Logbook entry

A quite patrol

23 Apr 2023Yu-gen
Date: April 23, 2023

Ship: Fer-De-Lance

Commander: Yu-gen

Mission: Patrol the Jotunheim System and monitor any suspicious activities.

08:00: Departed from the Fleet Carrer in Jotunheim System and initiated the ship systems check.
08:15: Arrived at the first waypoint in the system and scanned the area for any signs of unauthorized activity.
08:30: Detected a small cargo ship leaving a nearby asteroid belt. Scanned the ship and found nothing suspicious. Allowed the ship to continue its course.
09:00: Received a distress signal from a mining outpost in the outer edge of the system. Headed towards the location to investigate.
09:15: Arrived at the mining outpost and found it under attack by a group of pirates. Engaged in combat with the pirates and successfully defended the outpost.
10:00: Completed repairs on the Station and escorted the remaining miners back to the station in Jotunheim System.
11:00: Continued patrolling the system and scanned all incoming and outgoing ships for any signs of illegal activities.
12:30: Received a message from the station commander, commending the efforts to keep the system safe.
13:00: Completed the patrol of the Jotunheim System and returned to the Fleet Carrier to submit the patrol report.
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