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Repel Pirates and Provide Aid to De Caminha Station


Reports are coming in that the strained De Caminha station has been the target of increased levels of pirate attacks.

Jerome Archer has announced a growing state of concern among parts of Federation space, stating that the war has spread supplies and support too thin amongst their territories.

Archer currently remains the Vice President of the Federation until President-elect Felicia Winters returns from supporting her home planet of Rhea 3, which is still recovering from a series of devastating earthquakes.

At an emergency conference, Jerome Archer stated the following:

“The good work that the Federation is doing in the fight against the Thargoids is noble, and valuable, but it takes its toll. Our president, Zachary Hudson, has done an excellent job maintaining the Federation in spite of this, but we can only do so much.”

“It pains me to see De Caminha be the target of attacks by criminals looking to take advantage of the Federation’s continued efforts to end the war as quickly as possible, so I am calling on pilots across the galaxy for aid.”

“I urge you to hunt down the aggressors and supply the Earth Defence Fleet stationed in De Caminha with the medicines and equipment to prevent further attacks. Only by doing both will the station be safe again.”

“Any help is appreciated, and will be rewarded.”

Catastrophic Earthquakes Strike Rhea 3

A series of high-magnitude earthquakes on the planet Rhea 3 have caused widespread devastation and millions of casualties.

Massive seismic activity across the northern continent has effectively shattered dozens of towns and cities, including the capital New Greenacre. The intense tremors also triggered tsunamis in the surrounding oceans, which have wrecked coastal regions on other land masses.

Local journalist Len Kennelly published a summary for Vox Galactica:

“The only disaster on this scale that we’ve seen in Rhea was when NMLA terrorists bombed Ito Orbital. This time, however, the death toll could run into tens of millions. Urban skylines have crumbled like sandcastles, with vast jagged pits opening up to swallow entire neighbourhoods.”

“Federal Liberal Command has declared the highest state of emergency, calling for volunteers to help rescue trapped citizens. We’re seeing direct support from other factions in the system, and Federal Navy specialists are coordinating relief efforts. The humanitarian organisation Safeguard Interstellar is also here in force, providing supplies and temporary shelters for survivors.”

Sofia Trevino, political correspondent for The Federal Times, reported:

“As soon as this news broke, President-elect Felicia Winters – a native of Rhea 3 and the system’s representative in Congress – immediately cancelled her schedule and travelled to her homeworld. Unverified reports claim that contact has been lost with members of her family, most of whom lived in the capital.”

“Speculation has already begun that this might cause further delays to the beginning of Winters’s term of office. Vice President-elect Isolde Rochester made a statement asking for patience, claiming: ‘Our focus right now should be on aiding those affected by this tragedy.’”

Eliminate Threat of Grey Swan Fleet

*Pilots’ Federation ALERT*

Commanders have been asked to help destroy the rogue Grey Swan pilots killing civilians in the Shamash system.

Military squadrons taking part in Fleet Exercise Grey Swan became irrationally violent following an unexplained mass hysteria that swept through Garrett Orbital during a fleet training exercise. Captain Ulrich Maurer, commanding officer of the San Tu State Network megaship Khonsu Gleam, broadcast the following message:

“Shamash Future’s security forces have asked us to help stop the carnage taking place throughout this system. No medical or technological solution has been found for affected pilots, who seem reluctant to leave Shamash. Therefore, to prevent the loss of more innocent lives, there is regrettably no choice but to eliminate every ship in the Grey Swan fleet.”

“We are urgently seeking to recruit independent pilots with combat experience. Financial rewards and other incentives will be available at the Khonsu Gleam. Hopefully we can perform this unpleasant task as efficiently as possible.”

Wing Commander Mackenzie Coates was coordinating Fleet Exercise Grey Swan when a bizarre signal caused its crews to become homicidal. She told a local newsfeed:

“This is a nightmarish situation. I’m trained to deal with pirates, invaders and even Thargoids, not to hunt down my own friends and colleagues. The thought of them being turned into deranged savages… I know they wouldn’t want to live like that. But I can’t be the one to pull the trigger – there are survivors on Garrett Orbital who need my help.”

Participants are advised that the Khonsu Gleam aims to complete the combat operation by Wednesday 1st November.

Federal Election: The Allied Perspective

The Alliance is observing the Federal president election, but expects little will change in relationships between the two superpowers.

