Elite: Game talk

14 Oct 2021, 11:39pm
Nice. Where are you right now?
15 Oct 2021, 1:04am
OK, so I filled up my shiny new Python's cargo hold with limpets and left the bubble in some random direction. I scanned dozens of systems and after a long time found a planet with a low temperature diamond hotspot in its icy ring. I dropped into the hotspot, killed two pirates, then started prospecting. Nothing, nothing, nothing, low LTD content, nothing, nothing, nothing... I realized that if I continued wasting limpets on prospecting, I would soon run out of them. So I started flying from rock to rock and shooting my mining lasers at them. Whenever LTD fragments began to show up, I shot a prospector limpet at the rock to increase the yield. The results still weren't great, but at least I managed to cut down the insane limpet wastage.

Now I have 14 units of LTD in my cargo hold and spent 47 limpets. And I'm wondering: How the F did people play this game before EDSM, EDMC, Inara etc. were around? Before every double and triple hotspot was mapped, before every market was monitored 24/7 etc.

The average price of LTD is 119,775 Cr, but thanks to Inara I know there's a place where I can sell them for 432,601 Cr. So there's a profit of 6 million credits waiting for me. Plot twist: While I was looking for a mining hotspot, I came across several Earth-like and water worlds and mapped them with my double-engineered surface scanner. So the exploration data in my ship is probably worth much more than the LTD in my cargo hold. And it was much less tedious to obtain. And it'll sell for the same price no matter where I go.

Bottom line: Without EDSM/EDMC, mining is an utter waste of time. Literally the only way to make it worthwhile is to mine where everyone else mines, and sell where everyone else sells. Which is F-ing boring, let's face it. It's the opposite of adventure.
15 Oct 2021, 1:09am
SakashiroWhich is F-ing boring, let's face it. It's the opposite of adventure.
As mining should be!
15 Oct 2021, 1:44am
LTD profit: 5,886,650 Cr
UC profit: 8,222,603 Cr

I think I'll try mining in a resource extraction site. That should spice things up a bit.

Last edit: 15 Oct 2021, 1:56am
15 Oct 2021, 4:40am

Why bother with anaconda then? Python is 192t and have it in faster and better handling package.

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Hmm... How many collector limpets do you use at a time?
Please don´t say "all"

Usually I am lazy, so the short answer is indeed all.

Although, the mining hardpoints may vary I trend to keep roughly 3 limpets per one 2d mining laser, so if I swap sub-surface gear with a laser then all fits in place.

The purpose of this ship and a very similar Krait (-64t) I keep in Colonia is to be able to mine anything I see. This seems to be less boring from laser mining or RNG frustration from core mining.

Back on the topic - The Any have only one real advantage over the Python in regards of mining. This is the case with laser mining in particular and the advantage is the power distributor. It can support up to 4 2d mining lasers while python can't. But then you do not need to drop to python level of cargo - you can get 100+t more.

I think I have used something like this https://s.orbis.zone/grb6 on my Indomitable in my early days in E: D. But once I got access to cutter that build became obsolete, so I have converted it to its current state a fixed MCs gunship

Last edit: 15 Oct 2021, 5:22am
15 Oct 2021, 5:05am
Sakashiro... low LTD content ...

Let me stop you here as this 3 words summarize your problem. LTD content is usually half than what you would see in painite/platinum rock. LTD rocks max is around 35% while painite is around 70%. Back in the days only Borann was a thing because of the overlaps , usually every 2nd rock had 10+ % LTDs it still was not very effective and subject to RNG, this is why the miners invented mapped runs. Back then painite was considered more consistent while LTD was a meta only with right ship and map/luck. Back then a core mining LTD and VO were the usual go to for new CMDRs for starting money as 2 rocks were enough to fill up a cobra.

