Cmdr Haraldsen
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Logbook entry

Dead end (Part 2)

28 Feb 2024Haraldsen
"As is often the case during wartime, legality and morality have been set aside to focus on achieving victory. Azimuth has done more than just survive: it has triumphed.
~Conrad Sterling for Vox Galactica

ISA Lord Investigator Riehl groaned in exasperation, and a moment later his face reddened in anger and frustration. He clenched his hands tightly, pounding one on the table before him. "Damn it, Barlow!" he roared as he rose to his feet, moving to stand by the computer. He closed his eyes and leaned forward, placing his hands flat on the table, his fingers splayed wide. "Damn you, Barlow," he cursed again under his breath. He moved around the desk, and moments later, his terminal chimed as it was accepting an incoming holo-communication. "Damn," he muttered, moving back to his desk and returning to his seat. He sighed heavily and shook his head, trying to clear his mind and focus on the screen.  "Let's hope it is not too late," he whispered as he accepted the incoming  transmission.

The shimmering hologram depicted Jack Riehl's own personal assistant. Her blonde hair was neatly coiffed, and her eyes were bright and attentive, although it was apparent from her posture that her appearance was due to urgency, as was her speech.
"Lord Investigator Riehl, please, a representative of Azimuth Biotech requests to speak with you immediately. Please call her ASAP. It sounds important," the woman stated bluntly, a note of anxiety in her voice, along with her obvious frustration at not knowing what the urgent situation was about and her failure to get proper answers. "Is something wrong?"

"Just call her back and patch her through on the holo. I'm sure that I will sort the situation out quickly and efficiently," Riehl instructed tersely. "Do not worry. I have the situation in hand," he added reassuringly, managing a brief smile to placate her. He touched the 'CONNECT' button on his terminal, and after a short pause he spoke again.
"This is ISA Lord Investigator Jack Riehl speaking. With whom am I talking?" He asked the question automatically, out of habit, without even waiting for the other party to introduce themselves.

The dark-haired woman on the hologram seemed amused and smiled at him. She was sitting at a desk in an expensive looking office room, wearing an even more expensive looking grey office dress, her chair tilted to one side as she crossed one knee over the other, revealing the tops of her pale thighs and a little more of her legs. "Nice to meet you Lord Investigator, my name is Victoria Hothis, I speak on behalf of Azimuth Biotech. My apologies for not introducing myself first," she answered pleasantly, with a polite nod in Riehl's direction before her smile widened a bit further, revealing immaculate white teeth.

"It is a pleasure, and the honour is all mine," Riehl responded gallantly, "And please accept my apologies for not allowing you to introduce yourself, the circumstances being that I am currently rather pressed for time," he explained politely and cordially, inclining his head in polite deference towards her image, "Would you kindly cut straight to the matter which was so imperative that it necessitated you contacting me on an official ISA frequency?" Riehl inquired in a level and even tone of voice. His face remained expressionless, his tone betraying not a trace of hostility or impatience. He simply waited.

Victoria's face shifted, and her smile vanished. Now her gaze fixed Riehl with a solemn expression.
"It is always nice to meet someone in a profession such as mine who maintains professional courtesies. Thank you. However," Victoria said, her voice gaining a serious and stern edge, "In terms of getting right to the point, let me make myself clear, Lord Investigator Riehl. We have credible evidence that a certain Mike Barlow, who, I should state clearly, is not a member of  ISA," the woman cautioned him firmly, pausing as she looked intently at Riehl, studying him through the connection before she continued to speak, "has broken several legal regulations by attempting to gain unlawful access to confidential information contained within secure and classified databases and illegally copying such data. Do you know of any such activities which may have been undertaken by Mister Mike Barlow, and on what basis could you possibly consider them as anything short of criminal offenses, in strict compliance with Imperial law?"
Victoria raised her brows expectantly, her expression challenging him to disagree.

There was a moment of silence before Riehl gathered his composure and the initial shock of her disclosure had faded enough to form a suitable reply. The hologram of Victoria Hothis remained unaffected, a stern expression painted across her visage. She was expecting an immediate answer. How in the gods' name, the investigator asked himself inwardly, could anyone possibly come across that sort of intel. Barlow had been careful... or was he?
It was evident that there was much more at stake and Riehl, who had been dealing with politicians and business people long enough to be familiar with the nuances of coverups and fraud, noticed his new opponent was not fooling around. This could become a problem, he told himself as he cleared his throat.
"Ms. Hothis. First of all, would you mind enlightening me about the precise nature of the confidential data you are referring to? If possible, could you furnish a list of these databases and provide me a brief synopsis of the nature of the crimes and evidence presented?" He hoped his hunch was accurate, but Victoria's facial expressions and posture betrayed not an inch as she folded her hands atop the table. The corner of her mouth quirked upward slightly, though whether it was from amusement or irritation, he couldn't tell.

