Elite: Game talk

29 Mar 2022, 4:25pm
When I hear 'I want to fly small ships' I think what they mean is they want to be in something fun to fly. Small ships aren't necessarily that. Though if you're looking for fun small ships specifically, the Imperial Courier, and Vulture are at the top of my list. If you want a capable all-rounder that is fun to fly and 'feels' like a small ship then go with the Alliance Chieftain.
29 Mar 2022, 4:33pm
ExplainableChaosHey all,

I currently have a Eagle, which I am using and is quite fun. I've been trying to get combat ranks, but for whatever reason, apparently assassination missions don't increase it? Quite confusing, regardless, getting quite good at ripping NPCs up with railguns now. I was wondering, I prefer smaller ships, I know that the game isn't really going to respect my wishes in this regard and I'll be forced to go to larger ships eventually, I know that the Cobra mk 3 is typically the one everyone tells you to go no matter what, but what would be other candidates for a good all rounder ship? I'm still not 100% on what I want to do in the game, I kind of suck at combat and all so just trying new things. I'm also not really super enthused about the Python either. Though I also don't have the money for it right now.

Aim for Krait Phantom, it is the most versatile ship in the game. Tank it, 2 beams and 2 rails both long range, install the 48t + 2 t cargo, engineer it for long range. That is the only medium ship which could jump 50LY with 50t of cargo. It will make you rich and you will build up your fighting skills. When your NPC became Elite upgrade to MKII though it won't jump 50 LY but it would fight elite NPCs without any problems. But if you want to stay with small ships, consider DBS.

Last edit: 29 Mar 2022, 4:48pm
29 Mar 2022, 4:39pm
ExplainableChaosHey all,

I currently have a Eagle, which I am using and is quite fun. I've been trying to get combat ranks, but for whatever reason, apparently assassination missions don't increase it? Quite confusing, regardless, getting quite good at ripping NPCs up with railguns now. I was wondering, I prefer smaller ships, I know that the game isn't really going to respect my wishes in this regard and I'll be forced to go to larger ships eventually, I know that the Cobra mk 3 is typically the one everyone tells you to go no matter what, but what would be other candidates for a good all rounder ship? I'm still not 100% on what I want to do in the game, I kind of suck at combat and all so just trying new things. I'm also not really super enthused about the Python either. Though I also don't have the money for it right now.

Here a short explanation:
Combat rank progression depends purely on the rank of the enemies you kill.
Example: Killing an Elite rank sidewinder will give you more progression on combat rank than killing a Competent Anaconda.

Combat missions' payouts and targets are mostly based on your reputation with mission giver. Target rank however is based on your combat rank. So as example, if you are around Competent rank you will face lower ranked targets than if you are Elite.

Hence, your progression in combat rank through missions is capped to your rank. You can gain better progression by hunting higher ranked targets in Conflict Zones and Resource Extraction Sites.

For more info on combat rank progression:


About ship choice:
It is good to fly what you like or enjoy but if you have no clue, a bunch of veterans got a PvE combat guide that includes recommended ship progression. You can find it here: https://sites.google.com/view/ed-pve-combat/builds/recommended-progression.

Builds with no and max engineering are provided plus a lot of information about combat mechanics and tactics.
29 Mar 2022, 5:24pm
Odyssey isn't Launching for me for some reason, Horizons works

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 29 Mar 2022, 10:46pm
29 Mar 2022, 6:09pm
yes, cmdrs, thats what i mean.
29 Mar 2022, 6:24pm
I need a friend to play ed and why is it hard to get a fleet carrier and is it a good missions to get a lit of cr because I be doing missions and I'm not getting a lot of cr
29 Mar 2022, 6:36pm
Hi everyone again,

Thanks for a lot of your answers. I mainly like flying smaller ships because I like the manoeuvrability and I guess the idea of building up something small into something that people don't expect what it can do out of. Though I get that ED isn't really the game for a fantasy like that. Your answers have all been very helpful!

I think right now, the best thing to do will be to build up funds and experiment around a bit to find what I would like the most. But I have all the suggestions noted down and again, it's been a big help.
30 Mar 2022, 10:57am
Kegaira Ohaya
ExplainableChaosHey all,

I currently have a Eagle, which I am using and is quite fun. I've been trying to get combat ranks, but for whatever reason, apparently assassination missions don't increase it? Quite confusing, regardless, getting quite good at ripping NPCs up with railguns now. I was wondering, I prefer smaller ships, I know that the game isn't really going to respect my wishes in this regard and I'll be forced to go to larger ships eventually, I know that the Cobra mk 3 is typically the one everyone tells you to go no matter what, but what would be other candidates for a good all rounder ship? I'm still not 100% on what I want to do in the game, I kind of suck at combat and all so just trying new things. I'm also not really super enthused about the Python either. Though I also don't have the money for it right now.

