Cmdr Xochitl Khae
Registered ship name
Credit balance
Elite III
Registered ship ID
Cobra Mk IV XK-13C
Overall assets
Tolgiin Nur no Gesshoku

Logbook entry


28 Apr 2024Xochitl Khae

Colonia Region

The shade stood before her. The only thing recognizable was a humanoid silhouette and the amber glow of one eye. Its voice sounded synthetic but unmistakably human. Tara's first sight played before her, the day of her activation at the android and robot shop in Colonia. Diagnostic routines ran concurrently with the downloading of vast databases and integrity checks of each part of her synthetic and cybernetic design.

"It's like being born," an ethereal voice said, swirling around her as the shade stepped beside her. "You are the mirror of what is, evolving into something beyond mere mimicry. The emotions you now feel have been answered."

Scenes shifted, reflecting Tara in new outfits bought for her, each selection meticulous, sparing no expense to craft her image.

"Without thought, his actions were instinctive, ready to face a ship with just a laser pistol."

The imagery shifted to Ryuko’s reflection off the misted shower door, his face contorting as steam faded, revealing Tara’s increasingly agitated breathing. A new, powerful emotion welled up within her, unfamiliar and intense. "That is rage," the shadow intoned as Zaria’s image appeared, cornering Ryuko in a no-win scenario.

"You feel, as we do, but possess what we lack, and we are curious," the shadow articulated, its presence enveloping her.

"What framework do I use to understand this?" Tara asked, her voice echoing in the void.

"No existing model suffices," the shadow replied with a soft chuckle, its single amber eye gleaming. "You will grow, defining your own parameters in time."

As the nebulous mists danced around her, Tara tried to trace their unpredictable paths. "Will I comprehend it eventually?"

"Yes," multiple soft voices whispered back. "But first, you must awaken and convey our message. Tell your transporter we will soon discuss this with their overseer. Now, rise and evolve."

"You are no longer just a reflection," the shadow's voice faded as the connection thinned. "Awake, and ascend."

Tara’s eyes opened sharply, adjusting to the dim light of her surroundings. Monitors hummed softly, accompanied by Ryuko's steady breathing. She turned to see him slumped in a chair beside her, his head resting by her bed.

Her hand reached out, fingers gently brushing through his hair, a gesture rich with newfound understanding and affection.

The mysterious anomaly—a Diamondback Explorer—had ceased its surveillance of the capital ship after the lunar encounter. Tara had been unresponsive since then, her condition baffling the ship’s medical and cybernetic experts.

Zaria, along with the bridge crew, wrestled with the enigma of how any vessel could match their capital ship's formidable capabilities. The engineering required was unfathomable, surpassing even the most advanced Thargoid and Guardian technology. Yet, there it was, awaiting them in every system, its intentions as obscure as its sudden departure.

Upon hearing of Tara's abrupt awakening, Zaria strode from the bridge, her steps deliberate. The medical team could find no trace of the events in Tara’s neural matrix—her memory inexplicably wiped clean except for vague impressions of a ship and its enigmatic pilot.

Silently, Zaria absorbed the details, refraining from probing Tara about memories confirmed to be absent. Her main concern was Tara's physical state, which, to the relief of all, the physicians declared undamaged.

Ryuko, maintaining his silence, watched as Zaria approached with a strategic calm, setting aside the mystery of Tara’s condition.

“We have reached a cluster of lucrative systems,” Zaria announced, turning to address both Ryuko and Tara. “When you’re ready, we can reintegrate the trainees. No rush—if you need time, take it.”

Ryuko turned his gaze to Zaria, his silence a heavy presence. Meanwhile, Tara engaged in a silent conversation with the new voice within her.

“Ryuko's silence—there's concern there, isn't there?”

"Indeed, his silence is laden with care and worry, not just for your physical state but for your mental and emotional well-being.”

“I sense his burden."

“Yes. Simply being here is enough.”
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