you should compare their planetary rings with those of Elite since going from the videos they are far from the same level of detail.

As for the difference in distribution size which you raised in your OP, that can be accounted for by the quality and diversity of the graphical elements in ED. The X games are also quite large in install size for the size of Universe they model (each system in X is hand crafted too). With Evochron I am not certain, but I would not be surprised if it is somewhere between the size of an X game universe and Elite (which almost certainly trumps most games out there to date in terms of the expanse of space that is simulated). The Evochron graphics are not up to the level of Elite and in the main it is the graphics and other media that form the lion's share of most games disk/install footprint, they also can take a lot of time and effort to create too (especially when they have to be tested and approved by team members).

Sidenti TaaloAlso, if ED is an MMO, so is Counterstrike. There's only 32 players per instance. It's not like SWTOR or WoW where you actually see a hundred people in one place, or GW2 where you have massive WvW battles. The most a player's ever going to get under the current structure is 16v16. EL can host up to 35 on a multiplayer server, and I'm not dependent on Frontier's servers (or, more accurately, Amazon's) staying online in order to play.

GW1 is considered an MMO and that only supported a maximum of 8v8 in the PvP Arenas and a maximum of 8 players (IIRC) in the PvE areas (could have been as few as 4 but I seem to recall being in bigger groups than that). ED is an MMO but Counterstrike and the like are not - what makes it an MMO is that those 32 players are in the main selected on the fly using dynamic instancing as players travel around the universe.

Sidenti TaaloIf this is Braben's take on a space MMO, I see no point to continuing when I have a game that better suits my needs and playstyle.

That is your right of course, and please do not let me detain you if that is how you really feel.

Last edit: 29 Jan 2016, 5:20am
28 Jan 2016, 9:54pm
BeachwalkerGrounded . . . . 36 hours and counting.
had a major problem with the game yesterday. Everything kept freezing. Couldn't get out of FSD.
So I decided I had to do something.
Big mistake.
Started messing around with the computer, trying to clean things up, make it faster.
After that I couldn't get into the game at all. So I decided to do a reinstall. Searched for Hours, looking for the original installation disk.
Eventually I gave up and eventually decided to buy Elite: Horizons.
Problem solved. . . . . . .?!?!?!?
Logged on. Downloaded. Installed. Perfect!
Press PLAY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wait . . . . . . . . Wait. . . . . .
Enter COMMANDER name . . . . . Beachwalker
Sorry, that name is taken. . . . . . Choose another.

Eventually, I managed to find a name nobody else had, and started up.

I was back to square one. 1000 credits, a stock Sidewinder with only 2 ton cargo space. Stuck on a planet with little hope of ever archiving anything within the next couple of months.

Have I wasted over 150 hours of my life so far? Is it worth carrying on?
Should I just grit my teeth and carry on? Let this be one of life's little lessons?
Or just give up and have an early night?

Commander Beachwalker R.I.P.

Your character info is saved on the ED servers. Not your local computer. I used to play ED from 2 different computers. Every time I logged in it always picked up from where I had left off on the previous computer. Get logged in with your previous account information and you should get everything back easily.
28 Jan 2016, 9:55pm
Sidenti Taalo
Srk Rabbit
Sidenti TaaloI have a question.

If a team of one coder, one modeler and maybe one other person helping the other two can create a feature-complete space-sim that's offline-capable as well as multiplayer-friendly, offers planetary landing and exploration regardless of atmosphere (don't try exploring gas giants unless you know what the hell you're doing though!), city and station building/ownership, all the sandbox staples, AND does so in a package that's less than 400MB thick... why is taking David Braben, his staff of 260 employees, and a much larger pile of cash comparatively 10 seasons to offer much less functionality?

I would seriously like to know why that is.

(I'm talking about Evochron Legacy. Check it out if you haven't. It's $25 on Steam.)

Evochron is not an MMO so can not be compared in the same way. Multiplayer v. MMO is a whole different ball game in terms of design, implementation, and potential issues.
Evochron Mercenary does not appear to have the fidelity of ED even though it is still pretty good. Then there is the point that FD are trying to recreate our Solar System while Evochron (like most space games) is most likely not specifically interested in the finer points of aligning with the real universe.
Also it is worth keeping mind that typically the more people you have in a given team, the less productive the team is per person normally (at least up to a point). There are things that can be done to manage and minimise the issues but it is not a simple straightforward matter normally.

In all of Elite Dangerous, only ONE system is realistically modeled - Sol. The graphics can look sharp all day long, but beyond Sol the ED universe is just as made-up as Evochron's or the X series.

Also, if ED is an MMO, so is Counterstrike. There's only 32 players per instance. It's not like SWTOR or WoW where you actually see a hundred people in one place, or GW2 where you have massive WvW battles. The most a player's ever going to get under the current structure is 16v16. EL can host up to 35 on a multiplayer server, and I'm not dependent on Frontier's servers (or, more accurately, Amazon's) staying online in order to play.

If this is Braben's take on a space MMO, I see no point to continuing when I have a game that better suits my needs and playstyle.

true , but 100's of thousands of stars are there based on our best star charts - a few have been renamed tho. also the galaxy is shaped as best we can tell - tho the ''pie-slice'' the other side of sag A is mostly made up. so in effect the only thing really made up is the planets themselves - which FD will ammend if/when any are found.
All the graphics are done for 4k res and your system scales it back , so using a 4k screen is WAY better than most , most do theirs for 1600 and scale up.

feel free to go to a diff space game , but always remember the game you go to was inspired by elite (directly or indirectly)
28 Jan 2016, 11:06pm
Sidenti TaaloI have a question.

If a team of one coder, one modeler and maybe one other person helping the other two can create a feature-complete space-sim that's offline-capable as well as multiplayer-friendly, offers planetary landing and exploration regardless of atmosphere (don't try exploring gas giants unless you know what the hell you're doing though!), city and station building/ownership, all the sandbox staples, AND does so in a package that's less than 400MB thick... why is taking David Braben, his staff of 260 employees, and a much larger pile of cash comparatively 10 seasons to offer much less functionality?

I would seriously like to know why that is.

(I'm talking about Evochron Legacy. Check it out if you haven't. It's $25 on Steam.)

I'll have to check that out.
Brenner Soriah

That's not so easy to change at the moment. May want to wait for another patch version, when FD implement some more changes to how player factions work. Anyway, good luck with that. I'm more interested in getting the player minor faction that my buddies got started to thrive. Cheers

A player faction works the same as any minor faction. Since not everyone understands the BGS like some of the top player factions do (we have research teams that spend time in the meta; one player group in particular focused completely on BGS has spread their minor faction to TEN different systems), I listed out PRECISELY what you can do to help. These are proven methods to instigate states of lockdown and civil unrest. It's honestly a lot easier than you may think. You just need numbers to get behind it.

Interesting. Looks as though I'll have to do some research to understand it better.

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