Prime Minister Edmund Mahon delivered a formal address on the topic before the Assembly:

“The Alliance continues to enjoy stable relations with the Federation. Our recent anti-xeno coalitions, including the reformation of Aegis, show how we can benefit from maintaining such cooperation. I am confident that the new president, whoever it may be, will respect the status quo.”

Councillor Nakato Kaine gave a more direct statement to the press:

“I cannot ignore how the Federation has become more authoritarian under Zachary Hudson’s Republican government. It has also coped poorly with internal pressures: the Starship One conspiracy, Jupiter Division’s attempted coup, the secession crisis triggered by the Proactive Detection Bureau’s operation… the list goes on. And yet, Federal democracy is now empowering every individual to elect their leaders. That, at least, is something we in the Alliance should admire and consider adopting.”

Vanya Driscoll, political correspondent for The Alliance Tribune, reported:

“Most Allied politicians are too diplomatic to openly express a preference between the two candidates. Privately, councillors like Kaine are hopeful of a more nuanced relationship with Winters, who lacks the hawkish rhetoric of Hudson. However, others believe that Archer’s focus on military spending and domestic security might prove more practical in the face of the Thargoid invasion.”

The latest voting polls from Federal systems show that Jerome Archer has overtaken Felicia Winters, albeit by a narrow margin. The voting window ends on the 15th, with the results verified by Monday to determine the victor of the 3309 Federal presidential election.

Rackham Withdraws from Presidential Election

Zachary Rackham has officially ended his election campaign, following the discovery of evidence that supported claims of his criminal past.

Federal Times journalist Bryanna Blanco published the results of an investigation by the Wallglass Investigations Agency, which included a message archive found on Zeta Trianguli Australis A 7 a. These findings strongly support a long-standing rumour that the trillionaire operated as notorious pirate lord ‘Calico Zack’, prior to inheriting his family’s wealth.

PR consultant Anya Blackriver delivered a statement, in her role as campaign manager:

“Mr Rackham has decided that these attempts at defamation are a regrettable distraction from his election campaign. His amused tolerance of the nickname ‘Calico Zack’ – a nickname assigned to him by the media, I should point out – is not an admission of any true link to that despicable outlaw. Rather than allow the race for the Federal presidency to be clouded by these ridiculous claims, Mr Rackham’s legal team has advised a focus on defending his good name away from the spotlight.”

This announcement came a day after Congressman Harlan Turk formally resigned from his role as Zachary Rackham’s running mate. He will continue representing the Duamta system as an independent.

Federation correspondent Patricia Chen reported on the situation for Vox Galactica:

“There is speculation Rackham was warned that any further revelations could render him unelectable to the majority – and open to criminal charges. While the Federal Times piece is mostly based on circumstantial evidence at this stage, Rackham’s willingness to concede his claim to the presidency suggests a nervousness towards deeper dives into his past. His business portfolio has also been severely damaged, causing billions of losses in share price. Investors and corporate partners are avoiding any association with the man who may once have been Calico Zack.”

“Both of his political rivals welcomed the news. ‘Nobody with even a hint of criminality deserves a position of such significant power,’ remarked former FIA director Jerome Archer, while Felicia Winters agreed it was best that Rackham ‘stands aside to let the grown-ups do their work.’ The electoral race is now evenly balanced between the two, with voting scheduled to take place in October.”

Wallglass Links Rackham to ‘Calico Zack’

The Federal Times has published evidence that trillionaire and presidential candidate Zachary Rackham was once the pirate lord ‘Calico Zack’.

The newsfeed featured a detailed exposé by financial journalist Bryanna Blanco:

“The Wallglass Investigations Agency has confirmed my long-held suspicions about Zachary Rackham’s past. With the timely assistance of independent pilots, we have unearthed a message archive concealed in the Zeta Trianguli Australis system.”

“This was created as insurance by a pirate named Angelo Defries. Wallglass’s analysis revealed that Defries learned of Zachary Rackham’s alter-ego over sixteen years ago, and threatened to transmit evidence to several newsfeeds – including, ironically, us here at The Federal Times.”

“While Defries seems to have disappeared around 3992 with his evidence withheld, conversations from that period were traced to the Wishbone Point facility. Wallglass, in conjunction with volunteer pilots, tracked down and decrypted the damning logs.”