You don't suck at combat mate. I strongly suggest you buy a Vulture (which is not an all rounder but a pure combat ship), it is a small ship but packs a serious punch. With just a bit of engines and power distributors engineering, it can do wonders for bounty hunting and low combat zones, and if you take the time to fully upgrade it, it can be a very serious competitor for all npc's and even a bit of pvp'ing. The minute you upgrade those hardpoints to 2x class 3 you will see your combat ranking go up by ladders. o7

Tru dat ^^^ Get yourself a Vulture and start unlocking the engineers. Pick up peerat kill missions and head out to Low Res sites.
2x 3C Fixed Beams, one vent and you're off. Your kill score will skyrocket like your bank balance. Half a billion per day is easily possible.
30 Mar 2022, 11:18am
Reorte Mining Coalition still at tier zero. What a surprise.
30 Mar 2022, 12:18pm
SakashiroReorte Mining Coalition still at tier zero. What a surprise.

30 Mar 2022, 2:31pm
The whole community is corrupt, easily getting bribed by free modules
30 Mar 2022, 2:34pm
GryphnnThe whole community is corrupt, easily getting bribed by free modules

But I am wondering what will get the other side. There is also something written about rewards, but no description.
30 Mar 2022, 2:38pm
Kegaira Ohaya
ExplainableChaosHey all,

I currently have a Eagle, which I am using and is quite fun. I've been trying to get combat ranks, but for whatever reason, apparently assassination missions don't increase it? Quite confusing, regardless, getting quite good at ripping NPCs up with railguns now. I was wondering, I prefer smaller ships, I know that the game isn't really going to respect my wishes in this regard and I'll be forced to go to larger ships eventually, I know that the Cobra mk 3 is typically the one everyone tells you to go no matter what, but what would be other candidates for a good all rounder ship? I'm still not 100% on what I want to do in the game, I kind of suck at combat and all so just trying new things. I'm also not really super enthused about the Python either. Though I also don't have the money for it right now.

You don't suck at combat mate. I strongly suggest you buy a Vulture (which is not an all rounder but a pure combat ship), it is a small ship but packs a serious punch. With just a bit of engines and power distributors engineering, it can do wonders for bounty hunting and low combat zones, and if you take the time to fully upgrade it, it can be a very serious competitor for all npc's and even a bit of pvp'ing. The minute you upgrade those hardpoints to 2x class 3 you will see your combat ranking go up by ladders. o7

The answer is Viper Mk 3 and maxing out in all modules (save for obvious Life Support that should remain D) if you want to sharpen combat. Until Vulture, it's one of the best fighters when you consider quality to price. Not to mention rebuy cost is so low you usually cover it with like one-two measly bounties... and the fact that little ship is very maneuverable. Sure, DBS is better, but when it comes to already mentioned price-to-quality, it's the best choice without risking losing much money in case of an accidental rebuy.

If you have a little bit more money Cobra Mk III beats Viper Mk III due to one thing: speed. It can outrun any NPC very quick. But then Cobra is mostly "try everything" kind of a ship that does pretty nicely in different roles.

Edit: Oh you want all-rounders that aren't Python? I'd suggest Krait Phantom. Sure, it's not Krait Mk II with SLF but that thing takes away slots for shield or cargo. Sure, it doesn't have three large hardpoints just two yet it comes with one very important advantage: it has exactly the same power distributor like Krait Mk II, meaning while it has less large hardpoints, it has more energy to use so weapons won't deplete that quick. Not to mention it keeps relatively low temperature (if you fancy large beams). I call Krait Phantom the "True Cobra Mk IV", because it's an easily modifiable vessel with ability to run away from most NPCs.

Last edit: 30 Mar 2022, 2:49pm
30 Mar 2022, 8:24pm
I'm having trouble staying within 500m to scan Thargoid Scouts for their data drops. Is it better to just scan the Interceptors or do crashed Thargoid ships provide the same data?
30 Mar 2022, 8:26pm
KurakilI'm having trouble staying within 500m to scan Thargoid Scouts for their data drops. Is it better to just scan the Interceptors or do crashed Thargoid ships provide the same data?

Scan? Why? You should kill them.

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