Nowadays if you want to make CR - the only viable methods are:
  1. Platinum laser mining - a game of boredom
  2. Core mining for Musgravite, Monezite and other cores that are present in rocky rings. This is more engaging but you end up with 2-3 commodities to sell at the end.
15 Oct 2021, 6:47am
Actually I was looking for platinum first, but metallic rings seem to be about as rare as ELWs, and metallic rings with platinum hotspots even more so. However, I mined LTDs before (in my Courier, lol) but don't remember it being that slow. In fact I once mined 30 LTDs in a shorter time, even though I didn't have limpets and had to scoop the fragments manually, and I had to do it in three runs because the Courier had only 6 cargo and 4 refinery bins. I expected a smoother experience with a proper mining ship, so this session was slightly disappointing. If I had spent the time just hauling with my T-9 instead, the profits would have been ten times higher.
15 Oct 2021, 6:49am
Let me stop you here as this 3 words summarize your problem. LTD content is usually half than what you would see in painite/platinum rock. LTD rocks max is around 35% while painite is around 70%. Back in the days only Borann was a thing because of the overlaps , usually every 2nd rock had 10+ % LTDs it still was not very effective and subject to RNG, this is why the miners invented mapped runs. Back then painite was considered more consistent while LTD was a meta only with right ship and map/luck. Back then a core mining LTD and VO were the usual go to for new CMDRs for starting money as 2 rocks were enough to fill up a cobra.

You are talking only about surface mining. Core mining does not follow these percentages. It’s all covered in the doc i posted above.
LTD are still fine for cores, however I’d actually go to VO hotspot to pick up opals, ltd and a bit of tritium.
As for boring: I find mining in hazRES quite entertaining and profitable. Though now I tend to map if I need some cash for speed.
15 Oct 2021, 6:59am
SakashiroActually I was looking for platinum first, but metallic rings seem to be about as rare as ELWs, and metallic rings with platinum hotspots even more so. However, I mined LTDs before (in my Courier, lol) but don't remember it being that slow. In fact I once mined 30 LTDs in a shorter time, even though I didn't have limpets and had to scoop the fragments manually, and I had to do it in three runs because the Courier had only 6 cargo and 4 refinery bins. I expected a smoother experience with a proper mining ship, so this session was slightly disappointing. If I had spent the time just hauling with my T-9 instead, the profits would have been ten times higher.

If you want good plat mining in the bubble then edtools will tell you. But these will be busier. Outside the bubble Spansh is your hotspot finder.
It is not supposed to be the killer pursuit like it was in the LTD/VO hayday but as you get better at coring it does get pretty good and plat mining is pretty constant. I normally reckon on 80t of core or 300t of plat in about an hour.
15 Oct 2021, 7:02am

You are talking only about surface mining. Core mining does not follow these percentages. It’s all covered in the doc i posted above.
LTD are still fine for cores, however I’d actually go to VO hotspot to pick up opals, ltd and a bit of tritium.
As for boring: I find mining in hazRES quite entertaining and profitable. Though now I tend to map if I need some cash for speed.

Yes, I thought it was obvious from her comments about content %. LTD may be fine for cores but they were almost never been best to spend your time on. VO were far more profitable back then and LTD surface mining could net you far more yield. Now LTDs are pure garbage. If you spend your time on cores hunting you better spend it on the top 2-3 selling commodities.

Last edit: 15 Oct 2021, 7:41am
15 Oct 2021, 7:57am
SakashiroActually I was looking for platinum first, but metallic rings seem to be about as rare as ELWs, and metallic rings with platinum hotspots even more so. However, I mined LTDs before (in my Courier, lol) but don't remember it being that slow. In fact I once mined 30 LTDs in a shorter time, even though I didn't have limpets and had to scoop the fragments manually, and I had to do it in three runs because the Courier had only 6 cargo and 4 refinery bins. I expected a smoother experience with a proper mining ship, so this session was slightly disappointing. If I had spent the time just hauling with my T-9 instead, the profits would have been ten times higher.

Happy to share with you that there’s a nice platinum hotspot in a pure metallic ring at GCRV 375 2A. Several stations within one jump range are often in the higher paying echelons of the bubble.

To get best bang for buck, ideally you map high platinum content rocks so you can revisit and speed from rock to rock. That way you also can use “most” of the limpets rather than “all” of the limpets. I’m building a map for that hotspot at GCRV 375 2A right now. With 9 rocks mapped out so far I can get ~100 tonnes of platinum in 25 minutes from reaching the hotspot marker.

