Elite: Game talk

30 Jul 2016, 6:11am
I was under the impression that the big freeze would occur not at least for another few more billion years?
30 Jul 2016, 6:31am
LusciniaYo- so, I just read a little about that first article, the one featuring Jasmina Hasley? It was talking about how humans have gone to the farthest lengths of their own abilities to obtain every natural resource, and now they are spreading throughout the cosmos. Now of course this game is purely science fiction but.. Say that we are the only intelligent beings in our little galaxy, and we've evolved past sickness and wars of conquest (or at least the death toll is minimal compared to scenes in today's society such as the Holocaust). When we learn how to travel across vast distances to escape our over populous planet-

Well what do y'all think? Do you think we could actually somehow over populate the Galaxy and squander its resources in the next three to five thousand years? Pending y'alls answers, wouldn't that be horrific. : /

Say we start expanding into other systems in the next 200 years. So that's 2216.

Then you say what? a year just to get a decent first landing set up? and I'm talking decent landing areas and full faculties as well as mining platforms and such.

Say it takes, at the speed of light, an average of 14 years to get between each system. To get to every system (not calculating for non-landable planets as that data is not complete yet.) Using the Royal Museum of Greenwiches total of 200 billion stars, you're looking at 2,800,000,000,000 years to expand to every star. Of course you would spread out in separate groups, so what? divide that by however many parties go out?

Not to mention the infracstructure on that bitch would be hell to maintain and everything will collapse in itself rapidly. The Imperial factions struggle enough to fortify the space they have and I think the Federals are slowly giving up. We would need to creat a method of traveling that will affect time so you can do what the game has invented and go into Wytch space or use Einsteins-Rosens bridge to get from A to B.

But this is irrelevant because we'll colonise maybe 5 planets and then it'll become a civil war because they will become second class citizens and we won't make progress
30 Jul 2016, 7:03am
Mmmm.. Good points.. But will the exponentially growing population factor in this you think?
30 Jul 2016, 7:03am
That'll only contribute to us killing each other more
30 Jul 2016, 10:37am
What exactly is inara.cz?
30 Jul 2016, 11:49am
rothbard73What exactly is inara.cz?

The most badass E:D site in this Galaxy. Nothing less.
30 Jul 2016, 2:00pm
Looking for a cause to fight for.
30 Jul 2016, 2:30pm
Thanks for getting back to me!
Basically, the entire Market info for the system in question, is blank. If the system is in lockdown, then perhaps it might be possible to have some kind of indicator for system that maintain a state of lockdown, beyond one cycle?

That kind of info can be edited manually for sure, any station and star system (except coords) property can be edited and also market data can be entered manually or imported (via .csv file or via EDMarketConnector/EDDN). So if do you will find any incomplete info, feel free to update it (appropriate edit buttons are usually on the right side of the header)

Thanks Artie!
30 Jul 2016, 4:21pm
Has there been any news on when the 2.2 "gaurdians" is supposed to come out other than "soon"?
30 Jul 2016, 6:29pm
I just want to say HUGE thank you Artie for the new feature with the materials and recipes. This is by far the best Elite site ever ! Keep up the great work !
30 Jul 2016, 7:20pm
ok in system hip 6073 there is a massive glitch the size of a planet next 2 adelman station it looks like a black planet hehe might go there and chill but realy its eclipseing the sun
31 Jul 2016, 4:23am
A bit bored right now, any Federal Pilots looking for backup from an experienced, FDL pilot? If so, PM me.
31 Jul 2016, 4:53am
rothbard73What exactly is inara.cz?

If you play Elite you know what you need.
When you look for what you need, you find INARA,CZ
31 Jul 2016, 5:31am
rothbard73What exactly is inara.cz?

not sure if serious.....
31 Jul 2016, 12:13pm
rothbard73What exactly is inara.cz?

It's a porn site, but a very specialist one.

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