Logbook entry

Captain's Log - Galactic Dates 3308 to 4/27/3310; Back In the Chair, Finding a Cause

29 Apr 2024Kelli Anna
A year or so has gone by since I last flew. My last missions were done out of... honestly I don't even remember. I spent so much time spending the credits of a few months hard work. I'd become complacent, lazy, comfortable in my space station.

News of the Thargoid Invasion spread across the galnet. I would see it from time to time on the Holo, but would quiet it down in my head.

Until it got too loud. The snake's bite of flight got me. I wanted to get back out there. But not to fight Thargoids. That is much too treacherous for me.

I took my trusty Cobra Mark 3, the lovely Spring's Mourning, which had done me so well up to this point, and I left the comfy home I became complacent in.

As I sat in my chair, staring out into the vastness of space, I wondered. What I would do. I looked at my credits, paltry. I could start trading, going back to the first life I knew, looking to flesh out my accounts. Figures started running in my head, I would go to this system, hustle that, sell this, buy that, hustle somewhere I didn't want to be... then as I reached out for my frameshift toggle, I was reminded. Of the face of a little boy I once had ran as an imperial slave. Him, his whole family. He was the sweetest kid. I would try to let people out of cryo while I had them on my ship. Treat them as humans, cuz, you know that's what they were.

Anyways, This little boy, Carr, was his name, he'd come up and he'd run over all the controls. Asking me, no, quizzing me on what each thing of my ship did. He was quick. Smart. He was fluid too. I remember he hopped in the side seat and took over one of the gimbaled guns. That's when it hit me

A rush of usurping the institutions of slavery flooding my mind. It was upsetting, difficult, frustrating, harrowing.
I had turned a blind eye to it, even to the point of running imperial slaves. I'm not proud of my efforts, but they were done nonetheless. Now, I'm seeking to quiet my past, and brighten the galaxy's future.

How? How would I quell the institution of slavery? Sitting around in space gave me time to think. I fired up my jump drive and began the first of my long-jumps. A pilgrimage to Cemeiss, to see the homeworld of the wonderous Aisling Duval.
200 light years, 36 jumps.
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