Cmdr Xochitl Khae
Registered ship name
Credit balance
Elite III
Registered ship ID
Cobra Mk IV XK-13C
Overall assets
Tolgiin Nur no Gesshoku

Logbook entry


28 Apr 2024Xochitl Khae

Colonia Region

Lights played across the Krait’s bridge windows, as Ryuko landed the ship inside of the orbital station. Tara, sitting behind and to his right, maintained a watch outside of her window while directly across from her Scyles did the same until the docking clamps secured the ship, as the pad lowered and turned, bringing their ship inside the station’s cavernous hangar.

As the scene outside darkened, with wisps of steam emanating through the low lighting, Ryuko unbuckled and stood up, turning to face the trainees behind him. “I am bringing Scyles with Tara and myself. Both of you two will remain onboard the ship as guards. Do not for any reason leave this ship. I don’t care what you see, hear, or who may send a command, you do not leave … for any reason. Understood?”

Both Jabir and Lianna nodded in compliance as Tara and Scyles stood up. “Alright, Scyles you go armor up, and Tara and I will meet you at the entrance. Choose whatever weaponry suits your fancy.”

Scyles nodded, leaving the bridge without a word as both Jabir and Lianna looked on with concern.

Ryuko exited without saying another word. He didn’t have any faith in either of those two and there was nothing that he could say that he thought would make it any different. Tara paused, looking over at each of them. Her thought patterns more optimistic, but not by much. “Don’t worry kids, this is routine, but it’s best to be prepared as something always happens in a place like this.”

Whether Scyles held a similar option was anyone’s guess as he didn’t share his thoughts on the matter with anyone. Based on his background and from what Ryuko had witnessed, Scyles had the perfect blend of ruthlessness lack of empathy required to think like a pirate. Not that he needed to as the nomadic clan that took him in and had trained them were well adapted at hunting pirates, bandits, and raiders, with equal brutal efficiency.

The subdued lighting of the hangar’s interior cast long shadows throughout its expanse and the trio made their way to the elevators that would take them to the common area. Ryuko checked the charge on his laser pistol and the boxes of additional shotgun rounds, as Scyles tapped the ammo pouches connected to his suit, where additional micro-missile cartridges were stowed.

Tara wore a smirk on her face, noting that the nomadic hunter had chosen the rocket launcher with a plasma pistol as his primary weaponry, along with his short sword and knives for this excursion into the pirate’s den. As densely packed as the concourse would be, if he let off a three round burst of those things loose, it would take the station janitorial androids a week to clean the mess made out of all the little nooks and crannies.

“Try not to regress and make a mess,” Ryuko chided as the elevator doors opened on the bustling concourse area of the orbital station.

There was an equal mix of the rowdy and rough looking all the way through to the common merchants, who either worked for the pirate owners of this facility or who had an under the table agreement with either them or one of the independent outfits– repackaging and labeling their stolen cargo for re-sale on the open markets as regular commodities.

The Maverick suited trio meandered through the concourse, studying their prey as smart predators were accustomed to when stalking. Seeing their faces, dress, personal weaponry choices, along with those they liked to travel with, told them what type of threat each was, and what potential weakness they had, which could be exploited.

Various vendors pawned their ill gotten goods to those passing by. They passed by several bars, situated next to a jointly owned brothel, promising exotic experiences, each attempting to outdo their nearby rivals. Several cybernetic chop shops were mixed in, offering a variety of enhancements, of questionable technological skill and even less medically sanitary conditions.

“They haven’t changed their smell,” Scyles said under his breath with an icy tone.

“Not all are the same … but I agree.” Ryuko commented, glancing over at him. “At least the clan I ran with knew what a bath was.”

Tara nudged Ryuko as they passed one of the more flamboyant pleasure dens. “Ever indulge in one of those experiences?”

Ryuko chuckled, a glint of mischief in his eyes. “A young man finds ways to unwind. Why, jealous?”

Shaking her head, Tara's expression softened. “Just curious about who you were before, to better understand the man you’ve become.”

“A desire to model my past?” Ryuko mused, his tone light yet thoughtful.

Inside, Tara smiled, her conversation with the entity within her resonating deeply. ‘My host was similarly elusive.’

Tara blinked, smiling inwardly.

The corridor ahead was alive with the sounds of harsh laughter and cruel taunts as a rough group of men and women kicked at someone they had knocked down. The victim was desperately trying to stand and escape their relentless boots.

Scyles stopped, his eyes narrowing as the fury within almost visibly flickered like flames.

Tara laid a hand on his arm, her voice steady, “No, we don't start smashing up the place, at least not while we're still docked here and under their control.”

Ryuko watched the scene unfold with a seasoned eye. The gangs he'd run with were akin to these brutes, but they operated with a level of professionalism that elevated them above mere thugs. They were pirates, yes, but also businessmen, their skewed ethics translating into bigger profits. The sort currently harassing the downed figure were mere fodder, used by his old crew to wear down defenses before the real players swept in to clean up.

“Then they are the first,” Scyles muttered, his tone cold and detached.

Ryuko understood that kind of cold, calculating determination. They were the hunters who would chase their prey until exhaustion, allowing no chance for defense, much like the ancient Earth wolves that harried their targets relentlessly.

“First then,” Ryuko agreed.
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