Elite: Game talk

29 Mar 2022, 8:24am
EpisparhHow about you go to first capital ship and attack it to verify that statement? Not in Conflict zone but in its own instance.

It is funny how they go from instant killing machines in regular space, to nearly useless in CZ's. I can understand it's for gameplay balance as canonically regular ships should be vaporized by capitals but I think they nerfed the CZ cap's a little too much. When a capital ship drops in, my first thought shouldn't be "oh look free credits."
29 Mar 2022, 8:29am
Yeah, unfortunately Spec Ops are far more deadly than Capital Ships in a CZ. This is the reason why medium is more dangerous than high. High have a chance to spawn a Capital ship which reduces the chance to spawn a Spec Ops.

29 Mar 2022, 8:41am
I have not fought any Thargoids yet as I am still trying to motivate myself for more grinding, but what are the preferred weapons to use? Guardian Shard Cannons? I'm assuming I would need a Xeno-Scanner, Shutdown Field Neutralizer, and some decon limpets as well.
29 Mar 2022, 9:30am
KurakilI have not fought any Thargoids yet as I am still trying to motivate myself for more grinding, but what are the preferred weapons to use? Guardian Shard Cannons? I'm assuming I would need a Xeno-Scanner, Shutdown Field Neutralizer, and some decon limpets as well.


Gauss Canon is The Weapon. You do not need field neutralizer, decontamination limpets, Xeno-Scanner or even shield if you have heat sinks and have knowledge on the mechanics.
29 Mar 2022, 11:22am
Scanner is useful for seeing the amount of Thargons in the swarm.
If you triggered the shutdown field, you can boost away and turn FA off immediately.
29 Mar 2022, 11:28am
MeowersIf you triggered the shutdown field, you can boost away and turn FA off immediately.

I like how when your ship is shut down it can still throttle you down to 0 with a magical force when you don't use FA off
29 Mar 2022, 11:40am
GryphnnI like how when your ship is shut down it can still throttle you down to 0 with a magical force when you don't use FA off
BUT they nerfed a Pure Arxanium Cockpit Lights.
29 Mar 2022, 11:51am
MeowersScanner is useful for seeing the amount of Thargons in the swarm.
If you triggered the shutdown field, you can boost away and turn FA off immediately.

If you care for swarm, you should care if it is more than 0. More over, you can completely ignore swarm by cold orbiting. Scanner is useless.
All special attacks, including shutdown field can be skipped if you do silent running or keep your heat under 15% for 30 seconds after killing a heart.
29 Mar 2022, 11:54am
EpisparhIf you care for swarm, you should care if it is more than 0.
Keeping the swarm at 1-5 reduces a threat from it to almost nothing, but keeps the Interceptor from creating a new one.
29 Mar 2022, 12:49pm
EpisparhIf you care for swarm, you should care if it is more than 0.

Keeping the swarm at 1-5 reduces a threat from it to almost nothing, but keeps the Interceptor from creating a new one.

I suggest you to read about swarm refills and banked swarm. You really should care to either ignore it or fully destroy it every time deployed. Keeping a swarm in low numbers will just give you more trouble in general.
29 Mar 2022, 1:02pm
EpisparhI suggest you to read about swarm refills and banked swarm. You really should care to either ignore it or fully destroy it every time deployed. Keeping a swarm in low numbers will just give you more trouble in general.
I have my tactics. I'm improving it every day. Medusas will become my main source of food soon. Why should I bother?

Last edit: 29 Mar 2022, 1:09pm
29 Mar 2022, 2:39pm
Hey all,

I currently have a Eagle, which I am using and is quite fun. I've been trying to get combat ranks, but for whatever reason, apparently assassination missions don't increase it? Quite confusing, regardless, getting quite good at ripping NPCs up with railguns now. I was wondering, I prefer smaller ships, I know that the game isn't really going to respect my wishes in this regard and I'll be forced to go to larger ships eventually, I know that the Cobra mk 3 is typically the one everyone tells you to go no matter what, but what would be other candidates for a good all rounder ship? I'm still not 100% on what I want to do in the game, I kind of suck at combat and all so just trying new things. I'm also not really super enthused about the Python either. Though I also don't have the money for it right now.
29 Mar 2022, 3:20pm
the asp explorer is little good allrounder too and much cheaper as the python..
for the beginning, and later, it´s a good candidat.. has much hardpoints, good speed, great jump range and a fantastic view at space if you are exploring

ps: the diamondback explorer is a smaler candidat i would take too at beginning, nearly same as the asp but smaler classes and less hardpoints

Last edit: 29 Mar 2022, 3:28pm
29 Mar 2022, 3:29pm
ExplainableChaosHey all,

I currently have a Eagle, which I am using and is quite fun. I've been trying to get combat ranks, but for whatever reason, apparently assassination missions don't increase it? Quite confusing, regardless, getting quite good at ripping NPCs up with railguns now. I was wondering, I prefer smaller ships, I know that the game isn't really going to respect my wishes in this regard and I'll be forced to go to larger ships eventually, I know that the Cobra mk 3 is typically the one everyone tells you to go no matter what, but what would be other candidates for a good all rounder ship? I'm still not 100% on what I want to do in the game, I kind of suck at combat and all so just trying new things. I'm also not really super enthused about the Python either. Though I also don't have the money for it right now.

Asp Scout ;-). There are preciously little good allrounders in mid-tier ships. Depending on your money, try trading with Keelback, very little to worry about, mainly other CMDRs (=gankers). For more speed, Krait Phantom is becoming a favorite for me, outfitting it for various roles will be expensive. Considering buying different outfits for mine while doing the money trading with Type-7 (keep out of fights with that). But seriously, learning (and rebuying) is ok with Asp Scout.

Last edit: 29 Mar 2022, 4:45pm
29 Mar 2022, 3:38pm
ExplainableChaosHey all,

I currently have a Eagle, which I am using and is quite fun. I've been trying to get combat ranks, but for whatever reason, apparently assassination missions don't increase it? Quite confusing, regardless, getting quite good at ripping NPCs up with railguns now. I was wondering, I prefer smaller ships, I know that the game isn't really going to respect my wishes in this regard and I'll be forced to go to larger ships eventually, I know that the Cobra mk 3 is typically the one everyone tells you to go no matter what, but what would be other candidates for a good all rounder ship? I'm still not 100% on what I want to do in the game, I kind of suck at combat and all so just trying new things. I'm also not really super enthused about the Python either. Though I also don't have the money for it right now.

Hey ExplainableChaos,
I'd say this is a bit logic that you cannot do with a small ship what can be done with a big one but maybe 4 small ships can. To enjoy fighting with small ship may imply that you have to join a squadron which is focused on flying small ships. It is pretty annoying to target a small fighter with a Anaconda for example so if I have 4 correctly fitted Eagle in front of me, I would activate my FSD immediately.
I'm pretty sure you're not the only one frustrated in being forced to use heavy ships but as you said, you'll probably have to buy a bigger one for the solo flights. It was disappointing when I started to fly on a Python, it took time before I was able to use it efficiently but it is not so bad at the end. But before that, I had a Vulture. Even if it has only 2 hardpoints, it was quite efficient in combat even against heavy ships but alone, forget elite targets. I consider it is quite good as a multi-purpose ship. You can try it and if you don't like it, just sell it, you won't loose money.

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