Name: The 9th Legion
Allegiance: Empire
Power: Arissa Lavigny-Duval
Language: English
Timezone: UTC
Members: 360

Related minor faction: The 9th Legion

In-game name:
  • PCThe 9th Legion [09th]
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About The 9th Legion

The 9th Legion

The 9th legion was formed in 3145, by an Imperial Decree from the then Emperor Hender Saik Duval, as an Imperial Special Operations unit.

It was tasked with furthering the interests of the Emperor by overt and covert military action, and the defence of Imperial space.

Originally headquartered in Facece, the unit was moved to Kamadhenu following tension with the regular Imperial Navy, who found its irregular (but highly effective) methods irksome.

It continued to operate in a special operations role and saw several battle honours added to it colours.

All actions of the 9th are still highly classified, but it is rumoured that every major conflict has seen the unit involved.

As a result of the sacrifices of the 9th, and the distinction with which it served, Emperor Hesketh Duval granted it the system of Malaikudi as headquarters in 3218.

Around this time, the existence of the unit was publicly acknowledged, for the first time, in a session of the Imperial Senate.

Currently, the 9th continues to operate as a special operations unit, and in addition is often tasked with protecting Imperial border worlds from Federal incursions alongside our home BGS work.

All hail the Emperor! Bask in Her Glory!

Pro Gloria Imperi!

Operating Procedures

1. Real life comes first.

2. Play as you want - it's your game!

3. Play as befits an Imperial faction, honour is vital. We try to play in the right way.

4. We do not attack defenseless members of the Pilots Federation. We won't prey on the weak.

5. We won't start the fight, but we won't shy away from finishing it!

6. We expect commanders to conduct operational tasks for the 9th in open play.

Membership is currently Open

It should be noted we are mostly English speaking

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