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Kaine Launches Alliance Resource Drive

*Pilots’ Federation ALERT*

Councillor Nakato Kaine has requested deliveries to the Tionisla system in protest against the anti-xeno defence pact.

Pilots are asked to deliver shipments of hazardous environment suits, micro controllers and titanium to Brett High. The Alliance Rapid-reaction Corps, which is hosting the initiative, will protect participants by redeeming bounty vouchers for the destruction of any wanted ships.

The campaign was personally arranged by Councillor Nakato Kaine, the representative for Tionisla in the Alliance Assembly. Speaking to the Old Worlds Gazette, Kaine stated:

“I aim to prove that the Alliance’s military fleet is not as dependent upon Sirius Corporation as many believe. This campaign demonstrates our capability to stockpile vital resources for the Alliance Defence Force. And we have plenty of researchers, mechanics and manufacturers ready to develop our own defences against the Thargoids.”

“It’s clear to me that Li Yong-Rui never intended to honour his anti-xeno commitments. I’ve seen evidence of Sirius negotiating favourable contracts with Allied tech and military corporations. Their special access to the Alliance’s markets, plus the endorsement of our prime minister, have provided them with unfair leverage. The true cost of the pact has yet to be revealed, but you can bet that Allied citizens will pay the price while Sirius’s profits soar.”

Prime Minister Edmund Mahon has not commented on the Tionisla campaign, other than to confirm: “A formal inquiry into the strategic defence pact is ongoing, and the Assembly will study its findings carefully.”

Thargoid War Update: November 3309

Renowned war correspondent Jade Sanderlyn provides her regular summary of the latest news regarding the Thargoid conflict.

“It is now a whole year since the Thargoid Titans arrived and unleashed their fleets upon us. It’s pleasing to report that humanity’s resistance remains strong. New invasions are rare, and Thargoid vessels are being driven out of occupied systems. Nobody is under any illusions that this war might end soon, and it remains to be seen how the Thargoids adapt to the current situation. But among independent pilots and anti-xeno squadrons, morale is high – as it absolutely deserves to be.”

“The Thargoid spire sites have also brought cause for cautious optimism. Having received huge volumes of samples for testing, Ishmael Palin proved that spire compounds and Titan hull fragments share genetic commonalities. Whatever these eerie alien growths are, evidence is growing that their industrial processes are related to the Thargoid motherships in some way.”

“Professor Palin has now concocted a biological impurity, which should disrupt the spires’ biochemistry when inserted into their processing chain. Many pilots are signing up to undertake missions to deliver this contaminant, despite the inevitability that some volunteers will not return. It’s too soon to determine whether or not this will impact the Thargoid war machine, but hopes are high.”

“Meanwhile, the many thousands of people rescued from captivity within the Titans remain in strict quarantine. Debate continues over how quickly they should be returned to society, but so far nobody seems to be taking any chances.”

“That could change following Felicia Winters’ victory in the Federal presidential election. Via my political colleagues, I’ve heard that the president-elect plans to send home all returnees with Federation citizenship when her term of office begins next year. So we might soon score the greatest of victories: allowing those who were so cruelly abducted to return to their normal lives.”

“This is Jade Sanderlyn reporting for Vox Galactica. Stay safe out there.”

Azimuth Biotech: ‘We Can Serve Alliance’

Azimuth Biotech has suggested that it can replace Sirius Corporation as the Alliance’s anti-xeno military partner.

The move follows the Alliance Assembly’s decision to reevaluate its strategic xeno defence pact with Sirius, amid concerns that the megacorp has not sufficiently protected Allied systems from the Thargoids.

CEO Torben Rademaker offered the following statement during a recent shareholder presentation:

“Azimuth Biotech is – and always has been – the only corporation to specialise in anti-xeno weapons tech. Sirius Corporation, once the trend-setter in so many fields, has become complacent and is now best described as a household goods manufacturer with delusions of grandeur. Aegis is a loosely connected gang of publicity-seekers playing war games with technology developed by uncredited researchers. But Azimuth specialists have been diligently researching the Thargoid species ever since we made first contact with them two centuries ago.”

“We can supply the Alliance Defence Force with weaponry and defensive technology guaranteed to be a match for anything in the Thargoids’ arsenal. I’m prepared to meet with Prime Minister Mahon personally to work out the details of our proposal.”

