Elite: Game talk

15 Oct 2021, 11:09am
Hiya, is this the general game thread? Can I ask things here? o:
15 Oct 2021, 11:25am
UltieHiya, is this the general game thread? Can I ask things here? o:

Always ask. You’ll get a range of replies, most of which are helpful
15 Oct 2021, 11:42am
UltieHiya, is this the general game thread? Can I ask things here? o:

Always ask. You’ll get a range of replies, most of which are helpful

Cool! I would like to know what kinds of screenies you guys want to be uploaded to this site? It seems like a big deal to upload good looking ones... And how does my pictures look worse than others? Are there some graphical mods or something? I'm running 1080p ultras, doesn't look as good.. I am somewhat new to a game, but not a complete noob.
15 Oct 2021, 12:07pm
UltieCool! I would like to know what kinds of screenies you guys want to be uploaded to this site? It seems like a big deal to upload good looking ones... And how does my pictures look worse than others? Are there some graphical mods or something? I'm running 1080p ultras, doesn't look as good.. I am somewhat new to a game, but not a complete noob.
You may try to make High-Res screenshots (Alt-F10 in Solo or Private Group modes) and then post-process them somehow with photo editing software.
15 Oct 2021, 12:13pm
Don’t know much about posting screenshots. I usually manage to do it wrong. But the ones I prefer in the gallery tend to be spectacular compositions rather than particularly high resolution. There are a huge number of ‘here’s my ship in front of something sparkly’ which I tire of quickly but a good eye for a picture makes all the difference.
Not sure that this is really a game question, tho. More to do with the website, so may not be in the right thread.
15 Oct 2021, 12:17pm
UltieCool! I would like to know what kinds of screenies you guys want to be uploaded to this site? It seems like a big deal to upload good looking ones... And how does my pictures look worse than others? Are there some graphical mods or something? I'm running 1080p ultras, doesn't look as good.. I am somewhat new to a game, but not a complete noob.

You may try to make High-Res screenshots (Alt-F10 in Solo or Private Group modes) and then post-process them somehow with photo editing software.

Oh, post-process, I thought what people upload here are raw, aight then!

QuillmonkeyDon’t know much about posting screenshots. I usually manage to do it wrong. But the ones I prefer in the gallery tend to be spectacular compositions rather than particularly high resolution. There are a huge number of ‘here’s my ship in front of something sparkly’ which I tire of quickly but a good eye for a picture makes all the difference.
Not sure that this is really a game question, tho. More to do with the website, so may not be in the right thread.

Yeah Im sorry, Ill see myself out now, I got all I needed, fly safe!
15 Oct 2021, 12:18pm
With screenshots high res works only in solo but this is not necessarily the solution for your question. It is like photography, you can have the best hardware and make worst pics than a professional with regular gear. It is all about light, positioning, focus and blur. Try to Google "elite dangerous photography". I am sure something cool will pop up.


There is a fb group and discord server if you are interested in that.
15 Oct 2021, 1:09pm
Best mining ship: https://inara.cz/cmdr-fleet/350862/3468090/
15 Oct 2021, 1:30pm
Only 9 collectors and a docking computer? And even if you fix that it is good only for laser mining.

15 Oct 2021, 1:57pm
Hey folks

Any suggestion for a fun PVE Combat Clipper-build? Started tinkering with a 4x frag setup, but indecisive regarding the weapon engineering.
15 Oct 2021, 2:09pm
15 Oct 2021, 2:17pm
DuskthornHey folks

Any suggestion for a fun PVE Combat Clipper-build? Started tinkering with a 4x frag setup, but indecisive regarding the weapon engineering.

Use gimbled - and split the damage equally to thermal/kinetic. For the shield use bi-weave.

Strictly for PvE I would go with medium pulse lasers and large frags/MCs. Frags have great damage output but run out of ammo fast. Thrust me, I love playing my pacifier vulture but the amount of ammo synthesis is killing the fun out of it.
15 Oct 2021, 2:24pm
Dopey here got 750 merits but mixed up tick day.
Guess I’m waiting another week
15 Oct 2021, 3:02pm
UmbrellaCorpBest mining ship: https://inara.cz/cmdr-fleet/350862/3468090/

Personally, I'd specialise one build for laser and one for cores but if you want to do both I'd suggest:
  • Swap out docking comp for surface scanner in size 1 slot
  • Prospector controller to the size 3 slot
  • 4A refinery to size 4 slot
This frees up a size 6 slot for either another collector controller or size 6 cargo rack
15 Oct 2021, 3:05pm

Now I need to figure out what to do with it.

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