Components trading

Dreeming Cat (Q3F-W2G) |
SellingChemical Weapon Data12340,000 Cr76 Ly5 hours ago
Siberiankitten [Lomac] (V7G-11Z) |
Col 285 Sector KM-V d2-106
SellingChemical Weapon Data2505,240 Cr180 Ly10 hours ago
Prometheus (TFX-98X) |
Arietis Sector DQ-Y c18
︎ [Unknown docking access]
SellingChemical Weapon Data140,460 Cr186 Ly5 days ago
Note: Due to the dynamic nature of the components trading, always check the last update time.

To update your trade orders, import your data via 'Import game data' feature on your CMDR profile page.