The Alliance Assembly has not yet formally responded, but Councillor Hildegard Dressler said: “Our vulnerability to Thargoid attacks means Azimuth should be seriously considered to reinforce our security.” Councillor Ainsley Niven took the opposite view: “There will be mass uprisings if we collaborate with the most notoriously immoral company in history, one soaked in the blood that Salvation spilled in his pursuit of greatness.”

Leon Banerjee, science correspondent for Vox Galactica, observed:

“It’s worth noting what Azimuth is not offering the Alliance: the anti-xeno superweapons that once cleared entire systems of Thargoids. Resurrecting Proteus Wave technology after HIP 22460 would cause a public outcry, but that wouldn’t greatly concern Rademaker. Therefore, we can deduce that Azimuth’s ability to weaponise Guardian artefacts died along with Salvation, leaving the corporation struggling for relevancy following his death.”

Alliance Reviews Sirius Defence Pact

The Alliance Assembly has approved a formal evaluation of its strategic defence pact with Sirius Corporation.

The vote to launch an independent inquiry was led by Councillor Nakato Kaine, who summarised:

“This partnership has been in effect for nearly two years. What tangible military support have we seen? Sirius Corporation has done little to protect Allied populations from attack or abduction. The capital ships promised to the Alliance Defence Force remain on the drawing board. The Sirius Navy isn’t even engaging the Thargoid fleets on the front line of this war. How much longer must we endure Li Yong-Rui’s empty promises?”

Admiral Nikolas Glass, the megacorp’s representative on the Council of Admirals, disputed these claims:

“In truth, an enormous amount of work is taking place behind the scenes. Sirius technicians have retrofitted many ageing ADF ships with modern weaponry and internal systems. We’ve invested significantly in new AX modules, such as the anti-xeno missile rack and pre-engineered heatsink. And our blueprints formed the basis for Aegis’s sub-surface extraction missile, which has helped rescue so many from the Titans.”

An editorial piece in the Old Worlds Gazette speculated:

“The strategic defence pact has led to some successes, such as the Operation Tyndareus taskforce that repulsed a Thargoid incursion in Allied territory. But that was over a year ago, and the vision of a Sirius-backed Alliance Navy to rival the Empire or Federation has not materialised.”

“As displeasure grows in the Assembly, the option to renegotiate the pact has been raised alongside Councillor Kaine’s proposal to terminate it entirely. Prime Minister Mahon faces political pressure to abandon his commitment to Sirius Corporation, especially now that a reformed Aegis is leading anti-xeno technology development.”

Hudson Lays Groundwork for Political Successors

President Zachary Hudson has announced a raft of legislation he intends to push during his last few months in office.

Political journalists have noted that many of the points would benefit the Republican Party while in opposition to the president-elect Felicia Winters administration. A press release from the Office of the Federal President listed the key initiatives currently underway:

“First: A new media standards agency will be established to regulate independently operated newsfeeds in Federal systems, to ensure local issues are presented in a format which adheres to Federal values.”

“Second: Corporations that have exclusive contracts with the Federal government will be granted significant tax rebates, on President Hudson’s executive authority.”

“Third: The Federal Navy Intelligence Office will establish a data-sharing strategy with the Proactive Detection Bureau. This will broaden the net to capture even more criminal activity.”

“Fourth: Funding will be granted for a political think tank. This will be a cross-party institute to gather ideas, strategies and research that benefits the entire Federation.”

An editorial in the Federal Free Press pointed out the potential downsides to each of these initiatives:

“First: Sol Today’s CEO Neive McFarlane is on the board of this ‘independent’ regulator, thereby ensuring local newsfeeds will have a pro-Republican voice at the highest level of oversight.”

“Second: Felicia Winters’s administration will be forced to reverse these rebates to cover the loss of tax-generated revenue, which is guaranteed to cause friction with those corporations.”

“Third: The Federal Navy could provide military-grade technology for public surveillance, to bypass legal encryption software used to protect private conversations. It is likely Winters will be furious about this proposal, given her election pledge to dismantle the PDB entirely.”

“Fourth: Outgoing Secretary of State Lana Berkovich has volunteered to act as this think tank’s congressional liaison – and assume the authority to decide which of its reports reach those in power.”

Thargoid Abductees Reconnect with Society

People who have been rescued from Thargoid Titans remain in quarantine, but can soon expect family visits and access to comms networks.

Aegis reported that bio-storage capsules are still being successfully extracted from the Thargoid motherships, albeit at high risk to pilots. Each revived individual has been placed in medical isolation, as per guidance from Aegis specialists.

