Elite: Game talk
15 Dec 2024, 11:28am
Any opinion about that Pranav Antal's weapon and which modifications go for?
15 Dec 2024, 11:32am
RawnuI would leave the shields behind, they only create heat and are of no use around a Titan (or around Thargoids in general, unless maybe you do rescue missions). If you have one or two caustic sink launchers, you don't need the decon limpet controller. Re caustic sinks: wait until they are almost filled up before you fire. And you can engineer them for "ammo capacity", just like heat sinks. When going through the caustic cloud, stay away from the star-shaped caustic mines. And pop a heat sink if necessary. And then boost towards the red cloud (don't follow the Titan circle HUD element, that is jumping around all the time). Press and hold your keybind for the Pulse Neutralisers before the teal pulse wave hits you. Hold until it's gone. Note: this drains SYS really quick, so put some pips into it. Once you see the asteroid field, you're in the clear and you notice that the caustic sinks will no longer fill up.
If you run below 20% thermal value around the Titan, Thargoids won't notice you until they are right in front of your face. You can also use the Titan itself as a place to hide from them. Especially below the thermal vents there are cave-like protrusions (if that's the right word) which make for good hiding places. The Thargoids around the Titan will jump out after a while. You can also see the moving colored lights on the "skin" of the Titan, signalling its alert state iirc. Wait until drops to at least yellow before placing yourself for a bombing run. Meowers showed a great attack route for that.
After bombing the exposed thermal core, turn upwards and boost away with FA off. Also pop a heat sink. The EMP will not hit you if you fly straight up with FA off, ensuring your ship doesn't try to slow you down.
Exiting the Titan space, you want to aim either for the sun or choose a system to jump to. Follow that outward. And once you hear the Titan blasting a pulse towards you, switch FA off and let the pulse wave push you outwards. Once you are no longer mass locked, turn FA on and jump away.
I will keep that in mind... From my previous experience, I can tell Low Observability is a must, as well as speed..
It's all a question of compromise, I won't engineer the hull too high (weight/speed) because the Python is slower than my other AX ships, I have 90+ of Synthesis reloads for the Heat Sinks so I should be OK, none of my ships were ready for the Titan run......
One thing I'll do for sure is to swap the Decontamination Limpet and Shield for Guardian Hull reinforcement packages, they are immune from caustic attacks and add an extra 5.0% anti-corrosion effect.
Apart for that I'm running out of materials (Raw), I'm gonna have to cannibalize from other ships.
I stacked 3 X 2D Guardian Hull Reinforcement Package, the reason is weight, I'm after both anti-corrosion (3 X 5.0%) and weight reduction, they all are lighter than the modules they replace, since I'm not planning to get into a fight it looks OK.
Last edit: 15 Dec 2024, 12:11pm
15 Dec 2024, 1:13pm
I stacked 3 X 2D Guardian Hull Reinforcement Package, the reason is weight, I'm after both anti-corrosion (3 X 5.0%) and weight reduction, they all are lighter than the modules they replace, since I'm not planning to get into a fight it looks OK.
I wonder if meta-alloy HRP's would be a better option? Guardian HRP draw power, so they will also add to heat generation. The MA version is comparable in weight but their caustic resistance stacks and they don't require power.
Just a thought ......

15 Dec 2024, 1:46pm
Silver TafferThinder
I stacked 3 X 2D Guardian Hull Reinforcement Package, the reason is weight, I'm after both anti-corrosion (3 X 5.0%) and weight reduction, they all are lighter than the modules they replace, since I'm not planning to get into a fight it looks OK.
I wonder if meta-alloy HRP's would be a better option? Guardian HRP draw power, so they will also add to heat generation. The MA version is comparable in weight but their caustic resistance stacks and they don't require power.
Just a thought ......
That's another thing I didn't know about, I'm still engineering the ship so I might have a look at those.
Power Draw of the combined 2D Guardian HMR is 2.37 MW, their Caustic Resistance is 3 X 2.0% higher, they seems to provide with less Hull Reinforcement but it's Caustic Resistance I'm after...
It's all a matter of compromise, the ship is geared for L.O and speeds but the Guardian HRP provide with the most Caustic Resistance which is what I need for this mission.
Whilst ordinary engineered hull reinforcements have the significant advantage of not requiring any power, a factor in favour of using Guardian hull reinforcements is that damage inflicted on modules (not just hull integrity) is also modified by resistances. This means that a ship with Caustic Resistance will not only have a stronger hull, but stronger modules as well. In fact, this is even stronger than it may at first appear - since external modules(such as weapons, utilities and the vital Ship Canopy) only gain half protection from Module Reinforcements, resistances are a proportionately more potent tool to protect them.
