Elite: Game talk

16 Oct 2021, 6:48pm

Heading back to a particular FC in Ep Eridani.
16 Oct 2021, 7:05pm
Hmm, someone refueled my carrier...
16 Oct 2021, 7:11pm
EpisparhDamn! MSV Solomon smells like cat piss

SakashiroHmm, someone refueled my carrier...

I've just put these lines together in my weird imagination...
16 Oct 2021, 7:24pm
Ha, at least you can use the saved CR for fuel for a proper clean service. Pay premium and hope they are good. Maybe the cat piss smell will go away.
16 Oct 2021, 7:24pm
MeowersI've just put these lines together in my weird imagination...

Who needs tritium if you can run a carrier on cat piss instead?
16 Oct 2021, 7:37pm
EpisparhHa, at least you can use the saved CR for fuel for a proper clean service. Pay premium and hope they are good. Maybe the cat piss smell will go away.

Btw I managed to grab a spot in Alcor, so now I have refuel, repair and armory services, too. Currently suspended though. But at least I can restock limpets if I take the carrier out to a mining spot outside the bubble.

I also looked for janitorial services but didn't find any. Maybe the smell will go away if I open the windows? Thanks for the fuel btw.
16 Oct 2021, 10:12pm
Loving my new carrier
17 Oct 2021, 12:30am
SakashiroWho needs tritium if you can run a carrier on cat piss instead?
Ah, that's the most awesome justification for becoming a crazy cat lady.
17 Oct 2021, 6:04am
Ah, that's the most awesome justification for becoming a crazy cat lady.

Sadly it is a matter of octagonal flowers which smells like cat piss.
17 Oct 2021, 7:44am
SquirtyLoving my new carrier

Nautilus Gang
17 Oct 2021, 8:47am
Just visited the crashed Anaconda in Orrere...
Took me quite some time to find it, although I knew the coordinates.

How the hell did players stumble upon it in the first place???

Last edit: 17 Oct 2021, 9:02am
17 Oct 2021, 9:08am
I think once you map it it shows as surface signal on the body itself. Not listed in nav panel.
17 Oct 2021, 9:27am
EpisparhI think once you map it it shows as surface signal on the body itself. Not listed in nav panel.

Yeah, saw a youtube video.
but still many thanks to you.
They said, I had to data scan the ship core.
Now it´s a usual POI
17 Oct 2021, 12:57pm
Deep space mining is so convenient with a carrier! Yesterday I took the Solomon outside the bubble to a platinum hotspot that I had visited with my T-9 two weeks earlier. Now I have 160t of platinum and osmium in my cargo hold, more than enough to pay a month of carrier upkeep. Today I will check out tritium mining, because I have this crazy idea forming in my mind about becoming nomadic and entirely self-sustained, sort of like those Dredger clans. I would basically fill up with commodities while I travel, and occasionally return to the bubble or Colonia to sell. Additionally I could install Universal Cartographics and pay the upkeep by going out scanning and mapping.
17 Oct 2021, 1:52pm
SakashiroDeep space mining is so convenient with a carrier! Yesterday I took the Solomon outside the bubble to a platinum hotspot that I had visited with my T-9 two weeks earlier. Now I have 160t of platinum and osmium in my cargo hold, more than enough to pay a month of carrier upkeep. Today I will check out tritium mining, because I have this crazy idea forming in my mind about becoming nomadic and entirely self-sustained, sort of like those Dredger clans. I would basically fill up with commodities while I travel, and occasionally return to the bubble or Colonia to sell. Additionally I could install Universal Cartographics and pay the upkeep by going out scanning and mapping.

Be wary of getting the Space Madness...

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