Elite: Game talk

01 Mar 2022, 10:17am
Episparh the BluntCame on! They cannot simply tell you "We knew exactly how broken it was but we went for the cash grab anyway!"
It is a choice of PR: What is better? To look incompetent or cruel.

Completely aware of maintaining PR. Hence why I said "it would be interesting." I'm just saying that I wish I could know for certain what is going on behind the scenes. I'm well aware that I will never know 100% of it. I just wish I could know how much was purely a cash grab vs how much was incompetence, and what caused said incompetence/neglect/oversight. To know all the factors in play here.
01 Mar 2022, 10:20am
It would have been fine by me if they delayed it
01 Mar 2022, 10:42am
Sarina GrayIt would have been fine by me if they delayed it

I think that is true for everyone who purchased it.
01 Mar 2022, 11:07am

Is it normal that synthesis reloads only 50% of the ammo?
01 Mar 2022, 11:13am
01 Mar 2022, 12:08pm
Yuna Sakashiro<< Show less

Is it normal that synthesis reloads only 50% of the ammo?

Yes, it is. Normal synth is half ammo. Others are 100%.

10 min a dangerous FDL fight. I guess you have ignored my advise to use Overcharged and incendiary at least on one (preferably on two) and went full Saka build

Let me know if you wanna meet my Ward.
01 Mar 2022, 2:40pm
Christmass is comming. I think I will move my FC to administration system.
01 Mar 2022, 2:48pm
Ah, don't worry, the first version will be so bugged that any interior change will turn your carrier inside out and teleport it to Colonia.
01 Mar 2022, 2:53pm
MeowersAh, don't worry, the first version will be so bugged that any interior change will turn your carrier inside out and teleport it to Colonia.

yeeey I think it will be so much atack of bugs, some people will think second thargoid war just started
01 Mar 2022, 2:55pm
Salmoneayeeey I think it will be so much atack of bugs, some people will think second thargoid war just started
Yup, and also Thargoids in Asterope will disappear. (again)
01 Mar 2022, 2:58pm
Salmoneayeeey I think it will be so much atack of bugs, some people will think second thargoid war just started

Yup, and also Thargoids in Asterope will disappear. (again)

Also to FC administration systems?
01 Mar 2022, 3:16pm
SalmoneaAlso to FC administration systems?
Okay, Google, how to install Gauss Cannons on a Fleet Carrier...
01 Mar 2022, 3:18pm
SalmoneaAlso to FC administration systems?

Okay, Google, how to install Gauss Cannons on a Fleet Carrier...

Don't try it. It will ends like this.
01 Mar 2022, 4:07pm
Episparh the Blunt10 min a dangerous FDL fight. I guess you have ignored my advise to use Overcharged and incendiary at least on one (preferably on two) and went full Saka build

Even worse, I deviated from my own plan and engineered for rapid fire instead of double shot, which has a wider spread and eats ammo even faster.

Rapid fire has the highest sustained DPS but is recommended by virtually no one, so it made sense to try that first before settling on a build. It does work great against Anacondas. I also want to try some of the debuff effects, especially drag munitions. That FDL without boost capability would have been a sitting duck. You probably noticed that I did not boost during the entire fight, except when I took a break to synthesize ammo. I found it funny that the FDL died literally the moment I ran out of ammo again.
01 Mar 2022, 4:46pm
Why are there no class 2 pacifiers? So sad.

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