Guardian Hull Reinforcement Package
I'm re-engineering the 3C Beam Laser to Efficient/Thermal Vent and the Power Distributor with Flow Control special effect to reduce the Heat signature further.
Last edit: 15 Dec 2024, 2:25pm
15 Dec 2024, 1:51pm
15 Dec 2024, 1:58pm
I suppose balance doesn't mean what it used to. Not going to bother me much because I don't use the MK3 at this point and have no interest in the MK5, but still.
15 Dec 2024, 2:02pm
Can't wait for Cocijo to pop so I can get to grips with that puppy

15 Dec 2024, 2:05pm
This is all you have to do: (You'll need at most 150 million credits, if you don't already have the items I'll list.)
- Get a Krait Mk II. (No, not another ship. Full stop.)
- Outfit it like the AXI beginner build. (You don't even need the engineering on those core components, if you don't want. Everything else EXACT, except if you want to add a docking computer.)
- Go to Rescue Ship Hutner in Luyten's Star. (You may want to be there already, to buy the above. Almost everything is there.)
- Sign up with Community Goal.
- Launch to Sol. (Do this and the next few steps in Solo. We'll switch to another mode later.)
- If hyperdicted, boost away. (No heat sinks, no combat. Just boost away and continue journey. If destroyed, respawn and repeat.)
- Once in Sol, fly to the Titan.
- If interdicted, submit and boost away. (No heat sinks, no combat. Just boost away and continue journey. If destroyed, respawn and repeat.)
- Once at the Titan and dropped out of supercruise in it, throttle down, take a breath, let the ship cool down, let your mind cool down. (If you logout at any point in the next steps, this is where you'll be when you log back in. For respawn, you'll be back on Hutner, but menu logging goes to here.)
- Switch to Open. (Yep. You read that correctly. We're doing the rest in open, to let the other commanders do the heavy lifting. Anything else is just asking for respawn.)
- Turn off the following components: FSD, autodock, AFMU, cargo hatch, limpet controller. (Power down them all. No heat from them.)
- Point toward the center of the Maelstrom. (You probably already are.)
- Switch to whatever fire group has those two caustic sinks on it.
- Throttle toward center. Don't worry about the Titan's indicator; it's inaccurate. Just fly for the center (where the pulses come from). Ignore the indicator. (Boost if you want, but you'll generate heat.)
- Try your best to get through the pulses using the TG Pulse Neutralizer. (We've already discussed timing here. 4 pips SYS, timing, hold, etc.)
- Once BOTH caustic sinks fill, launch them.
- Keep going. Repeat the throttle, pulse, sinks pattern as needed.
- Get to the asteroid zone. (Get in amongst the asteroids. Don't get to close to the Titan yet.)
- Park in the asteroids. Take another breather. You made it.
- Power up your limpet controller, launch some limpets and repair.
- Hang out and watch the light show. Let your ship idle below 20% heat. (You shouldn't need to use heat sinks here, nor should you have previously.)
- Stay in those asteroids. (I mean it. Stay.)
- Watch the cycle of activity at the Titan. People are bombing it, it overheats, it vents the core, people shoot the core, the Titan retracts the core, it puts up the big blue field, field goes down, cycle repeats.
- Can't see the core venting? Then you need to get to a vantage point on the other side of the Titan. (Let's assume that's the case with the following steps.)
- Fly through the asteroids so that you can see the other side of the Titan. (Yes, flying through the asteroids. We're staying away from Thargoids this way.)
- Now can you see the core venting cycle? You see the yellow dots, then it raises the core, a bunch of players and NPCs shoot the exposed yellow core, it retracts, etc.
- Once you're sure you can get up on the core when it raises, switch your firegroup to your weapons.
- Test fire your weapons. (Don't do it when Thargoids are nearby.) Did they work? You know they'll work for you when the core raises next time?
- OK, the core is raising. Time to go. Throttle to a reasonable speed to get there. Not too fast, but definitely not too slow. (Focus less on piloting and more on firing weapons.)
- Shoot that core. Get right up on it as you keep firing. Like, get your ship right up to it. (Who cares if you blow up, just make sure your weapons are hitting the thing.)
- Core is retracting. (Did you survive? Fair enough.)
- Get back to the asteroids. Boost. Boost. Get there before the blue field starts.
- Park in the asteroids, wait for the next cycle, repeat. (Power your limpets back up, repair, whatever you want to do between runs.)
- Want to leave the Titan? I suggest fighting to the death. You can try leaving normally though, but why? Respawn is faster and you won't lose your bonds.
- Once back on Hutner, do the combat bonds sale (if any), then check out the Community Goal. Your contribution will be there, if you hit the core at all. (And if you were right up on it and firing, I hope you did.)
