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Hadrian Duval Remarks on ‘Weak Emperor’

An interview with Hadrian Augustus Duval has caused ripples in Imperial society for his direct criticism of Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval.

Speaking to Paresa News Network, the former Nova Imperium leader discussed the Empire’s commitment to Aegis:

“I have always known that the Empire is stronger alone, especially when protecting our people from the Thargoid hordes. Supposedly, Emperor Arissa felt the same – until a visit from Princess Aisling turned her head. Suddenly her principles were cast aside, and our valuable resources pledged to more foreign military projects.”

“I can only wonder when the Emperor became so easily swayed. Was it during her year in captivity? Did all that time in suspended animation drain her resolve? We cannot afford to allow the Empire to be governed by someone with a weak spirit. Our citizens deserve a strong, determined ruler.”

Gudrun Vestergaard, royal correspondent for The Imperial Herald, commented:

“The anticipated friction between the Duval cousins has now become a reality. Hadrian clearly took great offence at how swiftly Aisling engineered an exception to the Empire’s isolationist policies. But openly denigrating Her Majesty is a dangerous game, especially from the young revolutionary who once attempted to usurp her throne.”

“Meanwhile, Princess Aisling has thrown herself into the role of overseeing the Imperial contribution to Aegis. Court insiders claim that she spends much of her time with military experts, absorbing information about the Thargoid conflict. Regularly communications with her opposite numbers in the Alliance and Federation have become part of the daily routine. Some still see this as a high-profile PR exercise on her part, but others wonder if Aisling might become the wartime leader the Empire needs. Skeptics who believe she lacks the strategic talents necessary to succeed may yet find themselves surprised by her apparent enthusiasm for Aegis’s work.”

Convoy Tragedy Halts Superpower Conflict

*Pilots’ Federation ALERT*

The Empire and the Federation have resolved the conflict in Pichch after the accidental loss of anti-xeno supply ships.

Freelance correspondent Karleen Troy reported on events for Vox Galactica:

“Pichch is a key location to redirect front-line resources to systems facing invasion around Maelstrom Leigong. In recent days, these vital deliveries have been severely delayed by the internecine conflict. But disaster struck when an entire convoy carrying anti-xeno weaponry was destroyed by Imperial-aligned ships, which mistakenly identified them as local Federal resupply vessels.”

“Once news of the incident spread, leaders of Gauluujja Exchange and the Gliese 44 Citizens' Forum stated that they had received orders to broker an immediate ceasefire. The conflict was heading towards a Gliese 44 Citizens' Forum victory, so the sudden peace is likely a relief to Gauluujja Exchange.”

Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval made a personal declaration regarding the situation:

“We permit Imperial-aligned factions a degree of autonomy, on the understanding that they do not jeopardise the Empire’s strategic goals. Undermining human resistance against the Thargoid invasion cannot be tolerated. I therefore command the Gliese 44 Citizens’ Forum to negotiate a ceasefire with their Federal neighbours at once.”

A similar statement was delivered by President Zachary Hudson:

“This tragic situation could and should have been avoided. Pichch is a Federal system, and we have a responsibility to sustain the flow of anti-xeno resources throughout that region. We cannot allow small-scale quarrels to derail our efforts. I have informed Gauluujja Exchange that they must arrange a peaceful resolution to their current conflict.”

Both the Federal and Imperial factions have agreed to honour their commitments to those who supported their operations, with rewards available at Tiptree Port.

Princess Aisling ‘Understood Risk of Speaking Out’

Princess Aisling Duval has assumed oversight of the Empire’s contributions to the tri-superpower agency Aegis.

She discussed her new role during an interview with The Imperial Herald:

“Loathe though I was to defy the Emperor’s decree, every instinct told me that the Aegis initiative can develop methods of protecting the Empire from enormous losses in this war. I’m grateful that Arissa recognised the value of my plea.”

“I’ve been liaising with Professor Alba Tesreau, as well as Dr Fonseca, Vice Admiral Anderson and the rest of my team. Our challenge is to make the most of the Imperial resources allocated to Aegis.”

“It’s true that I was critical of Aegis’s effectiveness in the past, but I’ve always believed that cooperation with other superpowers can bring mutual benefits. The mass slaughter inflicted by the Thargoids eclipses the NMLA’s atrocities – a challenge we faced together. We must trust each other now as we did then.”

