Elite: Game talk

26 Mar 2022, 1:46pm
SalmoneaWhen we are speaking about heat... I am curious what is that pre engeneered heatsing from CG... And its only one?

Ah. I guess there's no chance to know until they send them. But... I'm okay with my 5xAmmoCap, it's literally a crapload of heatsinks, I can spam them like it's no tomorrow. I doubt any other mods are interesting for anyone.

5x? What ship do you use?
26 Mar 2022, 1:47pm
SalmoneaWhen we are speaking about heat... I am curious what is that pre engeneered heatsing from CG... And its only one?


Yes, I'm starting over.

You got perma ban?

No, I was perma-bored.

I know that feel My friend starts from whole begining with new account everytime when he dies.
26 Mar 2022, 1:49pm
SalmoneaWhen we are speaking about heat... I am curious what is that pre engeneered heatsing from CG... And its only one?

Ah. I guess there's no chance to know until they send them. But... I'm okay with my 5xAmmoCap, it's literally a crapload of heatsinks, I can spam them like it's no tomorrow. I doubt any other mods are interesting for anyone.

5x? What ship do you use?

Ah I see now. Marshmallow. I dunno why but I dont like FDL... I use chieftain on AX even for PVP. Its ship designed for my style. Where are you hunting?
26 Mar 2022, 1:50pm
SalmoneaWhen we are speaking about heat... I am curious what is that pre engeneered heatsing from CG... And its only one?

Ah. I guess there's no chance to know until they send them. But... I'm okay with my 5xAmmoCap, it's literally a crapload of heatsinks, I can spam them like it's no tomorrow. I doubt any other mods are interesting for anyone.

5x? What ship do you use?

Fuel Deposit Lance
26 Mar 2022, 1:52pm

Ah. I guess there's no chance to know until they send them. But... I'm okay with my 5xAmmoCap, it's literally a crapload of heatsinks, I can spam them like it's no tomorrow. I doubt any other mods are interesting for anyone.

5x? What ship do you use?

Fuel Deposit Lance

26 Mar 2022, 2:24pm
EpisparhSakashiro, what happened to you? Account reset ?

Yes, I'm starting over.

LOL, you weren't far ahead anyway

Didn't want to wait until I couldn't let go.
26 Mar 2022, 2:25pm
SalmoneaIts ship designed for my style. Where are you hunting?
Ah, what's good in this game - everyone (well, almost) can find a ship that's perfect for them.
I'm doing classic flights around Copernicus in Asterope, Solo.

Kind of... Lazy today. Taking those cosy coffee and cigarette breaks after each kill and reading this forum.

p.s. Looking at those crazy folks on the INARA Asterope top-3... How the heck they kill one damn hundred of damn Hydras a day? Wing fights? But their wingmates aren't in the rating...
26 Mar 2022, 2:49pm
Does anybody know if the S type stars are scoopable? Thanks
26 Mar 2022, 2:50pm
Shg56Does anybody know if the S type stars are scoopable? Thanks
26 Mar 2022, 2:52pm
Shg56Does anybody know if the S type stars are scoopable? Thanks


p.s. Looking at those crazy folks on the INARA Asterope top-3... How the heck they kill one damn hundred of damn Hydras a day? Wing fights? But their wingmates aren't in the rating...

Thargoid war on Inara shows points for interceptors kills.. I do not remember how much each interceptors gives but if you see 300 points that is probably 30 clops.
26 Mar 2022, 2:57pm
EpisparhThargoid war on Inara shows points for interceptors kills.. I do not remember how much each interceptors gives but if you see 300 points that is probably 30 clops.
Yeah, but look at this sick crap. They have 20+k points and 200+ Hydra kills both. Instakill hack?..

edit: one of them just registered another 20 or so Hydra kills. in that time I got one Medusa. Not the best attempt, but quite clean, without re-exertions and other sloppy stuff. One Medusa, 20 Hydras. Wat?..

Last edit: 26 Mar 2022, 3:19pm
26 Mar 2022, 3:06pm
Shg56Does anybody know if the S type stars are scoopable? Thanks


The one I found is remnant of M star and it is not carbonised yet so logically it had to be still scoopable?
26 Mar 2022, 3:12pm
Shg56Does anybody know if the S type stars are scoopable? Thanks

26 Mar 2022, 3:21pm
EpisparhThargoid war on Inara shows points for interceptors kills.. I do not remember how much each interceptors gives but if you see 300 points that is probably 30 clops.

Yeah, but look at this sick crap. They have 20+k points and 200+ Hydra kills both. Instakill hack?..

Yeah that's definitely beyond obsessed grind levels. I think the War scores are for the last 7 days, but even it is for the last 14 that's still almost 15 Hydras a day. Fighting them the legit way takes something like 3/4 an hour. With downtime say an hour sustained is reasonable. That said, with the introduction of Engineered Guardian weapons and some simple and game-allowed exploits (like the damage buff to Hammergauss bug) it is still within the realm of possible without hacks for an iron-man effort to pull off. That is, assuming the record is for hte past 2 weeks. If this is more like 30 Hydras a day it is gibbing levels of BS.

Normally, I'd say "if they're enjoying themselves and credits are meaningless at that level, then have at it" but there are the Squad rankings/competition that this kind of BS ruins. Yet another example of how FDevs half-baked development process has saturated this game with so much fail.
26 Mar 2022, 3:28pm
Yeah, the scores are for the last 7 days, and the kill stats as well. So, having almost 300 Hydra kills... 40 per day? Completely sick.

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