“This vindicates my many years investigating Rackham’s criminal activities and corruption. More importantly, we have proved that the Federation is at risk of electing a pirate lord as its president.”

Vox Galactica reporter Patricia Chen covered the story:

“Mr Rackham strenuously denied these allegations, stating that he always tolerated ‘being associated with a mythical figure’ as it gave him ‘an aura of danger that was useful in boardroom meetings’. His devoted followers say that the evidence was manufactured for Wallglass to find, and that Bryanna Blanco is secretly funded by either Jerome Archer or Felicia Winters.”

“However, high-profile supporters such as business magnate ‘Sir’ Randolph Plaskett and ICE-caster Sura Oyekan have publicly withdrawn their support. The value of shares in Rackham Capital Investments has also nosedived. With a month until the voting period opens, this discovery has disrupted an already much-delayed Federal election.”

Wallglass to Probe Rackham’s Past

The Federal Times has hired the Wallglass Investigations Agency to prove that presidential candidate Zachary Rackham was once a pirate lord.

Financial journalist Bryanna Blanco has long claimed that the business magnate obtained his initial fortune via piracy. Wallglass, an independent firm that is much respected in the intelligence community, is seeking evidence to validate this accusation.

Harlan Turk, Rackham’s running mate in the election, has lobbied for Congress to halt the investigation. He asserted: “The Federal Times is breaching the impartiality rules of journalism, and violating the security measures afforded to all presidential candidates.”

Political ICE-caster Sura Oyekan also voiced her objections: “This is an outrageous attack on the reputation of a respected public figure, a great man who has contributed so much to Federal commerce and culture.”

There was a more speculative approach from independent journalist Flint ‘Firemaker’ Lafosse:

“Hiring the Wallglass Investigations Agency to dig up dirt on Zachary Rackham is a smart move, albeit an expensive one. They’ll already have insights from their own detectives Gunnarson and Wolfe, who infiltrated the Jokers’ Deck gambling circle and found Rackham was a member. Or was he really there to quietly fund the coup against Archon Delaine by two of his own arch-corsairs? I think we all know the answer.”

“Wallglass might also have access to the finance systems of Rackham Capital Investments, which were originally acquired by a hacktivist group known as the Collective. These nameless geniuses stole a billion credits – the same amount suspiciously won by Rackham in the Federal Grand Lottery – and distributed it to former employees whose pensions had been illegally withheld. Bravo!”

“The latest rumours are that Wallglass has tracked down fellow pirate Taja Gavaris, the ex-CFO who attempted a corporate takeover. Allegedly she fled Federal space after Rackham counter-blackmailed her, but if anyone knows where the bodies are buried, it’s Gavaris. I’m expecting some juicy revelations soon.”

Rackham Refutes Rumours

Presidential candidate Zachary Rackham has denied allegations that he was a notorious pirate lord prior to becoming an entrepreneur.

Financial journalist Bryanna Blanco has long maintained that the business magnate gained his initial fortune by means of piracy. She recently announced that she was renewing efforts to prove his criminality, thereby invalidating him from holding the presidency under Federal electoral laws.

In an exclusive interview with Sol Today, Mr Rackham addressed the situation:

“I’ve always been highly amused by these stories, which make out that I was some kind of swashbuckling corsair in my youth. No doubt they’ve helped boost sales of The Federal Times.”

“But in the Federation, we have laws to protect innocent people – just like me! – from libellous accusations. It’s time for Ms Blanco to discard her poisonous obsession with me, or I’ll be forced to defend my good name through legal means. Hey, if she needs a good source of income, my campaign could always find use for an imaginative speech writer!”

In response, The Federal Times published a personal article by Bryanna Blanco:

“Rackham does have one genuine talent: covering his tracks. With all his money and resources, he’s erased all evidence of his past. I’ve interviewed plenty of victims and witnesses, but most of my discoveries won’t stand up in court against his powerful legal team.”

“So, with special funding provided by my editor, I’ve turned to the professionals. The Wallglass Investigations Agency has been hired to prove that Rackham operated as a pirate lord. If they can’t find irrefutable proof, nobody can. And if I’m proved wrong, then Calico Zack can take his shot at stealing the entire Federation.”

28 Aug 3309