The Community Goal contribution will not necessarily show up while attacking the Titan, so don't check for it. Just attack and attack until you're sure you did some damage to the core.
It's a lot of steps, but it's totally possible. Don't modify my steps. No, I'm serious, don't modify them. No guardian stuff other than the torps, no shields, no changing out the utility modules. Just follow these steps.
This has been your beginner's guide to Titan core attacking. (I don't feel right calling it "Titan bombing", since you're not doing the bombing work in these steps.)
Did it work for you? I hope so! I've helped a few newbies do this in the past two days, so I know these steps work, but maybe they won't work for you. Oh well and o7.
Last edit: 15 Dec 2024, 5:12pm
15 Dec 2024, 3:06pm
IndyI don't understand what's causing the problems for you,
I'm learning, the first time I went with the Challenger but get caught by the Caustic cloud, later I went with the Python and realized I was out of limpets when I was near the Titan...
The Krait might be better suited but I'll have to re-engineer it to feel I can trust it, the Python is already half engineered for Low Emission.
I'll follow those steps and see what happens, for the time being, last engineer in SIRIUS for FLOW CONTROL Special Effect for the Power Distributor, that's -10% POWER DRAW...
15 Dec 2024, 3:13pm
RawnuI've just started to engineer different roles for my new Cobra Mk V and I have to take her yet into combat, but: this ship is insane. It flies phenomenally great, it is agile, it reacts to your inputs in an instance, it is FAST, it has an insane amount of optional internals for a small ship, and 3m*2s hardpoints is giving you so many options. It deals with heat very well, it jumps dramatically long in any configuration for a ship of its size, and it looks dashing (without the kits, those are... an acquired taste). I was in love with my Mandalays and am still going to build a fleet with them, but: this ship? Dang!
100%. I hated it when I first had it in the hangar because of the wings but once those dropped it looks lovely.
Qwent Research Base in SIRIUS is off line. If you're looking for an engineer for Power Distributor, look elsewhere.
Last edit: 15 Dec 2024, 3:20pm
15 Dec 2024, 3:17pm
Thinder I'm learning, the first time I went with the Challenger but get caught by the Caustic cloud, later I went with the Python and realized I was out of limpets when I was near the Titan...
The Krait might be better suited but I'll have to re-engineer it to feel I can trust it, the Python is already half engineered for Low Emission.
I'll follow those steps and see what happens, for the time being, last engineer in SIRIUS for FLOW CONTROL Special Effect for the Power Distributor, that's -10% POWER DRAW...
I know you're learning, but I also see you experimenting as well. Stick to the plan, don't try anything different even if you think it might help.
I'm glad you'll try the Krait for this. Don't worry about the engineering if you can't (easily) get exactly what that build has. Basic Krait MkII with those specific components (and power management) can do it.
I'll look forward to your report. (Let me know what specific steps didn't work. And, don't forget, respawn and retry.)
15 Dec 2024, 4:30pm
Qwent Research Base in SIRIUS is off line. If you're looking for an engineer for Power Distributor, look elsewhere.
The Dweller is the boy you want, he'll take your PD up to G5. Bit of a trek, but ........
Last edit: 15 Dec 2024, 4:42pm
15 Dec 2024, 4:49pm
Trying again.
15 Dec 2024, 4:56pm
Rayman.Anyone tried enforcer cannons? The one from Pranav Antal. i have plans to try on cobra mk V but i may just end up going full frags or plasma accs with railguns.
Any opinion about that Pranav Antal's weapon and which modifications go for?
Enforcer Cannon only comes in size 1 and are solid weapons. Have six Enforcer Cannon. All six are overcharged. Three with automatic loading and three multiservos. The advantage is that it does more damage than normal multicannons. Data: Damage per second: 21.7 /s for multiservos and 21.1 /s for autoloading, damage 4.8s, rate of fire for multiservos 4.5s and 4.3 autoloading, firing speed 1800m/s, maximum range 4500m, damage drop 3000m. The disadvantage is that they only have a 60 round magazine in their original state. With Overcharged G5 there are only 51 rounds left in the magazine. Aiming with the Enforcer Cannon requires practice as they are fixed weapons. They're really fun, but you'll quickly run out of ammunition. I would advise against rapid fire.
15 Dec 2024, 5:11pm
ThinderTG Pulse Neutralizer. doesn't work, I fire it before the wave reaches me but it stun my ship and throw me way back
Yeah, the timing is tricky.
Thinderalso Titan's distance and position reading are all over the place.
Don't worry about the indicator, as was mentioned in this thread before. Just fly for the center (where the pulses come from). You'll start out pointing the correct way, just fly that direction and ignore the indicator. (I'll update my steps to mention this.)
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