Elite: Game talk

25 Oct 2021, 11:26am
SakashiroIs there a list of materials that can be extracted from asteroids? If possible, I'd rather equip a small mining laser instead of a vehicle hangar. But I'm not sure all the materials for FSD injections can be picked up that way.

I use Elite: Dangerous - Minerals and Where to Find Them (Credit: Intergalactic Mining Union)

According to that sheet, 11* of the 28 materials are surface only - although Tin can be found in Metallic asteroids.
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Antimony, Mercury, Molybdenum, Niobium, Polonium, Ruthenium, Technetium, Tellurium, Tin*, Yttrium, Zinc

For premium injection's you'll need Niobium, Polonium and Yttrium from surface prospecting/mat trading, and for basic AFMU refills you'll need Zinc, again from surface prospecting/mat trading.

That data has some discrepancies. I'm positive I've mined Iron and Selenium (rare) from Metallic rings. There are others I think I've mined as well but are listed as un-mineable but I'm not certain. How old is it?
25 Oct 2021, 11:46am
That data has some discrepancies. I'm positive I've mined Iron and Selenium (rare) from Metallic rings. There are others I think I've mined as well but are listed as un-mineable but I'm not certain. How old is it?

You might be right with the discrepancies, when I noticed the one with Tin I was wondering if it had been updated recently.

The last update on the Commodities tab was back in April (when they were updating the average prices), as for the Material tab, it doesn't say, but the sheet was first made back in Aug 2020, so it's not super old.

It could just be that not enough data was collected to say that a certain material can or cannot be found in a certain asteroid type, rather than in being "un-mineable" as you put it.

As with anything like this, take it as a rough guide, and then confirm it for yourself.

The first line literally says:
Find a material in a location that's not checked here? Leave a comment on the mineral and we'll correct it.
25 Oct 2021, 12:17pm
That data has some discrepancies. I'm positive I've mined Iron and Selenium (rare) from Metallic rings. There are others I think I've mined as well but are listed as un-mineable but I'm not certain. How old is it?

You might be right with the discrepancies, when I noticed the one with Tin I was wondering if it had been updated recently.

The last update on the Commodities tab was back in April (when they were updating the average prices), as for the Material tab, it doesn't say, but the sheet was first made back in Aug 2020, so it's not super old.

It could just be that not enough data was collected to say that a certain material can or cannot be found in a certain asteroid type, rather than in being "un-mineable" as you put it.

As with anything like this, take it as a rough guide, and then confirm it for yourself.

The first line literally says:
Find a material in a location that's not checked here? Leave a comment on the mineral and we'll correct it.

Farm tier 4 raw mats from both main shard sites except selenium. You can farm selenium either while farming meta alloys at active thargoid bases or at brain tree locations. As for tier 1 raw mats, platinum laser mining will fill those up to 100% in a hour or so, and the platinum itself is both very profitable and the selling price is stable at around 270,000 a unit.
25 Oct 2021, 1:04pm
Since I might be far away for an extended period of time, it's very important for me to know whether a raw material is available in deep space. I can't rely on unique sources such as thargoid sites, the crystal shards, or material traders. I can stock up before leaving, but that's only a temporary solution.
25 Oct 2021, 1:17pm
SakashiroSince I might be far away for an extended period of time, it's very important for me to know whether a raw material is available in deep space. I can't rely on unique sources such as thargoid sites, the crystal shards, or material traders. I can stock up before leaving, but that's only a temporary solution.

1) You're welcome for trying to help you. 2) Is princess not pleased with how I've served her? 3) Feel free to pop in an asteroid field and do your own research.
25 Oct 2021, 1:22pm
SakashiroSince I might be far away for an extended period of time, it's very important for me to know whether a raw material is available in deep space. I can't rely on unique sources such as thargoid sites, the crystal shards, or material traders. I can stock up before leaving, but that's only a temporary solution.

EDSM tracks green and gold systems. I am sure you can search for nearby green but what you would need is gold systems AKA they have all mats in them.
25 Oct 2021, 2:09pm
SakashiroSince I might be far away for an extended period of time, it's very important for me to know whether a raw material is available in deep space. I can't rely on unique sources such as thargoid sites, the crystal shards, or material traders. I can stock up before leaving, but that's only a temporary solution.

1) You're welcome for trying to help you. 2) Is princess not pleased with how I've served her? 3) Feel free to pop in an asteroid field and do your own research.

Sorry if I hurt your feelings. I was just trying to explain why I asked a different question than the one you answered. Thanks for your help anyway.
25 Oct 2021, 4:22pm
SakashiroSince I might be far away for an extended period of time, it's very important for me to know whether a raw material is available in deep space. I can't rely on unique sources such as thargoid sites, the crystal shards, or material traders. I can stock up before leaving, but that's only a temporary solution.

Maybe taking an SRV is better for you. IIRC, asteroid mats are only G1 to G3. Surface mats are G1 to G4. The only odd one is selenium which is down as a Rare (G4) but is coded as a G2 so can be found in asteroids and surface. However, it is rare due to the rather low share in the ‘common group’. Other common mats such as zinc, arsenic, vanadium, zirconium and zinc are mostly a lot higher percent. Reddit miners go into a lot more detail about the mechs for selenium, but the upshot is - volcanic bodies in which selenium has a 2x higher percentage than all other mats in its common group. So, in the bubble, Taoshamorio 1Ca is good because selenium will drop on crystalline fragments 65% of the time.
Does that make any sense?
25 Oct 2021, 8:29pm
The Bright Sentinel, Salvation's Megaship with the Tech Broker for the Modified Guardian Weapons, will be moving from Mbooni to Merope on Thursday 28th.

Bright Sentinel Itinerary

This *should* allow anyone who wanted to get Modified Gauss/Shard Cannons, but didn't have the Mbooni permit, to now be able to buy them from the Tech Broker.

Material costs for Modified Guardian Weapons
25 Oct 2021, 10:26pm
SakashiroI'm just about to build this DBX.

Consider going with an A rated powerplant with low emission/thermal spread. The relatively small loss in jump range is worth it in exchange for better thermals.
25 Oct 2021, 10:30pm
Nick Nova
SakashiroI'm just about to build this DBX.

Consider going with an A rated powerplant with low emission/thermal spread. The relatively small loss in jump range is worth it in exchange for better thermals.

I concur, I initially planned on D-rating everything bar the FSD, but you want an exploration vessel to run cool for all those times you are in very closely orbiting binary systems.
25 Oct 2021, 10:38pm
Definately. I used to min max but jump range isn't everything. My favourite explorer is my phantom, she has a top speed of 586 and can permaboost while still having a jumprange of 67 ly unladen.
25 Oct 2021, 10:58pm
I've never found min-max to be worth it in any game where there are several attributes to consider for any given task.
26 Oct 2021, 1:53am
Maximum heat dissipation of a DBX is twice as high as a Courier's, and still 25% higher than the current coldest ship in my fleet, the Mamba, which I can park at maximum scoop rate near a star without temperature ever rising above 64%.

I don't expect heat to be an issue with this build, but of course I will test it and make adjustments if necessary.
26 Oct 2021, 2:23am
Hmmm. Well, here's my DBX if anyone is interested. I have an ASPX and a Krait , but to me the DBX is the only ship that makes me feel like an explorer.

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