Caveat to above, I’m on XBox. Asteroid populations differ between console and PC. Rocks are persistent, and respawn every 6 hours rather than once a week like core asteroids.
15 Oct 2021, 8:24am
Anadromous#1229Asteroid populations differ between console and PC. Rocks are persistent, and respawn every 6 hours rather than once a week like core asteroids.

Yes, I've heard that, due to graphics limitations, the XBox has approx half the number of rocks in any given system. Maps however still work on all systems and the number of core rocks remains persistent and constant per tile, so it would theoretically be easier to mine on XB. Would this also work on PC if you turned all the graphics settings to low?
I believe the refresh is 2 hours for non-core rocks.
15 Oct 2021, 9:05am
SakashiroOK, so I filled up my shiny new Python's cargo hold with limpets and left the bubble in some random direction. I scanned dozens of systems and after a long time found a planet with a low temperature diamond hotspot in its icy ring. I dropped into the hotspot, killed two pirates, then started prospecting. Nothing, nothing, nothing, low LTD content, nothing, nothing, nothing... I realized that if I continued wasting limpets on prospecting, I would soon run out of them. So I started flying from rock to rock and shooting my mining lasers at them. Whenever LTD fragments began to show up, I shot a prospector limpet at the rock to increase the yield. The results still weren't great, but at least I managed to cut down the insane limpet wastage.

Now I have 14 units of LTD in my cargo hold and spent 47 limpets. And I'm wondering: How the F did people play this game before EDSM, EDMC, Inara etc. were around? Before every double and triple hotspot was mapped, before every market was monitored 24/7 etc.

The average price of LTD is 119,775 Cr, but thanks to Inara I know there's a place where I can sell them for 432,601 Cr. So there's a profit of 6 million credits waiting for me. Plot twist: While I was looking for a mining hotspot, I came across several Earth-like and water worlds and mapped them with my double-engineered surface scanner. So the exploration data in my ship is probably worth much more than the LTD in my cargo hold. And it was much less tedious to obtain. And it'll sell for the same price no matter where I go.

Bottom line: Without EDSM/EDMC, mining is an utter waste of time. Literally the only way to make it worthwhile is to mine where everyone else mines, and sell where everyone else sells. Which is F-ing boring, let's face it. It's the opposite of adventure.

hello, may I suggest you a nice mining location inside the Bubble?.......my favourite spot is in SOCHO (last ringed planet)..........there you'll find a very nice duobble tritium spot along with a Grandidierite spot...............in the end it's very rich of deep core mining (ltd, grandidierite,void opal etc etc)..............you'll also find my Fleet Carrier "Gatta Matta" if you need to refill and restore.
hope this is helpful

Last edit: 15 Oct 2021, 9:18am
15 Oct 2021, 9:16am
SakashiroActually I was looking for platinum first, but metallic rings seem to be about as rare as ELWs, and metallic rings with platinum hotspots even more so. However, I mined LTDs before (in my Courier, lol) but don't remember it being that slow. In fact I once mined 30 LTDs in a shorter time, even though I didn't have limpets and had to scoop the fragments manually, and I had to do it in three runs because the Courier had only 6 cargo and 4 refinery bins. I expected a smoother experience with a proper mining ship, so this session was slightly disappointing. If I had spent the time just hauling with my T-9 instead, the profits would have been ten times higher.

you can synthesis limpets when you run out from the right panel_inventory_synthesis
15 Oct 2021, 9:20am
Now I have 14 units of LTD in my cargo hold and spent 47 limpets. And I'm wondering: How the F did people play this game before EDSM, EDMC, Inara etc. were around? Before every double and triple hotspot was mapped, before every market was monitored 24/7 etc.

When I started mining it was like that too. But then I realized that asteroids with a core are different from the rest. Now I look for them visually. They have textures of cracks in which to put charges. I give a pulse, look for the brightest one, fly up and visually inspect.
So now I don't spend limpets for a prospector on asteroids without cores.

And it becomes like hunting or fishing and at times it is just as interesting as fighting )

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