The newsfeed also featured a response from Hadrian Augustus Duval:

“It’s gratifying to see that Patreus and Torval aren’t as influential as they think they are. Yet that doesn’t mean Aisling is right. The Empire must not chain itself to the Alliance and Federation once again. The Emperor can be ruthless when it suits her, as I know only too well, but in this case she lacks the courage of her convictions.”

Royal correspondent Gudrun Vestergaard observed:

“This is a calculated move by Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval. If Aegis fails, her isolationist policy will be vindicated. If Aegis succeeds, she can claim credit for permitting this exception. The risk is whether the public would credit an Aegis-assisted victory over the Thargoids to the Princess. Such an outcome would increase Aisling’s popularity and political capital to a level Arissa is unlikely to tolerate for long.”

Mahon: ‘Alliance Will Support Aegis’

The Alliance Assembly has voted to make a contribution to Aegis if the agency is reformed by the three superpowers.

Prime Minister Edmund Mahon made an official announcement:

“Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval’s change of heart regarding anti-xeno collaboration has triggered swift action from Alliance systems. The Assembly has re-appraised a bill proposed last November by Deputy Prime Minister Angela Corcoran, seeking to approve Aegis’s reformation. A majority vote has now passed that bill.”

“The Alliance will therefore commit ships, resources and personnel to a collaborative anti-xeno agency. We will also share Thargoid-related intelligence and scientific data to a central database shared with the Empire and Federation.”

“The strategic defence pact with Sirius Corporation remains in effect, and the company continues to work with us on protecting Allied systems.”

It has been suggested that Li Yong-Rui privately advised the prime minister against holding the vote, with the view that Sirius Corporation could fill the role of humanity's primary anti-xeno organisation. However, political analysts noted that Mahon has a long-standing dedication to multilateral cooperation against the Thargoids.

Deputy Prime Minister Corcoran will act as the Alliance’s primary contact with any new incarnation of Aegis. Commodore Emil Varga has volunteered to serve as military liaison, with Dr Maximo Fonseca of Gateway Laboratories taking the lead on xenological research.

Emperor Approves Aisling’s Plan for Aegis

Princess Aisling Duval met with Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval in person to discuss an Imperial contribution to the reformation of Aegis.

The Imperial Herald’s political journalist Cassia Carvalho reported on events:

“Aisling Duval’s arrival at the Imperial Palace was completely unexpected, according to several dignitaries whose appointed meetings with the Emperor were abruptly cancelled. One senatorial aide described how the princess ‘burst into the throne room so suddenly that I’m surprised the Imperial Guard didn’t shoot her’.”

“Despite visible irritation, Emperor Arissa acceded to Princess Aisling’s demand for urgent talks. The two royals held a private conversation behind closed doors for many hours. I heard claims of raised voices at one stage, but nobody was willing to go on record to confirm this.”

“Eventually, Her Majesty call for the media to assemble, which we did eagerly. The Emperor made it clear that her decree to isolate from the other superpowers remained active. However, if Aegis were to be re-established, a limited number of scientists and naval vessels would be allocated to the anti-xeno agency. Princess Aisling would take ownership of the endeavour, and coordinate with both Imperial and foreign organisations.”

“Senators and Imperial Navy officials were surprised by this exception to the Emperor’s policy. But political analysts remarked on the shrewdness of making Princess Aisling personally responsible for the proposed anti-xeno collaboration, thereby distancing the Emperor from any potential failures.”

“Insiders claim that Princess Aisling has already requested members for her delegation including Senator Caspian Leopold, Vice Admiral Skylar Anderson and xenological specialist Ivano Colombera. She has also tasked the Imperial Diplomatic Corps with re-opening diplomatic channels to the Alliance and Federation, specifically to share information about Alba Tesreau’s respective proposals for a reformed Aegis.”

The Pro-Aegis Stance of the Princess

Princess Aisling Duval’s call for the Empire to commit to a resumed Aegis project, alongside the Alliance and Federation, has received a harsh response.

Admiral Denton Patreus was approached for comment by the Eye on Achenar newsfeed:

“We all have our part to play in the Empire, but questioning military policy is hardly within a princess’s remit. I would humbly suggest that Her Highness focuses on those areas where she excels: charity work, hosting parties, advocating the wellbeing of the citizens and so forth.”