Victoria Hothis leaned forward ever so slightly, her blue eyes narrowing for a split second before she replied, "The matter we are discussing is serious enough that the protocols usually applied may have to be modified to facilitate a speedy resolution. It would be most unfortunate should matters deteriorate beyond the current stage of this preliminary assessment," she admonished him gently, shaking her head at him as if a disappointed teacher faced with an obstinate student's antics.

She wasn't playing nice. Obviously, this was the intention in itself; that her initial statement was meant to put him on the defensive, to place him at a disadvantage when discussing the more critical elements of the present conversation. Riehl kept a tight lid on the snappish retort on the tip of his tongue. He had only himself to blame for allowing this situation to happen, because the very concept of consulting Barlow was highly questionable in the first place. Somehow, she knew Barlow was working for him. It was obvious. Azimuth could and would obliterate both him and Barlow, wiping the data and their existence clean and burying everything under layers and layers of contracts and misleading papers. He had to work smart and keep his wits about him.

"That said," she continued, apparently having drawn no pleasure in his lack of reaction, "I am sure you realise why your reaction to this issue is extremely important. After all, everyone's first instinct is to defend their allies and those close to us. As long as the legal validity and veracity of these findings are investigated by impartial bodies," she made a dismissive gesture in Riehl's direction before smiling brightly at him again, her eyes never losing their sparkle even for a moment, "I believe no lasting damage would be done. However, before we could have a proper chat regarding how this investigation could proceed, there are a few things you need to understand, Lord Investigator Riehl," she warned him, her red made up lips curling upward.
"First and foremost, in contrast to this individual, who has a far from positive track record and background, we at Azimuth are completely committed to cooperate. At this moment, a significant dossier has been assembled with clear evidence of Mister Barlow's malfeasance. Shall this data be relayed to authorities or forwarded to the proper sector government, his downfall would surely follow. No charges, from the simplest data theft to sabotage, would be overlooked. However, so as not to jeopardise the valuable relationship between ISA and our company, Azimuth Biotech would prefer to resolve matters out-of-court. I am quite certain you can appreciate the necessity of maintaining the integrity of your organization. Perhaps, Lord Investigator, if you would choose to proceed using a similar mind-set, we would be able to see eye-to-eye."
A sinister smirk that was mirrored in her eyes settled on Victoria Hothis's lips as her features lit with amusement.

Having Azimuth to contend with meant the scale of potential events could escalate drastically. Riehl understood the code words and cryptic language masking the hidden meanings contained within her words and statements. His worst fears had come true and he wondered how Azimuth could become aware of his involvement so fast. Could one of his teammates, perhaps... no, it was less likely. He still felt disturbed at how suddenly everything was deteriorating. The stakes in this game were very high and the situation critical. Taking a deep breath and straightening his back, Riehl's face acquired a fierce grimness.

Victoria watched him with unconcealed amusement, tilting her head slightly to one side as she tapped a slim red-painted fingertip on the desk in front of her. She arched her eyebrows questioningly. "We at Azimuth wholeheartedly endorse and acknowledge the value of your role and dedication to your organization. Our aim is to facilitate a diplomatic resolution to this unfortunate situation without aggravating the sensitivities and sensitive nature of the issue. Now that you know what's at stake, how do you plan to proceed?" Her voice was still as poised and refined as before, her tone matter-of-fact and diplomatic. It was not meant to insinuate anything, nor did it have the hint of a threat. It was simply a question.

Riehl stifled a wince. This time he was completely unable to prevent the scowl that crossed his features or his discomposure from showing through. "Mister Barlow should not have done what he did," he responded cautiously and after an apparent pause, quickly gathering his thoughts, Riehl continued, "... nor should he involve my department in such a venture that may compromise my position and jeopardize the integrity of the ISA as a whole..."
He lowered his eyes for a moment before looking at her, feeling the tension rise again as his mind raced frantically in the attempt to find a way out of the quagmire Barlow had tossed him into. It took him a few more moments to finally react.
"I do understand the message clearly. In such an instance, in order to ensure a swift resolution, and not only in the best interests of ISA, but of a personal nature, it is my belief that I might suggest an alternate solution, namely a mutually beneficial pact, a joint-venture investigation of the case at hand." Riehl finished and sank back in his seat, glancing across at Victoria Hothis for a moment before lowering his gaze again as if in silent expectation of her next move.
He felt he had reached a dead end, with his back to the wall and only one way out.
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