Elite: Game talk

07 Mar 2022, 7:27am
ahahaha...in some way stations are more dangerous than thargs. Station open fire for sure
07 Mar 2022, 1:29pm
Jimbo Delahahaha...in some way stations are more dangerous than thargs. Station open fire for sure

Aren't you that type of guy who is more dangerous to self than anybody else?
In nowadays they give pilot licence to everyone.
07 Mar 2022, 2:14pm
Jimbo Delahahaha...in some way stations are more dangerous than thargs. Station open fire for sure

Aren't you that type of guy who is more dangerous to self than anybody else?
In nowadays they give pilot licence to everyone.

...yes, I am.

Can I vomit in your pocket?
07 Mar 2022, 6:57pm
Jimbo DelI'm wondering if is more sci-fi the FA or the Hypedrive

today - hyperdrive
07 Mar 2022, 7:06pm
Jimbo DelI'm wondering if is more sci-fi the FA or the Hypedrive

today - hyperdrive

yes, agree, have investigated in the while and confirm, FA already exist, but it's a bit different than in E:D world.
Hyper Drive no. Not now, indeed i'm still here :-D
07 Mar 2022, 7:57pm
Jimbo Del Hyper Drive no. Not now, indeed i'm still here :-D
Hallucinations and dissociations are 21st Century Hyper Drive.
07 Mar 2022, 8:10pm
Jimbo Del Hyper Drive no. Not now, indeed i'm still here :-D

Hallucinations and dissociations are 21st Century Hyper Drive.

:PThere is a thing that in real word travel faster than light... thoughts
07 Mar 2022, 9:08pm
Willyum-71"G2 group"? So are you saying every Geo patch has different ratings like 'the degraded - encoded - HGE' mats?? If so, how can I tell what a GEO site ranks so I can avoid low grade and look for.......... Wait......... So when I looked for planets that say 4.9% Selenium vs the lower %.... I thought that meant that would be the odds on finding it.... You're saying that I'll find it either way but that 4.9 is the purity, not the odds of finding it..... Ok so that falls in line with the asteroid percentages with laser mining % vs Core mining where every chunk actually equals 1 ton straight up... I thought it was a different system.

No, there's no purity. The Grade is to do with rarity (G1 being very common to G4 being rare). You'll always get 3x raw materials per scoop, but as Mr or Something said, which raw material you get depends on the makeup of the planet and the type of source you find there.
For carbon, iron, lead, nickel, phosphorous, rhenium or sulphur for example, these are all classed as G1 and can be found in Bronzite Chondrite, mesodiderite, outcrops, piceous cobble and cordycep growths. They also drop regularly as part of mining operations.
Arsenic, Chromium, Germanium, Manganese, Vanadium, Zinc, Zirconium and our special friend Selenium are classed as G2 and can be found in mesodiderite, outcrops, crystalline fragments and polyporous growths. These also drop as part of mining operations with the apparent exception of arsenic and selenium - don't ask me why.
In total there are 28 raw materials, split into 7 categories each having 4 rarity grades. G3 and G4 raw materials do not drop as part of normal mining.

Burstar or something
He then says that there is a bug. The game treats Selenium as if it is Grade 2 when it is listed as G4 in most places you look. Therefore, you would not want to look for Selenium from Crystal Fragments despite what the literature says. Please note I use "Crystal Fragments" as a placeholder name until someone corrects what the correct node for G4 materials is.

Crystalline fragments give G2 (sometimes G3) drops.
Needle Crystals give G4 drops.
07 Mar 2022, 11:41pm
No, there's no purity. The Grade is to do with rarity (G1 being very common to G4 being rare). You'll always get 3x raw materials per scoop, but as Mr or Something said, which raw material you get depends on the makeup of the planet and the type of source you find there.
For carbon, iron, lead, nickel, phosphorous, rhenium or sulphur for example, these are all classed as G1 and can be found in Bronzite Chondrite, mesodiderite, outcrops, piceous cobble and cordycep growths. They also drop regularly as part of mining operations.
Arsenic, Chromium, Germanium, Manganese, Vanadium, Zinc, Zirconium and our special friend Selenium are classed as G2 and can be found in mesodiderite, outcrops, crystalline fragments and polyporous growths. These also drop as part of mining operations with the apparent exception of arsenic and selenium - don't ask me why.
In total there are 28 raw materials, split into 7 categories each having 4 rarity grades. G3 and G4 raw materials do not drop as part of normal mining.

Crystalline fragments give G2 (sometimes G3) drops.
Needle Crystals give G4 drops.

Thank you for the breakdown... I just started unlocking engineers about two weeks ago, I want to start playing in open but avoided it because all of the youtubers warning people about gankers destroying people's ships for absolutely no reason, with no cargo or any type of role play... Plus I was wandering around that Dark nebula right outside the bubble and Every system I went to had 50-100 non-human contacts, so I was curious, checked them out and was instantly killed by Thargoids, no warning, no scan, just instant attack... So, time to learn how to fight.
08 Mar 2022, 12:16am
how cool would it be to build and or own a space station (land or orbit)
08 Mar 2022, 12:22am
MadBeachUSAhow cool would it be to build and or own a space station (land or orbit)
...and your own capital ship!
08 Mar 2022, 12:48am
MadBeachUSAhow cool would it be to build and or own a space station (land or orbit)

ah, it would make this sim even better

There is a thing that in real word travel faster than light... thoughts

now you taking some advance tech that we will eventually develop, in time, or be given by others if we grow up
08 Mar 2022, 12:51am
Quillmonkey Crystalline fragments give G2 (sometimes G3) drops.
Needle Crystals give G4 drops.

Thank you sir. Fixed.
08 Mar 2022, 3:38am
Jimbo Del
Jimbo Delahahaha...in some way stations are more dangerous than thargs. Station open fire for sure

Aren't you that type of guy who is more dangerous to self than anybody else?
In nowadays they give pilot licence to everyone.

...yes, I am.

Can I vomit in your pocket?

I dont have any pocket in my suit.
08 Mar 2022, 4:29am
Jimbo Del

Aren't you that type of guy who is more dangerous to self than anybody else?
In nowadays they give pilot licence to everyone.

...yes, I am.

Can I vomit in your pocket?

I dont have any pocket in my suit.

No worries Cmdr ...I'll open the glass of the cockpit if needed lol

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