Deputy Prime Minister Angela Corcoran, who coordinates the Alliance’s involvement with Aegis, discussed the situation in a session of the Assembly:

“All abductees are being monitored for signs of Thargoid physical or mental influence. So far, I’m pleased to say, these test results remain negative. Therefore, those from Allied systems are now permitted to receive visitors, while remaining under strict quarantine conditions. They are also being granted direct access to comms and public media. I understand that Federal, Imperial and most independent authorities will shortly follow suit with their own citizens.”

Director Nassim Qadir, head of medical research at Azimuth Biotech, was quoted in a formal statement from the corporation:

“Isolating all the returnees was prudent, but they should not be treated like normal people. The Thargoids went to great lengths to capture living humans, and we have not yet determined the reason. It’s possible they are acting as carriers of an alien pathogen, or affected in some other way that Aegis’s inferior procedures cannot detect.”

“We propose that Azimuth Biotech takes exclusive control of processing all those recovered from the Titans. We have the techniques, equipment and experience in researching human-xeno interactions. Only after being subjected to an intensive battery of examinations should these subjects have their civil rights and freedoms returned.”

Grey Swan Fleet Destroyed in Shamash

*Pilots’ Federation ALERT*

Crazed pilots that were killing civilians in the Shamash system have been eliminated.

The local security force vessels participating in Fleet Exercise Grey Swan were exposed to an anomalous signal, which then circulated through the fleet’s networked comms. This apparently triggered a violent mania that caused them to attack passing traffic.

Captain Ulrich Maurer of the megaship Khonsu Gleam announced that an operation to eliminate the threat had concluded:

“All Grey Swan ships have now been targeted and destroyed. Though tragic, this action undoubtedly saved many thousands of lives and has brought peace to the system once more. San Tu State Network, in agreement with Shamash Future, has agreed to reimburse all independent pilots who took part. Payments are available for collection at the Khonsu Gleam.”

Shamash Future confirmed that Garrett Orbital, which was locked down due to several of its crew becoming homicidal, is now functioning as normal. The scars of the survivors may take much longer to resolve, however.

Research has begun into the cause of this event, although few details of note has been identified. One possible explanation was floated by Jaya Chaudhary, host of historical ICE-cast Ghastly Pasts:

“The horror which unfolded in Shamash bears strong similarities to the fate of the generation ship Thetis. This vessel from the 22nd century was discovered in the Nefertem system in 3303. Logs describe how its entire population turned on each other in a murderous rage, after a signal was picked up while passing an unnamed planet. This ‘whispering’ sound compelled everyone who heard it to kill on sight.”

“The Thetis phenomenon had never been encountered before or since – until now. What was once a chilling tale from the pages of history has become a sickening reality. We do not know where the signal was transmitted, how it interacts with the human mind or whether we’ll encounter it again. These questions are attractive to researchers, but uncovering any answers may prove highly dangerous.”

Eliminate Threat of Grey Swan Fleet

*Pilots’ Federation ALERT*

Commanders have been asked to help destroy the rogue Grey Swan pilots killing civilians in the Shamash system.

Military squadrons taking part in Fleet Exercise Grey Swan became irrationally violent following an unexplained mass hysteria that swept through Garrett Orbital during a fleet training exercise. Captain Ulrich Maurer, commanding officer of the San Tu State Network megaship Khonsu Gleam, broadcast the following message:

“Shamash Future’s security forces have asked us to help stop the carnage taking place throughout this system. No medical or technological solution has been found for affected pilots, who seem reluctant to leave Shamash. Therefore, to prevent the loss of more innocent lives, there is regrettably no choice but to eliminate every ship in the Grey Swan fleet.”

“We are urgently seeking to recruit independent pilots with combat experience. Financial rewards and other incentives will be available at the Khonsu Gleam. Hopefully we can perform this unpleasant task as efficiently as possible.”

Wing Commander Mackenzie Coates was coordinating Fleet Exercise Grey Swan when a bizarre signal caused its crews to become homicidal. She told a local newsfeed:

“This is a nightmarish situation. I’m trained to deal with pirates, invaders and even Thargoids, not to hunt down my own friends and colleagues. The thought of them being turned into deranged savages… I know they wouldn’t want to live like that. But I can’t be the one to pull the trigger – there are survivors on Garrett Orbital who need my help.”

Participants are advised that the Khonsu Gleam aims to complete the combat operation by Wednesday 1st November.