Elite: Game talk

today, 2:45pm
MeowersI can't say exactly whether or not are mine considered 'double-engineered', but I got them from Sirius I think, if I remember correctly, and then applied the capacity upgrade

You actually don’t even apply any upgrade to them. They are a pre-engineered module which comes with an additional heatsink charge compared to the standard ammo capacity blueprint (which like what, only gives you one extra?), by throwing some materials at a tech broker on one of the Sirius ships.

I did expect it would probably just be one of those but it’s not like Frontier like to make things clear in their wording.
today, 2:54pm
Yeah, maybe. Maybe I mistaken that engineering stage with upgrading Caustic sinks to '1/7'. My memory is a crap and this isn't something worth remembering anyway. Point is: they're identical to those you can obtain at any time by using existing ways.

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