A similar viewpoint was expressed by Senator Zemina Torval, who simply remarked: “Perhaps I am old-fashioned, but there was a time when attempting to challenge the Emperor’s decree was viewed as an insult to the throne.”

Hadrian Augustus Duval’s response was less confrontational but clear: “I firmly believe that non-collaboration is the best direction for the Empire, and respectfully ask Aisling not to undermine this policy through the press.”

However, Senator Caspian Leopold offered an alternative take:

“Princess Aisling has a much better understanding of political realities than many give her credit for. After personally consulting with scientific, military and political specialists, she has concluded that reforming Aegis is the logical move. Far from challenging Emperor Arissa’s policy, this is a heartfelt attempt to support her reign by increasing the Empire’s chances of victory against the Thargoids.”

Princess Aisling Echoes Aegis Reformation Calls

Princess Aisling Duval has publicly asked Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval to reconsider pledging Imperial resources to a cross-superpower anti-xeno initiative.

Her message was shared on all Imperial newsfeeds:

“The Empire’s capability to defend itself is not in question. But neither is there any doubt that we are facing a protracted war. The ferocity and scale of the Thargoid onslaught on human space is unprecedented. Of course the Empire will survive, as it has for over a millennium… but at what cost? How many systems must fall? How many citizens will grieve for lost loved ones?”

“Emperor Arissa, I implore you: work with the Alliance and Federation to reform Aegis. Our combined resources are needed to develop new technologies to overcome the alien armadas. Corporate interests must not dictate this path. Let Imperial ingenuity and courage light the way to victory over a common enemy.”

A handful of senators supported Princess Aisling’s plea initially, though others have criticised her for daring to challenge the Emperor’s decree. As yet there has been no response from the Imperial Palace.

Gudrun Vestergaard , royal correspondent for The Imperial Herald, commented:

“There is speculation that this may cause friction between Aisling and her cousin Hadrian Duval, whose long-held isolationist beliefs are now aligned with Imperial policy. Until now both have enjoyed a close relationship, with Aisling even being chosen as honour-mother to Hadrian’s baby son Hector. But their views on Imperial foreign policy could not be more different, and recent events have brought this into sharp focus.”

A Retrospective of 3308 (Part One)

In the first of a three-part series of articles, the historian Sima Kalhana reviews the key events of the past year.

“3308 began with the announcement that the Alliance and Sirius Corporation had agreed an anti-xeno strategic defence pact. This controversial decision would face many challenges before it was ratified, including armed rebellion in the Reorte system.

One of the pact’s driving forces was the loss of Aegis, disbanded following the publication of the Baumann Report. Even the rediscovery of the lost megaship Alexandria could not prevent Aegis’s shutdown, despite evidence that it had been raided by agents with ties of Azimuth Bioschemicals.

The superpowers began establishing their own anti-xeno taskforces and research projects. But their focus was on the mysterious scientist named Salvation, who was developing a superweapon that promised great victories against the Thargoids.

In February, the atrocities of the Neo-Marlinist Liberation Army (NMLA) were finally halted. A cabal of Imperial senators named the Lords of Restoration were exposed as its masterminds, planning to oust the Duval and grant exclusive power to the Senate.

This came with the shock discovery that Emperor Arissa Lavingy-Duval had been abducted by the Lords of Restoration over a year ago, replaced by a virtual doppelganger communicating via Imperial Intelligence channels. The private military firm Darkwater Inc, which had trained the terrorists, was wiped out in the Battle of Summerland. This victory was notable for ending the NMLA threat and returning Arissa to the throne.

There was also drama within the Federation, as President Zachary Hudson proposed to remove the fixed term limit for presidents. This would allow him to stand for re-election in 3309. The Hudson Contravention brought public unrest, which only calmed when the congress decided to postpone their vote. It remains an outstanding issue, even as a presidential election year approaches.

March saw the completion of the Colonia Bridge, after several multi-stage initiatives. Starports and stationary megaships now formed a permanent travel corridor from the core systems to the distant Colonia region.

The Thargoids emerged again in April with the invasion of the Didio, Novas and Sosong systems. This brought an opportunity for the superpowers to work together with Salvation. Interviews with Jade Sanderlyn provided insights into each superpower’s approach. Within mere months, their reliance on Salvation would lead to an event that altered tje course of history.