Elite: Game talk

13 May 2016, 12:48pm
Valinovin Nespeleve is a trade com event, that isnt shown here...?
getting building fabricators.
i looked where to get them on eddb.io and the 2 next two stations i found there didnt sell them. it makes me wonder, is there a bug in the game, because i can't remember that i ever saw those goods in any station. i play the german version ("Baufabrikatoren), maybe it's somewhat hide or what? can someone confirm this before i write to the support?

system: amauci
station: Eggen Ring
buy for: ~889 ... there is no good that cost that much :/

I was working on the Community Goal last night. There was one station nearby that had a supply, but they soon ran out. Amauci is the nearest supply. After that, you may need to travel further out.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 13 May 2016, 10:09pm
13 May 2016, 2:52pm
When I got into PP I aligned with Zachary Hudson simply because I had a rare trade route to 12 systems with rares, and the route went directly through the center of Zachary Hudson space. I also like the look of their ships even though stat-wise I don't really run any of them.

I agree with Greeboski, the Alliance is more like Star Trek's United Federation of Planets than the Federation is.

I like that they give me access to Sol, and the bounty hunting bonus, otherwise meh. At some point I'm going to have to get some prismatic shields, which means I'm going to have to switch obviously.
13 May 2016, 3:30pm
Sol access and the Lave trade loop don't require pledging to Hudson. AFAIK you get some discounts, bounty accelerators and possibly some extra equipment, and a "salary". What else is there to gain through aligning with a Power? Seems like a whole lot of prescriptive, grindy gameplay for relatively little bonus and some extra risk from otherwise aligned players and NPCs.
13 May 2016, 3:44pm
Valinovin Nespeleve is a trade com event, that isnt shown here...?
getting building fabricators.
i looked where to get them on eddb.io and the 2 next two stations i found there didnt sell them. it makes me wonder, is there a bug in the game, because i can't remember that i ever saw those goods in any station. i play the german version ("Baufabrikatoren), maybe it's somewhat hide or what? can someone confirm this before i write to the support?

system: amauci
station: Eggen Ring
buy for: ~889 ... there is no good that cost that much :/

I was working on the Community Goal last night. There was one station nearby that had a supply, but they soon ran out. Amauci is the nearest supply. After that, you may need to travel further out.

This CG appears to be Horizons only, but it doesn't specify that in the description. I'm an Xbox CMDR and I traveled 200ly in my Python to get involved, I tried four different systems before I figured it out. I'm a little bit miffed, but hey ho I'm off to do the booze run.
Fly safe chaps

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 13 May 2016, 10:09pm
13 May 2016, 5:22pm
I've been busy the last week or so & had no time to play ED. I read that an update is imminent yet I didn't see Steam update the game. Is the new 'big' update out yet or not? Thanks
13 May 2016, 6:13pm
James HussarSol access and the Lave trade loop don't require pledging to Hudson. AFAIK you get some discounts, bounty accelerators and possibly some extra equipment, and a "salary". What else is there to gain through aligning with a Power? Seems like a whole lot of prescriptive, grindy gameplay for relatively little bonus and some extra risk from otherwise aligned players and NPCs.

Yeah, it didn't really pay off until getting a vulture, then an hour or two a week in an expansion system (military strike, etc.) gets you like five mil a week. Haven't bothered ranking higher than that because time effort/reward. The BH bonus is nice though. Find a RES in an aligned system and clean up. If you're going to be doing that anyway, then why not.

Not having the money (or imp rank) to A rate a larger ship (that doesn't suck *=see T7) means regular trading (non-rares) isn't as profitable as other things (BH for example), so the odd enemy eagle isn't a problem. They can even be welcome sometimes, since you can take one in anything, though they aren't worth a shit, usually like 200-400 tops.

But yeah, unless you want to align with one of them for some reason, the only real legit reason to is whatever unique bit they have (prismatic shields for example), and most of the have one that is useless to most people.
13 May 2016, 6:15pm
TIP Talon

This CG appears to be Horizons only, but it doesn't specify that in the description. I'm an Xbox CMDR and I traveled 200ly in my Python to get involved, I tried four different systems before I figured it out. I'm a little bit miffed, but hey ho I'm off to do the booze run.
Fly safe chaps

thx man, didnt know there are goods in horizon that arent in the main game.

well seems like elite wants me to kill some npc-idiots instead :/

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 13 May 2016, 10:17pm
13 May 2016, 6:21pm
Can someone please tell me the stats and power consumption for the new Huge Weapons coming out with this next update? Further more when is the "expected" update release date?
Sorry I have to ask here, I would normally look online, but as my internet has been third partyied, for some reason only certain sites work... Sites like Reddit and even the Wiki I can't connect to
13 May 2016, 6:24pm
It stinks if this CG is Horizons only, especially without it being said clearly.

I can't log int othe game right now to confirm, but per the data on Inara, from EDDB, building fabricators are available IN the system, and a few nearby systems: http://inara.cz/goods/102

Edit: That link presumes you first go to the target system in the Market tab and then click through the commodity of interest.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 13 May 2016, 10:10pm
13 May 2016, 6:34pm
IIRC the Beta is to run for 6 weeks, which would put the GA date around mid to end of June, though, if the beta turns up things that need to be fixed and require more than nominal work, the update can always slip out. The update was already delayed - it was supposed to originally come out at end of March, so I think they'll stick to the June release, and have some minor updates afterward to clean up any beta issues they couldn't get in before the big push.
13 May 2016, 10:40pm
The CG is NOT Horizon-only. You can also buy auto-fabricators and sell them at Nespeleve. I tried it myself and it works. Only mishap is that profit selling auto-fabs is lower than selling building fabs.
14 May 2016, 6:18am
One more thing:
When I play the beta version of 2.1/1.6 (I couldn't do it; I was too impatient at the realization that it only cost TEN DOLLARS to check out the new stuff), will I be able to still collect merits for powerplay?

And.. Hmm.. What happens when I join? I keep my ship, but how does going back to the normal version of horizons work when I play? Obviously I won't be able to bring a Huge Beam into Horizons 1.5... Anyone want to inform me?
14 May 2016, 1:49pm
What happens in Beta stays there, you don't gain anything from Beta when yo go back to normal game
14 May 2016, 2:35pm
What Giz said. Anything you buy, sell, earn or lose in Beta is lost at end of beta.

Think of beta money as fake money to play with. Want real money you got to earn it in the live game modes.
14 May 2016, 3:32pm
Hmm... May have just wasted 10 dollars.. Hope that testing is useful!

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